Saturday, August 31, 2019
How will emiratization succeed? Essay
The UAE government is struggling to encourage more Emiratis to work in the private sector. But they will first have to change the educational and labor conditions in the country, say analysts. Shifa Salem, an Emirati pursuing her Masters in Educational Leadership at Zayed University, is extremely ambitious, has high aspirations, and wants to develop her professional career. But when asked if she would work in the public sector or the private sector, her response is immediate. â€Å"The public sector,†she says, arguing that working for the government offers better pay and job security. But what if a private sector role is more tailored to Salem’s qualifications, and will give her a chance to achieve her dreams better? â€Å" If I am stable in my financial status, and I find something that will really develop my career path in the private sector, then I might go for it,†she says. Salem’s opinion, mirrored by many other young Emiratis like her, is one of the reasons that the government’s emiratization program has still not significantly boosted the number of UAE nationals entering the private sector. According to recent figures, 80 percent of the UAE nationals work in public sector. The reasons for this are obvious: the salaries are better (the UAE cabinet recently granted a 70 percent pay rise for nationals working in the federal government), the hours are usually shorter, and the jobs are secure. An estimated 12 percent of the Emiratis are unemployed, according to the International Council on Security and Development. A primary reason for this is that UAE nationals tend to pursue employment in the public sector, rather than the more diverse private sector. â€Å"They know that they will have a chance in the public sector,†says Salem. â€Å"I think they have hope, and they are given hope. I think that as an Emirati, the message that I get is that there is a space for me in the governmental sector.†Salem points out that Emiratis who are choosy about finding a particular kind of job could face a long search – but those who broaden their criteria have many jobs to choose from.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Is there a pay differential between whites and blacks? Essay
Forty-five years ago, President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law, by pronouncing it unauthorized and illegal to pay African Americans and whites employed in the same work place different wages for the same exact equal work. The ratio of whites to African Americans average pay was 58 percent on an annually income. According to the Lexicon Universal Encyclopedia, wage differential is the difference in wage rates between two types of workers. Wage differential is very common in our society today. Researchers have concluded that wage differential only exists in certain demographic areas, based on race and gender. There is a common prophecy that men earn more earnings than women, and whites earn more earnings than African Americans. According to MSN. com, discrimination is different treatments of others based solely on their membership in a socially distinct group or category, such as race, ethnicity, religion, age or disability. Also, discrimination is an unfair act with compelling force, which is commonly known throughout society. Unlawful discrimination is related to the mistreatment of others. Due to discrimination occurring in the work place, African American employees are being shortchanged on their wages for doing the same job that whites are doing and are earning more earnings than African Americans. Researchers have found out that this has happened and is still occurring in jobs today, and therefore the government will have to make an intervention to displace discriminatory acts in businesses. Using data from a 2006 Survey of Income and Discrimination Participation, researchers were able to come up with the fact that there is a 62 percent difference in the wages that are offered to African Americans. Labor curves are sloping upwards and this means that wage discrimination against African Americans sometimes reduce not just their percentage wage but also their percentage of employment rates. The difference in average pay between African Americans and whites are a result of the labor market. The characteristics that African Americans and whites bring are totally different resulting in different wages. Some jobs discriminate against African Americans by employers and co-workers who would rather prefer whites. There are jobs that prefer white males only to do manual and physical labor, but you have African Americans in a white male only field ready to take on the work and try and do a better job at it. II. IDENTIFYING THE ISSUES According to the BlackCommentator Magazine, it says that there are two common excuses for wage racial inequality and that is age and geographic location. Racial wage plays a part in inequality due to the fact that African Americans are younger than whites. So therefore younger African American will take a lower pay than older whites. Dealing with the geographic area of African Americans; African Americans mostly reside in the South. The South is known for its low paying jobs and whites have acquired this knowledge and decided to move North in an effort to find better jobs and better knowledge. African Americans are obtaining the skills that whites have acquired and are really becoming similar, the only problem is that whites are getting paid more and this is a result of a significant gender wage gap. Public policy in the United States has aimed at improving and equalizing opportunities for African Americans. According to â€Å"Explaining Trends in the Gender Wage Gap†a report by The Council of Economic Advisors, it estimates that whites were over paid and that African Americans were under paid by at least 60 percent in the mid 1950s. In the 1970s, the ratio began to rise, and in the mid 1990s, the gender wage pay began to rise even more again reaching more than 75 percent. The gender wage gap can be revisited to an unexplained part in society that may be due to African Americans low labor market skills. Reduced gender wage gap for African Americans has contaminated our society today. If African Americans would invest in more labor skills and education, then the gender wage gap will make an increasing hike. Researchers have attempted to retrieve evidence on the gender wage gap. Economists have known that African Americans and whites wages are determined on the combining of the employer and employee status. Needless to mention on the two interact with one another. Understanding the establishment of wage differentials is determined by how important the labor market theories are of the environment. The magnitude of how this affects the labor market is tremendously understated. According to www. clinton4. nara. gov, the U. S. Census Bureau Standard Statistical Establishments lists that the gender wage gap must decompose as a result of African Americans in a substantially proportioned rate of pay wage gap. There still remains a wage differential in the gender wage gap of about 75 percent of what whites earns. There has been a decline in the gender wage gap in recent decades about 25 percent over the last 20 years. The Occupational Employment Statistics program for the Bureau of Labor Statistics is allowed to calculate occupational wage differentials to the highest degree of occupational setting across sectors of the economy. The empirical difference of wage differential among African Americans and whites estimates how wages are influenced by individual works. The decomposition of wages between a worker and their job is the regulation that the workforce supposedly provides stable establishments in the economy. The Gender Wage Gap (Median annual earnings of African Americans and Whites). YearWhite menBlack menWhite womenBlack women 1970100%69. 0%58. 7%48. 2% 197510074. 357. 555. 4 198010070. 758. 955. 7 198510069. 763. 057. 1 199010073. 169. 462. 5 199210072. 670. 064. 0 199410075. 171. 663. 0 199510075. 971. 264. 2 199610080. 073. 365. 1 199710075. 171. 962. 6 199810074. 972. 662. 6 199910080. 671. 665. 0 200010078. 272. 264. 6 200310078. 275. 665. 4 200410074. 576. 768. 4 The average African American has only one-ninth of net worth or asset of the average white person. The wealth gap among African Americans and whites is just not based on income. Wealth gaps came about in the 1960s and hit the African American society really hard. Earning gaps respond at all levels of education; even when the levels of education and work experience are the same between African Americans and whites. The racial gap consistently remains between 10 to 20 percent, and the racial gap does not necessarily reflect discrimination, but mostly it observes the labor market that has segmented into two races. The whites are continuing to receive an advantage in the segmented markets over equally qualified blacks. The wealth gap is at the core of many socioeconomic differences that have persisted during the post dramatic era. Closing the racial wealth gap will be an extreme challenge to face in the years to come. According to Kenneth Crouch, an Associate Professor of Economics says that the distribution of African Americans wages have become more like that of white, yet the considerable process has yet to be made before there can be such a word called equal among African Americans and whites. There is a visibility between African Americans and whites in fringe benefits due to the total compensation with a percentage of nearly 40 percent. The benefit level depends on the income of African Americans and whites for adequate health pensions and a successful retirement. Fringe benefits are a big part of life and will come in handy when needed most. During the recent years, African Americans and whites non-wage compensation had increased more than wages and salaries. It was also contemplated that fringe benefits had no serious biases which resulted from the neglect of salaries and wages. Human capital is the attributes of a person that is productive in some economic context such as a stock of productive skills and or technical knowledge embodied in labor. Many early economic theories refer to it simply as labor, one of three factors of production, and consider it to be a tangible resource  homogeneous and easily interchangeable. It often refers to formal educational attainment, with the implication that education is investment whose returns are in the form of wage, salary, or other compensation. These are normally measured and conceived of, as private returns to the individual but can also be social returns. Human capital is often viewed as the most important determinant of wages. Human capital may come in different forms such as, schooling, training courses, honesty, and lectures therefore human capital like this will most likely raise earnings in today’ society. People cannot be separated from knowledge, health, or values that they may have acquired through human capital. According to Harvard economists, Richard Freeman, he wrote The Overeducated American, and this caused a huge downfall to investments in human capital. This made people come to a realization that maybe education, training, and investments really did not raise productivity or raise earnings. The economy of human capital has brought about a dramatic change in the lives of African Americans. III. DATA (TRENDS IN THE BLACK-WHITE WAGE GAP) The wage gaps between African Americans and whites are largely determined by educational disparities and occupational differences. There is evidence that African Americans fall short on wages due to the relative wage median. A government study finds that the African American wage gap in employment and earnings reduces when educational achievement levels are advanced. There are some mere facts that go along with the wage differential of African Americans and whites: †¢Whites continue to receive substantial privileges and preferences than African Americans †¢The argument that racial wage gap merely reflects different levels of qualifications and experience between African Americans and whites is simply unattainable. †¢African Americans test scores and other academic achievements is different and the whites test scores account for at least 17 percent of the wage gaps †¢African Americans median incomes are presented in every region and are lower than median incomes for whites †¢African Americans lack the natural resources that are need in order to better themselves and receive an attainable education. On average African American workers also have less education than white workers and are more likely to work in lower paying occupations. Depending if African American employees have the same education as white workers, African Americans relative wages would only improve by only a few cents on every dollar. The growing disparities of wage gaps are likely to be persistent, educated, and well skilled workers. Education and training are the most important investments in human capital. Education and work experience play a major part in expanding the career percentage. Education and work experience can account for about one half of the racial wage gap. Education is a very distinctive part of what your income is based on. It depends on your educational level and how far you chose to go in your education process. It is highly important to grace your presence with some kind of college degree, so that you will have something to fall back on. A higher education is a positive for human capital. Opening up access to education and reducing the barriers to therefore formalize reconstruction among the most liberal policy-problem solvers are becoming available to improve wages for African Americans across the country. According to â€Å"The Effect of a College Degree on Wages: The Different Experiences of African Americans and Whites by Sylvia Jones, the labor market experiences after graduation is useful to a variety of entities. It includes observing the effects of education of an individual earning a high-indulged wage figure, in addition to other factors such as age, gender, and experience. There is a major difference in the earnings between college graduates and high school graduates. There is about a 65 percent difference in this correlation. There are so many African American men and women with high school diplomas who are displaced in the same jobs that have work experience but lack a college degree. Do African American men and women that acquire a college degree make more money than those with work experience? Studies have revealed that other aspects of discrimination in the labor market are due to the enormous jump in the number of African Americans and white workers who finish high school. The trend in African Americans is a remarkable downgrade because the relatively larger share does not have a high school diploma. