Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Homework: High School Student
Are your children stressed out, not getting enough sleep, time with family, or other time for their extracurricular activities because their amount of homework? Many people are debating about the homework policy. â€Å"Are the teachers giving too much homework, just the right amount, or to little? †I think that students should receive a limited amount of homework each school day. Other parents may disagree and think, â€Å"Homework is important. It helps educate them. †If students have a limited amount of homework, they would have less stress and more free time for other activities. When students receive too many homework assignments and are forced to stay up late to complete them, they have to stay up late which effects their sleeping hours and routines. An example is my sister’s homework. She is a high school student in her sophomore year. Every day, after school, she goes to her room and works on her homework until about 12am to 1am. Students who have to do this will be tired for the next day of school. Also, during that night of homework they go through, they receive great amounts of stress of trying to finish to sleep in the hours they are required to, but at the same time they want to achieve quality work on their assignments. They need free time for other activities without homework getting in the way. Kids should be able to play for about a couple of hours for health reasons. On the other hand, homework helps review the lesson of that day and exercises your.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Laila McClaurin-Seamon
Date:4/17/18 Activism is when a person campaigns and does whatever they can to make the community around them a better place. Activism is important because the activist are doing what they love while helping the community making a change in their community. Three teens that are activist are Liza Yaroshenko, Marley Dias and Malala Yousafzai. The first activist is Marley Dias, Marley started by finding the problem which was right in her school. When she was 11 she complained to her mother that all the she was reading was about white boys and dogs, she told her mom she didn't have the freedom to read what she wanted o.She launched a campaign called #1000blackgirlbooks in 2015, with the goal to collect 1,000 books to donate for black girls. Her two friends Briana and Amina joined her campaign, and they started to be called â€Å"BAM†in social media. The campaign also called public attention to the lack of diversity in children's literature. They collected over 9,000 books. Many of these books have been sent to a children's book drive in Jamaica. The second activist is Liza Yaroshenko. She got started when she was just 15 years old. Last autumn President Viktor Yanukovych declared that tackling infectious diseases was a priority but the government allocated no funds in 2013 to fighting hepatitis and only 40% of the sum the president proposed for Aids and tuberculosis.That's when Liza decided to speak out. She speaks out on healthcare laws that hurt those affected by HIV and AIDS, as well as general HIV awareness. Liza was six years old when she lost her mother to Aids. Like tens of thousands of Ukrainians, Liza's mother contracted HIV while injecting a cheap heroin substitute made of liquid poppy straw.In 2012, for the first time, there was a slight drop in the number of newly registered cases of HIV in Ukraine. And the last activist is Malala Yousafzai. Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani education advocate who, at the age of 17, became the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize after surviving an assassination attempt by the Taliban. She was born on July 12, 1997. She survived and has continued to speak out on the importance of education. In 2013, she gave a speech to the United Nations. Malala highlighted her focus on education and women's rights, urging world leaders to change their policies. Those teen activist are making a change in the world by giving books to little children or fighting for a cure of a deadly disease or just fighting for the education of young girls and boys. They are lots of teen activist in the world.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Aristotelian Tragedy Macbeth
Many of Shakespeare’s plays follow Aristotelian ideas of tragedy, for instance Macbeth does a decent job in shadowing Aristotle’s model. Aristotle describes one of the most important elements of a tragedy to be a tragic hero. The tragic hero however must present certain qualities such as nobility and virtue. In the play Macbeth, Macbeth is a perfect example of a tragic hero. Macbeth begins the play coming home from battle, he is said to have fought with great courage and King Duncan himself awards him the title of the thane of Cawdor in reward for his bravery. The qualities make Macbeth a tragic hero as he possesses not only a noble title, but also the assets of a great warrior and hero. However, Aristotle emphasizes that if the tragic hero was as perfect as he seems than the audience would not be able to identify with him and this would not be considered a tragedy. Macbeth shows us his humanity very early in the play when he learns that Malcolm, Duncan’s son, will be the heir to the throne of Scotland. In response, Macbeth acknowledges that he himself should be awarded the crown and will not rest until royalty is his. Macbeth is an ambitious character, which is a quality that many humans can identify with. This ambitiousness is known as Macbeth’s tragic flaw. This leads to Aristotle’s next component of a tragedy, the tragic flaw. The hero’s tragic flaw must lead to the downfall of the character; his demise can be caused by no one other than himself. Macbeth’s ambitious personality leads him to become caught up in attaining power for himself. Macbeth’s ruthless behavior causes him to commit murder to Duncan in order to gain kingship. Even after his wish comes true, he continues to sacrifice the lives of others, including his close friend Banquo, to assure that he never loses his throne. However, Macbeth does not go unpunished as he suffers countless dreams and illusions that drive him to insanity. The loss of his wife also brings Macbeth to his final denouement. In the end, Macbeth is killed by Macduff; because of his arrogance he believed he was invincible even after being told his fate. Macbeth reaches his end through the same way he lived his life, through murder and deception. Many argue over the fairness of Macbeth’s