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicated that white men and women with a higher education have higher earnings and are less likely to be unemployed. Jobs that require a higher education account for about 71 percent of all jobs and it is rapidly growing to increase the economy. The United States still has that thrive to produce high paying jobs that are requiring advanced education. IV. WAGES AND OBSERVABLE CHARACTERISTICS The wages for African Americans and whites are substantially different because of the educational process, which we all fail to realize that we need. African Americans as people need to realize that the world is changing and that technology is also changing. Some African American men and women lack the knowledge to know when it’s okay to come up and outshine others because you want more in life than the next person. There has been a vast improvement since the 1980s in African Americans attending college to advance their career to get the same career wage percentage as whites. African Americans tend to sideline to other occupations that may fit into their perspective and that lets others realize, who may be afraid to come up and that’s basically called occupational segregation. Occupational segregation is the concentration of men and women in different kinds of job, as where the workforce of a particular industry or sector is mostly made up of one particular gender. Occupational segregation is one of the main reasons for the gender gap wage gap between men and women. For African American men and women working full-time it is currently 45% of that group receiving unfair wages compared to whites. According to â€Å"Gender Inequality and Difference,†occupational segregation has been concluded into many debates about gender. The causes of occupational segregation are gender bias based on stereotypical, biological and social differences between men and women. Occupational segregation problems arise when these stereotypes are used subconsciously to prejudge a person’s ability and competence such as a woman is emotional and caring, and a man is aggressive and competitive. Levels of occupational segregation are held responsible for the discrepancy between African Americans and whites among wage differential. Occupational segregation is basically another form of discrimination. The analysis of the changes that has influenced the occupational segregation on African Americans earning’s should clarify the mechanisms that maintain the gender inequality in the labor market. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the relationship between African Americans and whites in the educational progression varies in different economic outcomes. The black-white educational gap differed in size dependent on the consistency of demonstrating necessarily the widening of the gap or the narrowing of the gap in African American cases. The occupational segregation is due to the empirical approach estimating the function of the earnings for African American to combine demographic and socioeconomic characteristics to accumulate wage determination. African Americans historically worked disproportionately some of the lowest paying occupations known to man. The most important factor in explaining this continuous trend is a reduction in the concentration of lower pay in industries for African Americans. Studies have also shown that in the 1960s, wage inequality in the United States has sharply declined following the passage of the Civil Rights Act and other anti-discriminatory measures that happened historically to try and help African Americans receive the equality of what is right. Wage contingency in the 1960s may have been some sort of aide by a set of unique forces. Post 1968 wage convergence has been imputed into racial growth in the quantity and quality of schooling, and the immense impact of anti-discrimination enacted, resulting to the Great Compression. This may have produced some un-marked erosion of wage differentials between skilled and unskilled in order to form the labor of the Great Compression. The Great Compression followed the Great Depression and produced a wage differential that structured more than that ever has been experience. Wage compression’s contribution to racial discrimination throughout the wage factor has a greater impact on whites than African Americans. Between half and one-thirds of whites and African Americans wage discriminations can be attributed to the utmost changes in wage structures induced by the Great Compression. Wage structure changes are similar through wage distribution, differences in wage convergence due to movements of African Americans is primarily due to observable quantities (X’s) and the amount of wage distribution. The Great Compression only increased the relative wages of African Americans in the short term, but may have also helped in the long run. The Great Compression led to a greater racial wage convergence in the 1960s among African Americans by the narrowing differences between skilled workers and unskilled workers, and by the divulgence of wages within occupational orientation and other labor market groups. The Great Compression produced a substantial narrow amount of wage differentials in the United States. The Great Compression was solely a narrowing of mean wage discrimination between occupational grouping, education, and the color of ones skin. The effect of change in wage differential – the prices and residual terms are evidence that throughout wage distribution only occurs in African Americans. Compression is considered observation in prices was about thirty to fifty percent times the residual rate. This is a fairly high rate in dealing with compression of African Americans. Groshen’s methodology and basic finding has been replicated according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics acknowledging that 40-45 percent of individual wage varies in the establishment of wage differentials. Groshen offers three main reasons in explanation for why there is no sole source in the establishment of wage differentials. The first explanation talks about labor quality and how employers sort workers by the ability of prediction that systematically produce team models. Industry wage differentials are estimated longitudinal which proxies’ information for the standard human capital variables. The second explanation is the existence of wage differentials for that of differentials with are compensated. Compensating differentials is defined as wage premiums paid to workers to compensate them for undesirable working conditions. The relationship between the wage rate and compensating differentials is used to analyze relations of risk and undesirable attributes. Therefore this puts salaries and wage on the back burner because some of the employees know that they are not being treated equal but never say a word because they are compensated. The idea of compensating differentials has been used to annihilate issues such as the loss of income and the risk of future unemployment. The third and final explanation results in negotiating and bargaining. Employers offer to share profits of the company as an act of bargaining. Some show a positive relationship between the individual’s wage and the industry’s profit, resulting in the employee to have taken a loss. V. CONCLUSION Using the wage decomposition by Groshen, it has been documented that the wage structural program paid to certain occupational standards such as African Americans being paid less and not being treated as equals compared to whites is becoming above the wage premium predicted. Forty-five percent of wage variation is explained by merely knowing the individuals standards that he or she has established. Today’s characteristics are being observed for their accountability is being reduced by more than half which was less than a century ago. There is the written authorization to act in the place of another known as proxy to determine the unobserved characteristics of the establishment that are correlated with today’s wages. This is because our method controls observed and unobserved characteristics in the workforce therefore restricting an extension on the possibility of further investigations. This paper examines that there was the existence of wage differentials back in the 1940s through to the 1980s. There is also a recent analysis that shows that matched employer-employee workers are breaking the barriers of treating one person of different ethnicity with the same amount work experience and the same amount of education that another person of a different ethnicity has. There has been a significant change in wage differential since the resources are available to African Americans as well as other ethnic groups. The paper follows the wage gap and its factors throughout using cross-sectional data. There is bias information being imputed from earnings in the section of the wage differentials which characterizes the classification exhaustive. An ignored implication concludes that researchers in the future need to pay closer attention on how wage differentials are estimated differently according to the presence of imputed earnings. 1. James P. Smith and Michael P. Ward, â€Å"Women’s Wages and Work in the Twentieth Century,†RAND Corporation, October 1984. 2. Frank Levi and Richard J. Murnane, â€Å"U. S. Earnings Levels and Earnings Inequality: A Review of Recent Trends and Proposed Explanations,†Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXX (September 1992), pp. 1333-1381. 3. Elaine Sorensen, â€Å"Gender and Racial Pay Gaps in the 1980’s: Accounting for Different Trends,†Urban Institute, Washington, D. C. , 1991. 4. Anil Bamezai, â€Å"Rising Earnings Disparity and Technological Change,†RAND Corporation, 1989 dissertation. 5. Joseph R. Meisenheimer II, â€Å"How do immigrants fare in the U. S. labor market? ,†Monthly Labor Review, December 1992. 6. U. S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census, â€Å"Monthly News from the U. S. Bureau of the Census, Census and You,†Vol. 28, No. 2. , February 1993. 7. Nabanita Datta Gupta, â€Å"Probabilities of Job Choice and Employer Selection and Male-Female Occupational Differences,†American Economic Review, Vol. 83, No. 2, May 1993. 8. Robert Topel, â€Å"Specific Capital, Mobility and Wages: Wages Rise with Job Seniority,†National bureau of Economic Research, Inc. , 1990. U. S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-70, No. 10, Male-Female Differences in Work Experience, Occupation, and Earnings: 1984, U. S. 9. The Council of Economic Advisers, â€Å"Explaining Trends In the Gender Wage Gap,†June1998 10. http://maloney. house. gov/documents/olddocs/womenscaucus/2003EarningsReport. pdf 11. http://clinton4. nara. gov/WH/EOP/CEA/html/gendergap. html 12. http://permanent. access. gpo. gov/lps49666/wagegap2. htm 13. http://www. umbc. edu/economics/grad_699_abstracts/y_guo_proposal. pdf 14. http://www. highbeam. com/doc/1P2-733774. html 15. http://www. ilo. org/public/english/employment/strat/download/getw07. pdf 16. http://wydoe. state. wy. us/lmi/1001/a1. htm.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Learning Essay
Learning is a complex process that involves the acquisition of knowledge and skills through instruction, which modifies the behavior of man. (Merriam-Webster, 2008) Moreover, learning is the act of obtaining new information by undergoing educational instruction, reading, and other ways of gaining facts and information. Two types of learning characterize the process of acquiring information for learners. These two types of learning include cognitive or perceptual learning and behavioral or stimulus-response learning. These two shall be discussed in the following paragraphs in order to explicate the concept of learning and the role that cognition and behavior play in the process. Behavior plays a significant role in learning. Interest in learning, for instance, given that interest is a behavior, increases potential to accomplish academic success. Primarily, interest in learning as a behavior motivates people to attend programs in educational institutions, which lead to classroom instruction and learning. Interest is one efficient predictor of success in students. (Renningner, et. al. , 1992) There are established theories of learning which support the significant role of behavior in learning. Classical conditioning, authored by Ivan Pavlov, follows the theory of stimulus-response behavior. When applied to learning, the theory suggests that a particular stimulus influences response. Moreover, the theory explicates how behavior is developed, and in turn how certain behaviors influence learning. Basically, if a person is motivated to learn within the classroom environment, his behavior leans toward learning. This behavior produces desirable learning outcomes from the individual. (Staats, et. al. , 1963) The theory of classical conditioning has evolved throughout the years, and B. F. Skinner developed the concept of operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is similar to Pavlov’s theory of classical conditioning, such that both theories suggest behavior as an integral part of learning. However, operant conditioning relies on the manipulation of stimulus or external factors in order to influence the behavior of learners. Positive reinforcements for desirable learning behavior motivates individuals to learn, while negative reinforcements that are administered for negative learning behavior reduces its occurrence. Reinforcements act as consequences to actions, whether positive or negative, which influences how individuals behave. (Huitt & Hummel, 1997) Behavioral learning may be applied in the classroom through motivation in the form of praises and rewards, and punishment. For instance, in order to arouse the interest of learners to attend school everyday, teachers should give incentives and punishments such as checking the attendance every day and giving rewards for learners who have complete attendance. On the other hand, learners who are always absent or late, are given rewards such as putting them in detention, extra work in the form of quizzes, assignments, etc. As students learn the value of being present every day because of the rewards, merits, and acknowledgements that they receive every day, they are able to understand why there is a need to attend classes and are able to adapt the behavior of coming to class regularly. For those who are always absent, thus, receiving demerits and punishments, they learn that in order to avoid being punished and receive rewards instead, they should go to class on time each day. This idea changes the behavior of students who are always absent. The basics of behavioral learning delve into the complex personality of learners and seek to understand the motivational techniques and strategies that incite the desire to learn from individuals. Determining these motivational techniques and strategies allows teachers to adjust their instructional techniques within the learning environment in order to adapt to the desires of learners and manipulate these desires to incite desirable learning outcomes. The secondary objective of behavioral learning is to lessen undesirable learning behaviors. Cognitive learning does not simply rely on stimulus and the response of learning in order to acquire necessary information for the learners. The mechanisms inside an individual’s brain form the basic concepts underlying cognitive learning. These mechanisms are called cognitive processes. Cognitive processes include the acquisition of knowledge and new information and manipulating these acquired knowledge and information to form concepts and ideas that are meaningful. (Think Quest) For instance, the concept of the color wheel is learned by determining all the different colors that make up the wheel, such as red, blue, green, orange, violet, etc. If colors are identified by their names and their appearance, the individual also learns to categorize primary colors from secondary colors, and secondary colors from tertiary colors, or tertiary colors from neutral, etc. Through this information, the concept of mixing primary colors to form secondary colors, etc. is learned. Cognitive processes that are involved in learning the concept of colors in the color wheel include observation, analysis and interpretation. Moreover, cognitive learning relies on the senses, such as hearing, sight, feeling, etc. , reading and comprehension, experience, analysis, observation, among others, in order for individuals to learn. (Think Quest) This is supported by theories authored by Piaget and Vygotsky. The socio-constructivist and socio-cultural theories relate cognition to learning, such that learning takes place through social interaction. Funderstanding, 2001) For instance, problem solving which entails knowledge and experience is influenced by social interaction with other people. A learner’s problem solving skills is derived from interpretation of his cultural background, how he sees other people and the world that he lives in. Basically, an individual’s schema, which is used to solve his problems, depends solely on social interaction, his experiences , and how he interprets these experiences.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Home Birth (personal writing) Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Home Birth (personal writing) - Coursework Example While on the other hand many argue that home births are dangerous for both women and the child and they should be avoided. It is seen that the rate of home births is quite less in comparison to the hospital births but this can only be associated with the recommendations of the health professionals regarding the homebirths. I have chosen this topic as I have witnessed this situation in the case of my own mother. My mother wanted to have a home birth with all six of her pregnancies but due to varying circumstances she was unable to do so. My mother had to undergo her delivery in UK for her third baby and she wanted to have a home birth but she could not go ahead with it because of certain problems. My mother knew so much about birth at home as she previously had undergone homebirth in our native city which is because she developed a fear for the hospitals. When I went with my mother for the first anti-natal check up at my local hospital I told the doctor that my mother would prefer to have birth at home but was told that it is my mother’s first pregnancy in UK so it would not be possible. I asked why not? I was told that because it was my mother’s first pregnancy in UK and they have no idea how would she be able to cope with this pregnancy at home so they recommended a hospital birth to my mother. I realised for the first time that home births were not recommended in the UK. My mother had no choice but to go along with the decision because of which she was very disappointed. The choice of homebirth for my mother was best suited because she had a normal pre natal examination. The proponents of home birth put forward that the women who do not have complications in their natal examination should not be recommended a hospital birth but should rather be recommended a home birth. They put forward evidence which clearly shows that home birth is a satisfying and safe practice for the women who experience uncomplicated births (Wiegers et al 1996; Ogden et al 1997). It is still seen that the home births in UK are only about 2% whereas if women were allowed to opt for a choice the rate would be much higher. Homebirths are a safer practice for women who do not have complicated births and these can prove to have a strong psychological effect on the women. Research has also shown that women who undergo home births undergo less stress than the ones who undergo hospital births. This stress may also be one of the causative factors because of which the women undergoing hospital births feel more pain while the delivery. Research shows that women undergoing home births have less pain and receive a lower number of pharmacologic interventions. These women also feel greater satisfaction while giving birth at home because they don’t undergo much stress (Davies 1997). These women are also free to do things when they undergo home birth where as in a hospital they are not allowed to do certain things after their delivery. Moreover studies have al so shown that women prefer home births rather than hospital births because of the control and autonomy that they have at their home rather than the influence of the physicians in the hospitals (Viisainen 2002; Andrews 2004). Home birth gives women a psychological advantage that their child would be normal. Many women believe that hospitals are associated with a disease while pregnancy is
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Situation analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Situation analysis - Essay Example Direct competitors include Seattle’s Best, Figaro and others while other fast food chains also poses as indirect competitors such as Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds and other fast food chains offering coffee as part of their menu. Competitors can either be direct or indirect competitors. Direct competitors are those companies who could offer the same product and services while indirect competitors are companies who could offer an alternative product or services (Mà ¶ller, 2006). Needless to say, Starbucks operate in a very highly competitive environment. Competition in the industry was aggravated by the recent financial crisis which changed the buying behaviour of Starbucks customers whose purchasing habits changed dramatically along with their choices of coffee products. Starbucks used to market its product as premium coffee commanding premium prices in the market. This strategy however changed with the changing behaviour of consumers in the aftermath of recent financial crisis. The â€Å"premium coffee†preference suddenly became less a priority and convenience and affordability moved to the forefront. The â€Å"prestige orientation†of Starbucks is no longer applicable in the changing behaviour of its customers. This trend continues and is now the reality of the market. Demand however is not seen to diminish. Customers however are now price sensitive to the coffees they purchase. Economic environment determines the financial capacity of its market and business has to adjust correspondingly for it to survive. In the case of Starbucks, economic environment made Starbucks reconsider its position in the market when the financial crisis hit in 2008-2010 that companies were compelled to adapt to the new market realities to stay afloat as a business (Miron, 2013). The main strength of Starbucks is its brand that commands confidence in
Strategic Hotel Management Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Strategic Hotel Management Issues - Essay Example . Also, management must decide whether it wishes to skim the market or penetrate it deeply. In such cases, the major challenge is to ensure that each of the channels makes sense on economic grounds. Flexibility and risk mitigation techniques will help a hotel operator to obtain a stable market position in Vietnam. Following Rutherford, a tourism industry is influenced by political, social and economic factors of a particular country. Using the case of the USA, it is possible to say that "among the country's living patterns. People and industry have moved from the so-called rust belt to the sun belt. The explosion of technology and information-based companies has concentrated human endeavor in technological corridor" (Rutherford 2006, p. 1). The country selected for analysis is Vietnam. In today's transformation from the industrial to the postindustrial era, managers devote much energy and time on each firm's strategic posture. Taking advantage of new opportunities and deflating threats may be the essence of strategy, but changes in strategy do not just happen automatically. Strategy depends on a firm's ability to identify emerging patterns in the business environmentand to act accordingly on time. Strategy design depends on learning or, more precisely, on institutional learning. Opportunities and threats will be anal... Opportunities and Threats for the Hotel Industry In Vietnam Opportunities and threats will be analyzed in terms of demographic characteristics, technology, market segmentation, vocation resorts, national economy, travel patterns and types of investments. Modern Vietnam (south and North), can be characterized by productivity, unemployment, and corporate restructuring preoccupying industrialized society, causing anxiety to firms unprepared to deal with these problems. Thus, as a developing country, Vietnam proposes opportunities for a hotel business (DeFranco and Noriega 1999). Opportunities Opportunities in Vietnam are connected with young population and huge investments in business, technological developments and modernization processes. Since 60 percent of Vietnam's population is under the age of 25, it is no surprise that hotel chains are also quick to make moves in Vietnam. Experts agree that the Vietnamese market holds tremendous potential over the long term. It may be two decades before Vietnam reaches the level of economic development found in Thailand today. Meanwhile, the country's location in the heart of Asia and the presence of an ample, low-wage workforce are powerful magnets for foreign companies. Overall FDI peaked at about $3.1 billion in 1997 after rising steadily since the early 1990s. Investment pledges totaled $1.48 billion in 1999, down dramatically from $4 billion in 2004. U.S. investment in Vietnam has lagged well behind that of other countries (VIETNAM: Economic Policy Analysis, 2006). Technology is still underdeveloped by local companies and in ternational corporation invest heavily in this sphere of business (Dittmer 2001; see appendix 1,2). Threats The population is very poor, with 2005 annual per
Monday, August 26, 2019
Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 177
Essay Example This paper will discuss how the perception of the media has changed about the article â€Å"Secret talks on radio†by Dan Shelley. Many have been under the impression that the media is always transparent no wonder media enjoy much freedom in the United States of America. Little could one know that most of the time they wag the dog, shifting focus from the real issue to the less significant- until one reads Dan Shelley’s article. Nevertheless, talk show hosts, for example, Charlie Sykes - one of the best in the business - are famous and capable because they speak to a section of the populace that feel disappointed and even misled by the media. These individuals accept the media are prevalently staffed by and reliably reflect the perspectives of social liberals. This perspective is at this point so deep-rooted and long-held; it has developed into some part of each preservationists DNA (Shelley, 1). An anchorperson must sustain the thought that ones audience members are exploited people, and the host is the vehicle by which one could be engaged. The host outlines for all intents and purpose each issue in us-versus-them terms. There must be an awful man against whom the host will insistently safeguard those devoted audience members. He further argues that, this adversary might be a lawmaker - either a Democratic officeholder or, in uncommon situations where no Democrat is advantageous at fault, it could be a "RINO" (a "Republican In Name Only," who is considered not traditionalist enough). It might be the chilly, remorseless government administration. As a rule, in any case, the foe is the "standard media" - neighborhood or national, print or telecast. Moreover, In Shelley’s article one finds this very striking: Here and there, it can even be their stations news chief. One year, Charlie focused on Shelley’s because he had trained his midday newscaster report the Wimbledon tennis results, despite the fact that the matches
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Ivan Illyich's Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ivan Illyich's - Assignment Example Ivan’s unexpected death was certainly a terrible shock for Peter at the moment he first learnt about the same; as the painful moments his childhood friend spent at the verge of death portrayed a dark, drab and dismal picture of the ultimate ceasing of mortal life. Although he was well aware of the bitter reality that everyone had to give up the ghost sooner or later, yet no one actually appears to be ready to submit to the fact that his name is also included in the list of those leaving the world. An intense sway of unpleasant idea looked piercing into his mind, leaving him at the state of horror and anxiety. However, soon he realized that it was actually Ivan, and not he himself to become the prey of death. Consequently, man’s urge to live a long and an immortal life for the future decades to come could be explored in his sub-conscious that forbids him to admit the certainty about the end of life. It is therefore, Peter pretended to ignore the entire sourness of the me mories related to Ivan’s immediate demise within days (Tolstoy, 101-102). The author rightly elucidates an imperative divergence between â€Å"intellectual knowledge and emotional realization†of any social or natural phenomenon, which keeps humans at a safe distance from realizing the bitter facts courageously at heart. Consequently, man does not surrender before the powers that could turn all his strength and abilities into weaknesses and disabilities respectively. Although Peter scared death, and felt unpleasant exit of his friend from the world, yet he mistakenly viewed that death had also departed from there along with Ivan far away to some yonder lands. The contemporary era psychologist R. Kastenbaum has elaborated the facts behind anxiety, denial and acceptance of the death phenomenon in various volumes on human perils and fears about death. While explaining the reasons behind one’s anxieties about the inevitability of the end of life, Kastenbaum is of th e opinion that age, gender and life experiences certainly play dynamic role in respect of the intensity of the anxiety people maintain regarding death. The psychologist, based on his study on the same topic, refutes the false notion that the elderly fear death more than the young and middle aged individuals. On the contrary, the elderly start accepting the bitter reality that they are entering the period of life when death is at hand, and they could become prey to it at any moment. Since they already have consumed the most productive years of their life, and have made accomplishments in accordance with the education, skill, experience and proficiency etc they had obtained in their active years. Thus, they happily accept the death phenomenon as an inevitable part of life, and do not try to deny the same. On the other hand, since the young individuals have developed many dreams in life, they have serious reservations about the end of life without meeting the goals and hitting their ta rgets in an apposite manner. It is therefore, Kastenbaum (2010) regards early 20s as the period of lif
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Critique and Development of Research Questions Essay
Critique and Development of Research Questions - Essay Example onsidered as a chief method of ensuring national security and the employment of Polygraph interviews as part of security clearance procedures in different branches of the American government has been widely criticized. Thus, in the background of ongoing debates on the utility of polygraph in national security, the scope and relevance of a profound research on the topic is categorical. In this research paper, the focal attempt has been to make a scrupulous investigation on ‘the utility of polygraph in national security’. The psycho-physiological detection of deception (PDD) including polygraph testing should be given more crucial attention in current researches. â€Å"In stark contrast to the scientific literature on forensic use of PDD, the use of FDD in employment and for screening, including screening for national security, is the subject of relatively little published research. Initial commentary on the use of polygraphs for national security screening focused on pro blems that all diagnostic tests experience when attempting to diagnose a rare condition.†(Granhag and Strà ¶mwall, 2004, p 118). In the background of serious debates on the question, it is of central implication to have a precise analysis of the matters and to come up with the most sagacious findings on the question. Therefore, the importance of this research paper is greater and the potential findings of this investigation on ‘the utility of polygraph in national security’ also justify the scope of the study. The utility of polygraph in national security has been a critical topic which has attained enormous focus and invited national interest in the modern American context. The paper attempts to undertake a profound investigation into the topic ‘The Utility of Polygraph in National Security’ and come up with the most sagacious findings on the questions which attract the current debates. Polygraph testing has been a serious technique of security assurance for a long time, in spite of the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Marketing debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marketing debate - Essay Example (Child, 1995) Product marketing is indeed of paramount importance when the comparison is drawn between the two but it is service marketing which takes the lead over its product counterpart due to a host of reasons, all of which are mentioned below. Marketing is selling a product before it has actually entered the market. By market we mean those sets of people or target audiences who will be catered this product so that they could satisfy one or more of their respective needs. With these we fathom that marketing aims not only to sell the product before it is even produced at the manufacturer’s end but also make sure that there are repeated purchases on the part of the customer who is a part of the target audience so to speak. Marketing in essence is a game plan for the strategic and tactical basis of the products that are sold through the help and facilitation of distribution channels, word of mouth approaches and formation of brand personalities and so on and so forth. People factor in the service encounter gains an even more significant position. Marketing a service is different from marketing a product because the role of employees has played an important role within an organization that is focused mainly on the delivery of state of the art service towards its customers on a day to day basis. Service marketing has remained the key for a long time, especially within the contexts where the same offers a creative edge over other service organizations – the competitors in essence. (Beckman, 1967) Service marketing is indeed different than product marketing as it pinpoints the absence of a tangible product in the first place and relies on providing the service in an impeccable way. What this does is to inculcate the same feelings of trust and belongingness with the customers which they receive when they purchase a product. However this sense of attachment with the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Veneration Without Understanding Essay Example for Free
Veneration Without Understanding Essay Siargao Island About 800 kilometers southeast of Manila is a surfing haven called Siargao Island, a 400-square kilometer island with white-sand beaches, reefs, and rough winds from the Pacific Ocean that whips up waves ideal for international surfing competitions. Siargao Island is where local and foreign surfers meet, daring each other to take on the next huge wave. It, however, has more to offer beyond surfing. Siargao Island has large mangrove forests and stretches of wetlands. The place also has well-preserved coral reefs. Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park Palawan with its capital Puerto Prinsesa City is the largest province in the country in terms of total area of jurisdiction. You’ll find the Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park which is recently recognized as one of the â€Å"New 7 Wonders of Nature†. This park features a large limestone karst landscape with an underground river. The sire contains a full mountain-to-sea ecosystem and has some of the most important forests in Asia. Banawe Rice Terraces The Banawe Rice Terracesrecognized as one of the â€Å"Eight Wonders of the World†can be found in mountains of Ifugao Province in Luzon. These farmlands created in the mountains are fed by an ancient irrigation system from the rain-forest above the terraces. The Tourism industry has developed a number of activities for visitors which may include a sightseeing of the terraces and visits at the foot of the terraces. Manila Cathedral, Intramuros Manila Philippines Historical Manila! Manila is the capital of the Philippines, and is a beloved Philippine tourist spot due to its rich history. Some of the must see places in Manila include Rizal Park, where the Philippine national hero, Jose Rizal was martyred. Rizal Park includes the Manila Planetarium, part of Manila Bay, Quirino Grandstand, and Ocean Adventure. Fort Santiago is also a historical place to visit, featuring dungeons and cells and a museum dedicated for Rizal. Intramuros, also known as the Walled City, is sometimes called as the Philippines’ little Spain. The Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards for 300 years, and Intramuros still retains this part of history, showcasing beautiful Spanish houses, streets, and churches, minimally touched by modernization. Enjoy a calesa (horse driven carriage) ride, and transport yourself back in time. Cebu City Sinulog Festival Cebu City Philippines Cebu City, also known as the Queen City of the South is growing to be a popular destination for Philippines travel. This is because Cebu is a mixture of technology and natural resources. Cebu is beginning to follow the footsteps of Makati, with its high-rise buildings, huge shopping malls, and superior hotels. But despite this technological boom, Cebu has something else to offer.Surrounding the main island of Cebu, are little islands with beaches that can match the beauty of Boracay. Islands that are beginning to become tourist attractions are Malapascua Island, Bantayan Island, and the little yet known, but breath taking Camotes Island.January would be the best time to go to Cebu, as this is when the Sinulog Festival is held. This is Cebu City’s Fiesta, and at this time the streets become filled with performers in elaborate costumes and extravagant floats. Feast your eyes to the amazing colors and performances held at the streets of Cebu. You will surely be caught up in all t he festivity! Mount Apo, Davao Davao Philippines In Davao lies the highest peak of the Philippines, Mount Apo. This mountain towers over Davao at a majestic 10,311 feet above sea level. For mountaineering enthusiasts, Mount Apo is one to conquer. Along its trail lies an exotic display of nature, with a steaming blue lake, geysers and suplhur pillars, rainwater lakes and cascading waterfalls. Mount Apo is a definite sight to see. Davao also boasts its Samal Island as again one of the best beaches of the country. Samal island holds the luxurious Pearl Farm Resort, where guests can relax at a private retreat. The resort is named as such as the place was once an 11 hectare pearl farm, harvesting pink, white, and gold pearls from Sulu Sea. Davao is also famous for being the natural habitat of the Philippine’s National Bird, the Philippine Eagle. It is also the place where the king of all fruits, called the durian, flourishes. Truly, Davao is a place of majestic beauty. Silliman Hall Dumaguete Dumaguete City Dumaguete City, located at Negros Oriental, is a peaceful and provincial place, also known as the University Town. This is called as such because of the many universities that are located in the heart of this small city. Dumaguete is best known for Silliman University, one of the oldest and most beautiful universities in the whole country. This University is the home of 302 acacia trees, which contributes to the beauty and tranquility of the place. Also, in Silliman lies the oldest American structure left standing in the Philippines. This is the beautiful Silliman Hall which greets everyone who comes to Dumaguete, as it is located right in front of the sea. Dumaguete is also best known for Rizal Boulevard, which is a long boulevard beside the sea, with many restaurants and establishments across the street. There certainly is something to this little town, as people are known to come back time and time again to visit good old Dumaguete. Calle Crisologo at night Glimpse of the Past As I have said earlier, the Philippines was occupied by the forces of Spain for more than three centuries. This is the reason why the Spanish traditions have contributed a lot to the birth of Filipino culture, beliefs, and traditions. It is a living museum. There are a lot of ancestral houses in Vigan, Ilocos Sur. They house the pastthe marvelous and rich past. They were built from indigo dye, abel fabrics,and even gold. Youll be in awestruck if you see the grand staircases, broad floorboards, shiny capiz windows and ventanillas, and the cool azotea that can be found in the houses of the elite. The Calle Crisologo also offers the long lane of ancestral houses that once housed the Chinese businessmen. It is popularly known as the Kasanglayan. Visit Vigan, the only surviving colonial city in the country, and get immersed in the beauty of history. Sight-seeing at The Sleeping Dinosaur Upon passing by Mati Road, you can ask your driver for a quick stop to watch over the islands fantastic and delightful form. The island itself resembles more likely to a dinosaur fell in a deep slumber Mount Hamiguitan It is home to the worlds largest pygmy forest with impressive flora that counts of a total of 878 species. Its 600-hectare bonsai field is enchanting. Another attraction in this mountain can also be found known as the Tinagong Dagat or hidden sea. This mysterious lake is said to have high tide and low tide schedules, a phenomenon which remains unexplained up until now. Tibanban Island Wanna go trekking? Tibanban island is the ideal venue for that! A lighthouse was built on the top of the island for the purpose of warning for ships during at night. Aside from trekking, you can also dip through its white sand beach. Waniban Island Pristine and crystal clear water, powder-like white sand beach, sturdy mangroves and cavorting dolphins are the major fascination and attraction of the island. You can walk around the whole island in less than an hour. Go snorkeling, diving and sun bathing! San Victor Island This 3 hectares island is located at Baganga, Davao Oriental with powder-like white sand beach and lofty coconut grove. A perfect place for summer outings and getaways! Kawa-Kawa Falls Is the most bragged about waterfall which is located at San Isidro, Davao Oriental. Enjoy its 15 feet deep clear waters. The falls is surrounded by thick forest of century-old trees and rare wild orchids. You can have a picnic here or simply swim and relax yourself by the tranquility it brings. Aliwagwag Falls Considered as the longest cascading waterfalls in the Philippines located in the middle of the forest of Cateel, Davao Oriental. It is also one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the country. The falls seemed like a stairway to heaven with its 84 steps which measure from 6 100ft each steps. Balite Hot Spring Located at Baganga, Davao Oriental. Hot springs are known to cure illnesses such as rheumatism, dermatitis, itchiness, skin disease, etc. Its healing power somehow attracts tourist aside from the comfort and warmth it gives. Ave Maria is the best way to snorkel here, as you get astonished with the wide array of different and rich marine life that abounds here, that beams and dazzles in various colors, hues, sizes and shapes. Your date with nature here will not be complete without seeing the endangered turtles that inhabits the Turtle Island. For the record the Philippines has four of the six species of sea turtles in the world. Gumasa Beach Saranggani Gumasa Beach in Gian, Saranggani offers a powdery white sand that is just one hour away from General Santos City, the hometown of Filipino ring hero Manny Pacquiao, a seven-time world champion in seven weight categories. Unspoiled and pristine, this beach is a paradise at its best. Sandugan Beach, Siquijor Located at the northern island of Siquijor in the municipality of Larena, this low profile beach has one of the best scenery and breathtaking beaches in the Philippines. Siquijor is a sleepy Visayan province in the southern part of the country. Amanpulo Pamalican Island, Palawan Feel like you are a celebrity and would want to go to a beach where noted personalities like Naomi Campbell, Claudia Schiffer, David Benoit and the late US President John F. Kennedy Jr. have visited. But hold your horses for a while though, for this is an exclusive resort, in plain words you need to shell out nice sum of money to get into this exclusive resort. An exclusive getaway for the rich and famous, the place is the haven for prominent stars, super models, business scions and royalties. Moalboal, Panagsama Beach Cebu as a province boasts of Churches of antiquities that were built many many moons ago and offers finest diving spots. Moalboal that lies on the Cebu’s western coat is considered to be one of the best diving site in Asia and even in the world. Panagsama Beach, is home to some splendid marine life, like colorful corals, anemone, sponges and dazing reef fishes. Caliraya Lake, Caliraya, Laguna A place with gentle breeze emanating from the Sierra Madre Mountain Ranges and the mysterious Mount Banahaw, the place offers water sports such as fishing, jet skiing, boardsailing, windsurfing, and canoeing. You can stay at the leisure resorts surrounding the lake at an excellent accommodation without spending much. You may opt to have horseback riding, playing sports or just have picnic. The place also is just a one ride away from Pagsanjan Falls, a place where the final scence of Apocalypse Now was taken. You may visit Lucban too, the place where the famous Pahiyas Festival is being held, to see and buy for yourself the finest Barong Tagalog in the country as a souvenir Barong Tagalog is the national dress of Filipino men. Puerto Galera, Mindoro One of the most visited tourist destinations in the Philippines, is the Puerto Galera in Mindoro. With its coves sandwiched by the gentle swaying palm trees and crystal-clear turquoise water, a visit to Puerto Galera is a sort of a dream vacation or trip come true. Once a very rustic and dull rural town, its discovery by the late 1970’s paved the way for many tourists, domestic and foreigners to visit the place and get mesmerized with its natural charm and beauty. Diving and snorkeling enthusiasts will indeed enjoy discovering the colorful and very diverse marine life that abounds in the La Laguna Beach. Nightlife is very active here too, and can compete with that of Boracays and promises to be enjoying. You may also try kayaking, canoeing or banana boating to take full pleasure of having a wonderful sight seeing while you patrol the area. You may also want to give it a try having an unforgettable trek to the lush vegetation of the coves and see some lovely, and colorful birds around. Keep in mind that, fun never stops here in Puerto Galera and you are warmly invited here to quench your thirst of having a wholesome and awesome summer escapade.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
How Does John Steinbeck Present the Character of Crooks Essay Example for Free
How Does John Steinbeck Present the Character of Crooks Essay Crooks (named for his crooked back) is the stable buck who works with the ranch horses. He lives in the harness room by himself because of the segregation law set by Jim Crow; he is also the only black man on the ranch. Crooks likes to read books this shows he is cleverer than the other men on the ranch and likes to keep his room neat, but he has been so beaten down by loneliness and prejudicial treatment of that he is also starting to treat people with hatred. His Physical disability is one of the many ways that he suffers on the ranch. John Steinbeck tries to make the novel realistic by showing how black people were treated and isolated in 1930s America. Crooks may not be the main character in the novel, he is important because he fitted in the society at the time of the novel in 1930s America. Steinbeck uses Crooks to show how life was for black people in 1930s America. The Character is firstly introduced when candy was showing George and Lennie around and when he was talking about how angry the boss was when George and Lennie were late to work. Candy tells them that the boss takes his anger on crooks,†Ya see the stable bucks a nigger†, â€Å"the boss gives him hell when he is mad†. White People in 1930s America had no discomfort in using derogatory language, this was normal for people it was the local language in 1930s. Candy says â€Å"nice fella too†and â€Å"he reads a lot†Proving he is intelligen t and nice guy. People show hatred towards him because of the colour of his skin. He and many coloured people were separated from the whites in 1930, because of the Jim Crow laws. George asks Candy ‘‘what kind of man is the boss’’ he quickly brings up that the boss had brought whisky for them at Christmas, he also explains what happened when they let crooks in, Crooks got into a fight one Christmas with a white man. Steinbeck presents the character of Crooks in a detailed description; John Steinbeck tells us that Crooks’ room is in the harness where all the horses sleep, this shows that he is segregated from all the other men on the ranch.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Main Ideas Behind Human Security Politics Essay
The Main Ideas Behind Human Security Politics Essay The main idea behind human security is to provide peace and security for the citizens both with nation-state and to ensure their protection against threats from the outside. A key source of military battle that gives focus for the Western worlds insight of the risk to human security was detached when the Cold War came to an finish. In fact, as early as the 1970s, the United States extended its explanation of national security to take in global economics, when it became obvious that the US economy was no longer the independent force it had formerly been, but affected by financial policies in a dozen other countries.2 But a fully-fledged dispute about the importance and re-conceptualization of security/protection did not start until the early 1980s.3 Human security is a contained scope. It doesnt cover all important, necessary, and profound features of human living. Rather is classifies and protects a inadequate vital core of human abilities and activities. This many have recently been described by fundamental human rights, or absolute needs, and basic capabilities. This core is a non-technical term which is a concern which lies behind human security. This may be defined or explained in the space of capabilities, the freedom people have to be and to do. Key components of this vital core are essentially human rights, which all persons and organizations are obliges to provide and receive respect, even if these responsibilities are not perfectly specifiable. The freedom and the rights in the vital core relate to survival, to livelihood, and to basic dignity. People which enjoy the rudimentary security as to their livelihood, survival, and self-respect even during awful conditions such as poverty, disaster, and war. The working definition doesnt state the freedoms and rights that relate to the vital core outside recognizing these three categories. The task of arranging among capabilities and rights, each of which is debatable by some to be essential, is a value decision and difficult one, which may be assumed by suitable organizations. Yet this decision is a circuital one if human security is to be effective and realistic. Due to this there is a foreseeable stress between (i) the need for participating engagement and analysis of this core by many, specially by those whose safety is endangered, (ii) the need for NGOs, international agencies, and public associations , among others, clearly to define a vital core and to introduce processes and organizations which prepare to protect it effectively. The imperfect but operational response to this stress is to continue a self-consciously unclear, wide working understanding of human security, and to articulate processes for operationalizing, this defini tion in existing circumstances by controlled organizations, for different populations. The key concept of human security is a people-centered concept. It emphases the attention from different institutions on human security and their societies worldwide. This focus on human beings separates human security from the objective of defending states areas that controlled security policies in the 19th and 20th centuries. Human security changes that focus to individuals despite of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or any other characteristics. The human security approach matches the movement in economic improvement and international policies to move and the emphasis from instrumental focus (such as state rights, and growth) to human development and human rights. In doing this the humans become the end of improvement, not only as a mean to increase efficiency or legal logic, and these different activities become people-centered. The aim of human security is directly on human lives. But in order to protect individuals lives efficiently, actors must identify and deliberately prepare for distinct threats. Threats which are made to humans are critical that is, they threaten to cut into daily or core activities and functions of human lives. Such threats may be sudden- as in economic collapse, but they need not be, for what is defined as threat as critical is its tragic depth rather than the suddenness. Additionally the dangers are pervasive, meaning the treat is at a larger scale example of this might be to do with large amount of populated countries, another is a treat which may come again and again, such threats could be environmental and nuclear, or even at such a magnitude that they may never recur. Human security threats have different mechanism of operations. Threats such as genocide or soil degradation may have a direct impact on the humans live. Other threats are indirect, threats such as overinvestment in military or in debt due to underinvestment in certain areas, which leads to the collapse of public health care sectors, or when a country have very low education standards. Human security relates to both of these kinds of threats. Another Different types of attempts have been made to give an adequate conceptualization of human security. There are two major contemporary theories of international relations. One of these approaches is based on noe-realist theoretical context, which aim is to maintain an ongoing emphasis on the primacy of the state within broadened conceptualization of human security. This type of approach is also known as the new security thinking.4.This approach is built on a set of assumptions that fundamental effort to dislodge the state as the main referent of security, while placing larger importance on the inter-dependency and trans-nationalization of non-state performers. Buzan claimed that the straitjacket militaristic method to safety that controlled the discourse during the Cold War was simple-minded and lead to the underdevelopment of the idea.6The critical or postmodernist method to human security, replicated in the work of Ken Booth, he claims that human security is eventually more significa nt than states security.9 The postmodernist conceptualization of security does not compare state security with human security. Booths view, states and suggest that governments must no longer be the sole referents of the security, because governments are supposed to be the protectors of the peoples security, have become the sole source of uncertainty for the numerous people who live below their power, rather than the equipped forces of a different country.10. This method tests the idea of a state as an current and tolerable source of security to its people. Both methodstry to address the non-military dangers to human security. The major modification lays in the way these analyses point to action. The enlargement of safety to conceive of more than just armed threats increases the argumentative question: What is it that needs to be madesafe?1 1asanoutcome, the continuing (security) discussion centers on the identification of a principal referent or unit of security has been central to a continuing (security) argument. Arguments for the state to remain the main referent of safety must not mean upholding the state as the sole or unitary referent of security. But somewhat it means that the safety of the state, in specific a state that is weak, should continue to remain primary, since the main aim is to build the volume of the state to deliver and keep security for its citizens.1 2 In other words, while the conceptualization of security must make the safety of individuals and human beings its end, the state, as the means, cannot be detached as the key referent. After all if the state is to deliver and uphold sec urity, it has to be protected itself or to use Buzans words, it has to be or become a strong state.1 3. This reason, of course, needs explaining. What establishes a state? Using the conventional explanation, a nation is consisting of a territory/land, government, and people. In additional disagreements the whole (that is the state), comprising all its essential parts, has a mutual relationship with the individual parts. The state cannot be protected if its essential parts are self-doubting or unbalanced. At the same time, if the nation as the organization demonstrating its essential parts is weak or doubtful in relative to other states, its elements will also be affected by such weakness or insecurity. Booth has debated that national security was used by governments that stood as protectors of their peoples security, to cover reality and hide what essentially was the security of their regime and its followers and consequently be dislodged as a primary referent of security.1
Child Abuse and Neglect :: Violence Against Children
Child abuse is defined by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services as being, "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or "An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm."(Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect 2015). Child abuse is a growing social problem which results in the death of about two thousand children annually. In just one day five children will die from abuse or neglect. In fact every thirteen seconds another child is abused in the United States. The fact that so many children are being abused and may be killed by this abuse is significant, but it is also important to realize that there are detrimental effects that the abuse may have on a child ten or twelve years later. The abuse that a child sustains may affect people in very different ways, but child abuse has never and will never have a positive effect on a child lat er in life. A child that goes untreated for having been abused has an increased likelihood of arrest for a violent crime than that of the general population by thirty eight percent. Children that have been abused have been found to have a greater chance of delinquency and a life of crime. Victims of child abuse have been proven to be more at-risk than people of the general population for negative personal and social events later in life. Since there are so many negative effects that child abuse has on people later in life, there have to be ways for people to speak about their problems and have other people's advice who have experienced similar abuse in their life. One way in which people may feel comfortable speaking of their past abuse is on-line on the World Wide Web. They can write about their experiences and get feedback from people with similar problems. People tell their personal stories of the abuse that they sustained as children and the negative effects that it has had on their life as adults. Many of the stories speak of ways in which some sort of child abuse, such as sexual abuse, has affected their lives as adults in their relationships with people of the opposite sex. Anyone can get on-line and tell their life story of abuse whether it be sexual, physical, or mental.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Rachel Carson :: Biography, Silent Spring
One of the prime ecologists in the world, best known for her book Silent Spring, was Rachel Carson. Rachel Carson’s book caused controversy and a scare for the progression of the environmental movement. â€Å"(Silent Spring) spells out in memorable detail through out the book the effects of synthetic insecticides and herbicides on water, soil, plants, wildlife, fish and human beings. But in the book’s final chapter she suggests alternative courses of action for mankind â€â€- a way out of this march toward death.†(Holmes, Pg. 123) Rachel Carson had several accomplishments throughout her life many of which started at a young age. Carson was born in May of 1907 in Springdale, Pennsylvania. She was the third child born to Roger Carson and Mana Mclean. Her parents raised her with a strict Presbyterian background and a middleclass status. Her parents owned a farm and orchard which helped influence Carson’s love of the environment. Carson’s mom encouraged this love of the environment by teaching and learning with her. They continued to be best friends throughout her life. Carson had her first story published in St. Nicholas magazine at the age of ten. The story was about war and was inspired by letters that had been sent home by her brother who was a soldier in World War I. In 1922 Carson wrote her first article about nature. It was called My Favorite Recreation, Going Bird’s Nesting. Carson Graduated from Parnassus High School in 1925. She participated in sports but was quiet and her main focus was her studies. She graduated top of her class where she then decided to go to college at the Pennsylvania College for Women in Pittsburg. This was a liberal arts college stationed sixteen miles from her home. Rachel Carson’s first interest was in English composition but she later changed her major to biology. She graduated in 1929 and went on to work at a marine biology lab. At the same time she continued her education at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. She graduated with a master’s degree in Zoology in 1932. Carson was then employed at the University of Maryland as an instructor. She did not acquire her PHD because she ran out of funds for research due to The Great Depression. (Quaratiello, 2004) One of Carson’s great inspirations during college was her biology professor Mary Skinker who Carson later turned to for help. Skinker recommended Carson for a job in the Zoological division of the United States Department of Agriculture in Washington D.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Andrew Jackson Essay -- Biography Biographies
Andrew Jackson â€Å"I cannot be intimidated from doing that which my judgment and conscience tell me is right by any earthly power.†This quote by Jackson underlies the fact the he was a selfish, tyrannical ruler. He did not make decisions based on the interests of the whole nation but on his own personal benefit, in search of self- achievement. Although he was portrayed or possibly manipulated the citizens to believe that he was a president for the common man, that was simply not the way he acted. As president, he purposely ignored the power of the Judicial branch to judge laws, and strengthened the power of the Executive branch above the limits in the Constitution. He was also said to be rude and uneducated, which might have led to the reasons why he was such a power hungry tyrant; but before one makes this harsh judgment they must first realize the type of life that Andrew Jackson lived. It almost certainly was the main reason why his thought process was so different from the regular wealthy, educated earlier presidents. The third child of Irish immigrants, he joined the Army when he was only thirteen years old. Although he was young he had already developed hatred towards the British, because his oldest brother was killed fighting in the Revolution. Even though Jackson was an exceptional soldier, both him and his middle brother were captured by British troops. After their mother pleaded for their release, the boys were set free, but due to the poor living conditions of the army camp, Jackson’s family was overcome by the smallpox disease. Leaving him all alone in life. This traumatic time in his life could have been the start of all his psychological problems. It seems that trouble almost always found Jackson. After being a lawyer for only a few years, an argument with another lawyer in the town led to an insult. Eventually Jackson challenged the man to a duel. Things did not look good for Jackson's opponent because Jackson was a notoriously good shot, but at the last minute Jackson offered his enemy some bacon and a joke, and they laughed together. This shows Jackson had the power to manipulate people. In just a few years of law Jackson, now eighteen met his soon to be wife, Rachel Robards. There was a small problem though†¦Rachel was married. But Jackson being the terrifying man that he was, played with a huge knife during the divorce trial; this p... as president by exceeding his limits and allowing his personal happiness and emotions influence his decisions that may have affected him positively but affected the rest of the United States in a negative way; which was unbelievably selfish. He left the nation with confusion and failures instead of contributing to it, achievements. Jackson once said, â€Å"I know what I am fit for. I can command a body of men in a rough way; but I am not fit to be President.†I do not think he realized how right he was. Bibliography 1. Cayton, Andrew, Perry, Elisabeth I. and Allan M. Winkler. American Pathways to the Present. Needham: Prentice Hall, 1995 2. Kunhardt, Phillip B, Phillip III and Paul. â€Å"Andrew Jackson the 7th president.†The American President. (April 9, 2000): Online. Internet. May 2, 2001 3. Jackson, Andrew. â€Å"First Inaugural Address.†Inaugural addresses of the Presidents of the United States. (1989): p.3 4. Jackson, Andrew. â€Å"Second Inaugural Address.†Inaugural addresses of the Presidents of the United States. (1989): p.2 5. Zinn, Howard. †As Long as the Grass Grows or Water Runs †A Peoples History of the United States: 1492 to Present. New York City: Harper Collins, 1999
Saturday, August 17, 2019
“A Rose for Emilyâ€Â: Emily Grierson Essay
Emily Grierson from William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily†couldn’t accept death; she just could not believe it when those around her, particularly her loved ones, passed away. Emily’s denial of death has many causes and consequences. When her father died, it took three days and the intervention of the people of Jefferson for her to give up the body because she refused to believe he was dead. When the townspeople attempted to offer their condolences to Emily, as Faulkner says, â€Å"she told them her father was not dead. †After she murdered Homer to keep him near her, she didn’t, in her life accept his death and continued to have unnatural relations with his lifeless corpse. Even ten years after the death of Colonel Sartoris, she denied his death because she had no concept of the passing of time. She refused to acknowledge the passing of her loved ones; it stands to reason that she would not acknowledge the passing of time. Her ignorance towards the passage of time has a lot to do with her denial of death. When the Board of Alderman visited Emily to ask her to pay taxes, she exemplifies her denial of time by repeating, â€Å"See Colonel Sartoris†despite the fact that he had been dead for many years. Emily didn’t seem to realize just how much time had passed since she had last laid eyes on colonel Sartoris. This was probably mostly caused by the ostracism of the townspeople. Being an outcast from society probably not only made it hard for Emily to keep track of time, but also probably took a toll on her sanity. The isolation wasn’t the only contributing factor toward Emily’s failing mental health. Insanity also ran in her family. She had a great aunt, Old Lady Wyatt who is referred to by Faulkner as having â€Å"finally gone completely out of her mind†and many critics speculate that her father may also have been out of his right mind. Many critics, such as Eric Knickerbocker believe that his relationship with Emily was incestuous. Emily’s genetic insanity was probably the cause of her isolation and her trouble with accepting death. In Emily’s mind, probably also caused by her genetic madness, murder is permissible because she view’s death as an extension of life. In her eyes, she hasn’t done anything wrong. She murdered Homer because he was going to leave her. She wanted to keep her Homer near her forever and he was planning on jilting her. She continued to have unnatural relations with his lifeless corpse, even long after his body had decayed because she didn’t understand or couldn’t accept that Homer was dead. Emily dies alone, in her house that almost no one, except Tobe ever enters. All her life, she was excluded from society, jilted by her only potential groom, plagued with insanity and trapped in her own denial of death. Emily’s entire life was very sad the consequences of her refusal of death were numerous. Faulkner does an excellent job at linking society, death, and insanity in his macabre southern gothic tale of Emily Grierson, a woman who was not right in the head. Works Cited Faulkner, William. â€Å"A Rose for Emily. †American Studies @ The University of Virginia. Web. 12 Nov. 2011. . Faulkner, William. â€Å"A Rose for Emily. †American Studies @ The University of Virginia. Web. 12 Nov. 2011. . Knickerbocker, Eric. â€Å"William Faulkner: The Faded Rose of Emily. †Mr. Renaissance: Spiritual and Philosophic Reflections. 13 Mar. 2003. Web. 12 Nov. 2011. . claims that Emily’s relationship with her father is incestuous.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Terrorism: An Illegal Undertaking
THESIS STATEMENT:How do terrorists able to fight governments while having no own operation bases and escape taxable economic entities? Terrorism are applied time and again as affairs of state tags of the morally wrong, haphazard, or intolerable practice of aggression or hazard of ferocity by particular perpetrators as for their specific purposes. Social change is their ultimate goal and this collective revolution is aspired so appallingly that terrorists may execute vastly unswerving crimes, especially for spiritual principles, that they may prefer their own death or the deaths of innocent civilians to attain their objective. Those regarded as terrorists hardly ever distinguish themselves as such, and normally make use of other general names or terms particular to their situation (Hans, 2002).The focal predicament with terrorism is that terrorists do not admit that they are terrorists and asserts that the governments are the terrorists. Despite the fact that an autonomous state adopt ing social freedom may maintain an implication of privileged ethical position than other administration systems, a performance of terror campaign within such a nation may bring about an apparent problem on whether to uphold its civic liberation and as a consequence run the risk of being recognized as pointless in dealing with the dilemma, or otherwise constrain its communal emancipation and hence risk unjustifiable allegation of sustaining a democratic organization.With this information at hand, it is indeed difficult to fight terrorism since they are usually not well organized or located. They don’t have their own operations bases since they are hiding and do not want to be caught or captured. Terrorism can be carried out by covert individuals, assemblages, or federations, funded by certain organizations, with mysterious orderly strategies and assaults in public places. Interaction may come about via prevailing telecommunications or all the way through conventional means suc h as couriers. Additionally, since revolutionaries who are involved in intimidation are not well organized and are considered to be illegal, they are not taxable and will hardly be taxable.Speaking of illegitimacy, several authorized government characterizations of terrorism put in a condition of unlawfulness to differentiate between proceedings that are certified by bylaws and those of other persons and minor units. Using this decisive factor, events that would otherwise be eligible of terrorism would not be taken into account as terrorism if they were approved by the board. For instance, a terrorist attack in a municipality, which is intended to distress national reinforcement for a basis, would not be regarded as terrorism if it were allowed by a reasonable authority (Cronin, 2003).Shared ideologies among permissible meanings of terrorism offer a rising consensus as to denotation and also promote collaboration between regulation enforcement staff in discrete nation states. Among these delineations, there are quite a few that do not make out the likelihood of  acceptable custom of fierceness  by civilians against an assailant in a dominated nation and would categorize all opposition engagements as terrorist parties. Others create a peculiarity between legally recognized and prohibited exploitation of ferocity. Sanctioned classifications ascertain counter-terrorism documents and are usually made available to act it. Most authority descriptions give a rough idea about the subsequent vital standards such as target, purpose, intention, executor, and authenticity of the feat.Groups carrying out viciousness are also frequently identifiable by a following set of executors. Oftentimes the word terrorism and radicalism are employed as exchangeable. Nevertheless, there is a noteworthy dissimilarity between the two as terrorism is basically a threat or a deed of substantial fierceness, whereas radicalism entails the use of non-physical mechanisms to activate peop le’s attention to realize some ideological occurrences (Kalyvas, 2004). They should have their own definite distinction as to which must be taxable.References:Hans, Kà ¶chler (2002). Terrorism and the Quest for a Just World Order. Manila Lectures. FSJBook World, ISBN 0-9710791-2-9.Cronin, Audrey Kurth (2003) Behind the Curve: Globalization and International Terrorism. International Security, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 40-41.Kalyvas, Stathis (2004) The Paradox of Terrorism in Civil Wars in Journal of Ethics 8:1, p. 137-138.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Hid Essay
The confusion that confronts Keith Houck as the hired consultant is mainly from and by the mission statement and the attitude of H. I. D. managers. There seems to be progress spearheaded by the H. I. D. President but managers seem and indeed they are so pessimistic apart from the Human Resource Director Karen Setz. The President is very positive and has achieved a lot by meeting the goals of expansion during the five years that he has been in the company. The development during Bill’s time and his immense driving force are good indicators that H. I. D. s far able to formulate its strategic plans and goals. If I were Keith Houck the Consultant, I could have asked very many questions ranging from work ethics to what every individual department has achieved and further question what are the goals of each department. For H. I. D. to formulate its plans and goals it needs an overhaul of its managers except the Human Resource Director Karen Setz who has a vision with a positive mind of expansion. But before the overhaul the President should ask managers who may not feel to meet the set goals to resign. This will be easy for the president to inject new blood (delivering Managers) into the company. If I were Bill Collins the H. I. D. President I could have clearly indicated and or designated roles of each manager and set targets to be reached within a given time frame agreeable by all departmental managers. However, other factors that I could put into play are like teamwork, regular assessment of the progress of set goals and plans. Teamwork is another factor that will enable any management to monitor and motivate the workers. This will ensure among other things no idle time during the usual working ours. There should be an active and enthusiastic team leader who cheers up fellow workers and listens to them during good times and bad times. Team leaders in many organizations have proved to boost efficiency to higher levels notwithstanding sometimes hard times. This is the point where networking of skills is demonstrated fully. Solving arising discrepancies, complaints and problems will done right here in the team. Workers to be involved in everyday changes and participate in the changes they demand (Gratton, Hailey and Truss 1999).
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Muscles, skeleton and skin give the body shape and form. But it’s the muscle tissues that clearly give the features and shape of the human body. Much effort is given to muscles that it has even become a large global industry just to maintain it. Among the specialized tissues in the body, the muscle tissue is highly specialized. Muscle tissues have contracting abilities and conducting abilities. Muscles are found to carry out electrical impulses. Voluntary muscles are differentiated from involuntary muscles. In terms of structure, muscles can either be striated or smooth. Muscles are commonly known as smooth, skeletal and cardiac. Different organs use different kinds of muscles. Small intestines have smooth muscles. Smooth muscles are neat and form parallel lines. Intestine muscles are involuntary muscles. They contract without conscious thought. These muscles fit the intestines because digestion is not an act of will. Whether you like it or not, intestines will move according to the contents of your stomach either when they are full or empty. The uterus also has smooth muscles. Other organs such as the bladder, blood vessels and other internal organs also have involuntary muscles. Skeletal muscles are confused to be fibres of connective tissues. Skeletal muscles are not of connective tissues because these muscles are not extracellular elements. These muscles describe the individual skeletal muscle cells. These tissues are fibres that are thin and very long. They almost look like threads like the one we see in clothing. Under the microscope, these cells are cylindrical and unbranched. The nuclei of these tissues are neatly arranged that goes around the periphery of the cell. This neat and orderly arrangement is made up of actin and myosin filaments found inside the muscle cell. Skeletal muscle cells that are arranged and form large bundles are called fascicles. These bundles are enveloped with thin layers of connective. Continuous arrangements of these fascicles become parts of a particular muscle organ, for example biceps. Cardiac muscles are almost an integration of smooth muscles and skeletal muscles. These muscle tissues make up the wall of the heart. They are striated and multinucleate like skeletal muscles however, they also seem to be smooth because their nuclei are located at the center and that a lot of cells are required to occupy the length of the muscle. â€Å"It differs from both skeletal muscle and smooth muscle in that its cells branch and are joined to one another via intercalated discs. Intercalated discs allow communication between the cells such that there is a sequential contraction of the cells from the bottom of the ventricle to the top, facilitating maximal ejection of blood from the ventricle during contraction. This occurs with out nervous innervation to each cell or group of cells. Cardiac muscle also differs from the other two muscle types in that contraction can occur even without an initial nervous input. The cells that produce the stimulation for contraction without nervous input are called the pacemaker cells.†(Ackerley, 2006) These three types of muscles help the body more than make it look good. There are many important benefits from proper maintenance of muscle tissues. The muscle is fit when one is strong, has endurance, is flexible and can carry out everyday tasks without injury. Keeping the muscle fit will also keep the organs fit. Programs such as weight lifting or weight bearing help the muscle build endurance and flexibility. One need not be a weight lifter to have properly maintained muscles. Weak muscles are cause of lower back and posture-related diseases that can lead to painful problems. If the muscles are healthy, it will help the skeletons to cope up with stressful activities of the body. Both voluntary and involuntary muscles are important to keep the body balanced. Massaging muscle tissues are almost the basic human instinct that is first aid to muscle pains. Massaging the muscles specially the ones that are in pain or are with disease is a way to increase body chemical flow in and out of the muscles. Given that muscles are smooth, skeletal or cardiac, massaging the muscles will help the muscle tissues from stagnating and being rigid. References: Ackerley, Sandra K. 2006. Muscles. Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Retrieved April 1, 2006  Bourne, GH. 1960. The Structure and Function of Muscle. Academic Press  Â
Enlightenment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Enlightenment - Essay Example ople realized the need of societal reforms hence challenging the authority exercised by traditional institutions such as the Catholic Church whose influence was deeply and widely rooted in society. Philosophers who influenced people’s thinking and reasoning through their work during The Enlightenment included: , John Locke, Francis Bacon, Renà © Descartes and Isaac Newton among others (Perry, 2013). The era of enlightenment coincided with the scientific revolution led by Isaac Newton (NatilusMaker, n.d.). Literacy increased as a result of people deviating from religious texts and instead embracing new ideas especially from publications by philosophers. According to Bertrand Russell, a British philosopher who strongly opposed idealism, The Enlightenment was a manifestation of the schism that was greatly influenced by Martin Luther (Carey, 2015). The Enlightenment also takes into account the inclination of people towards democracy that was vigorously fought for in the 16th Century. It was influenced by the desire of Protestants to break away from the Catholic Church (Perry, 2013). Initially, democracy was only enjoyed by the elite class until the 19th Century when the emergence of political movements necessitated democratic citizenship. These moves contributed to what is seen today as freedom of speech. Formation of political parties to fight for human rights began as early as the 1500s. By the 1600s, political representation had taken course leading to the development of binding political instruments such as Habeas Corpus Act (1679). Colonization is yet another factor that contributes to The Enlightenment. America for instance was colonized by Europeans who had also settled in other parts of the world. By the 16th Century, competition to venture into new territories by colonies had become immense. It is only after American Revolutionary in 1783 that America gained independence and developed their first constitution in 1788 (Perry, 2013). Many other colonized
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
IMC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
IMC - Essay Example Investment in large inventories believed to have an adverse effect on a firm’s cash flow as well as working capital. It basically represents a considerable portion of entire capital investment in any entity. It is in as a result essential to create a balance between the advantages of having a resources inventory of resources and the costs associated with maintenance in order to establish the optimum inventory level associated with each and every resources and keep the inventory costs minimal. Holding of stock can be quite expensive and hence controls are necessary to make sure that stock levels are kept at as low as possible. Stocks need to be controlled based on rational policies to create a balance between the cost of holding and the demand for the same. One of the approaches often adopted is the economic order quantity for stock replenishment which results into lowered holding cost reduces as well as a low total yearly inventory cost. Although maintaining exact EOQ is somet ime impossible, working within vicinity of it outcomes in lower total yearly inventory cost is possible and commendable. Holding cost is considered a straight line that directly varies with ordering quantity. This is according to the classic EOQ model and is substantially true for non-perishable products. This research will check through linear regression the relation of holding cost with time and quantity that it is a curve. Introduction In the period of recession of each and every firm is keen on to cutting their costs and inventory cost management plays a vital role in this endeavor. Managing inventory effectively is an important way of regulating costs and, as a result, improving the profitability of organization. Given that a higher quantity is not the best †¦ and a lower quantity is not similarly the best †¦ there has to be some â€Å"Economic order quantity (EOQ)†which ensures minimal total variable costs associated with the inventory (Cardenas 950). Total v ariable costs are often computed based on a yearly terms and incorporates two components, which are the costs of ordering and holding inventory. Yearly ordering cost is defined as the number of orders that one places multiplied by the marginal or incremental cost one incurs for every order. This incremental cost incorporates various components such as the costs of preparing purchase orders, making pay for vendor's invoice, as well costs associated with inspection and handling of the material upon arrival. It is not easy to estimate these components precisely but a ball?park figure is good a good option for doing this. The holding costs are used within the EOQ model needs to also be marginal in nature. Such may include although not limited to insurance, taxes, as well as storage charges (Liberatore 394). Some of the entities also include the interest cost associated with the money tied up within the inventory. In classical EOQ model, as the quantity rises holding cost as well rise pr oportionally i.e. it remains lineal to the time function although in real life, the cumulative holding cost is indeed a convex time function due to the fact that the handling and holding costs work side by side to rise alongside cumulative rise in daily cost due to wastage, pilferage as well as obsolescence (Liberatore 395). This is however not common with non-perishable goods such as
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