life, but the goal of a tragedy in Aristotle’s view point is to strike fear and pity in the audience through harsh punishment upon the hero in extreme ways. Finally, Aristotle claims that in order for a tragedy to be effective, the fear and pity must be released from the audience through catharsis. First the tragic hero must gain some knowledge from his tragic life. Macbeth shows this self-realization in his ‘yellow leaf’ soliloquy when he expresses remorse for his actions. Also, in the end he knows he must fight until the end whether his fate is death. At this point the audience is cleansed of the emotions of the plot and the tragedy is finished. Macbeth is a primary example of a typical Aristotelian tragedy. It follows the structure necessary from the tragic hero, to his downfall and ultimately to the catharsis necessary for an original Greek drama. The aspects of this play are a perfect example of the tragedies of that era. Aristotelian Tragedy Macbeth Many of Shakespeare’s plays follow Aristotelian ideas of tragedy, for instance Macbeth does a decent job in shadowing Aristotle’s model. Aristotle describes one of the most important elements of a tragedy to be a tragic hero. The tragic hero however must present certain qualities such as nobility and virtue. In the play Macbeth, Macbeth is a perfect example of a tragic hero. Macbeth begins the play coming home from battle, he is said to have fought with great courage and King Duncan himself awards him the title of the thane of Cawdor in reward for his bravery. The qualities make Macbeth a tragic hero as he possesses not only a noble title, but also the assets of a great warrior and hero. However, Aristotle emphasizes that if the tragic hero was as perfect as he seems than the audience would not be able to identify with him and this would not be considered a tragedy. Macbeth shows us his humanity very early in the play when he learns that Malcolm, Duncan’s son, will be the heir to the throne of Scotland. In response, Macbeth acknowledges that he himself should be awarded the crown and will not rest until royalty is his. Macbeth is an ambitious character, which is a quality that many humans can identify with. This ambitiousness is known as Macbeth’s tragic flaw. This leads to Aristotle’s next component of a tragedy, the tragic flaw. The hero’s tragic flaw must lead to the downfall of the character; his demise can be caused by no one other than himself. Macbeth’s ambitious personality leads him to become caught up in attaining power for himself. Macbeth’s ruthless behavior causes him to commit murder to Duncan in order to gain kingship. Even after his wish comes true, he continues to sacrifice the lives of others, including his close friend Banquo, to assure that he never loses his throne. However, Macbeth does not go unpunished as he suffers countless dreams and illusions that drive him to insanity. The loss of his wife also brings Macbeth to his final denouement. In the end, Macbeth is killed by Macduff; because of his arrogance he believed he was invincible even after being told his fate. Macbeth reaches his end through the same way he lived his life, through murder and deception. Many argue over the fairness of Macbeth’s life, but the goal of a tragedy in Aristotle’s view point is to strike fear and pity in the audience through harsh punishment upon the hero in extreme ways. Finally, Aristotle claims that in order for a tragedy to be effective, the fear and pity must be released from the audience through catharsis. First the tragic hero must gain some knowledge from his tragic life. Macbeth shows this self-realization in his ‘yellow leaf’ soliloquy when he expresses remorse for his actions. Also, in the end he knows he must fight until the end whether his fate is death. At this point the audience is cleansed of the emotions of the plot and the tragedy is finished. Macbeth is a primary example of a typical Aristotelian tragedy. It follows the structure necessary from the tragic hero, to his downfall and ultimately to the catharsis necessary for an original Greek drama. The aspects of this play are a perfect example of the tragedies of that era.
Writing assignment II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Writing assignment II - Essay Example For instance, police officers target individuals basing on their looks. The Supreme Court for the reason that the justices have no case, proof, or record of accomplishment, which suggests that the officers misuse the â€Å"reasonable suspicion†requirement, upheld these provisions. The law drives most immigrants, be they illegal or legal, and makes them hesitant in working with police to resolve crimes (Thomas 13). The wave of immigration regulations that has existed in the state since 2006 indicate only a few symbols of letting up, where state legislators are expected to introduce approximately 1,400 bills. This is regardless of the fact that five years into this lawful surge, the harshest laws have failed to recast immigration in the manner that legislators intended them to. The law is no longer needed because it peacefully removes unauthorized immigrants out of the U.S detaching them from their jobs, property, and families to meet the arcane labor market laws designed by progressive politicians (Johnson & Trujllo 56). It also inflicts recognizable economic harm. The law scares away investment, business, and workers since businesses that intentionally hire illegal immigrants get their licenses revoked as an offense, thus killing the entrepreneurship sector. Throughout history, the United States has served as a destination of freedom and opportunity for many people across the world. As such, immigration has been an integral part of the development of the United States, socially, politically and economically. More often than not, the United States has had to rely on foreigners to diversify the American society as well as to boost the economy. Prior to analysis the history of immigration policies in eth United States, it is worth having an overview of the history of immigration itself. Thus, the first immigrants to come to the United States arrived from Europe. Most of them came for came voluntarily for commercial, settling and religious
Sunday, July 28, 2019
MSc personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MSc personal statement - Essay Example The main reason for my application for this particular programme of study is related to my academic experiences whilst reading Biochemistry at Imperial College and in particular the specific modules of personal interest to me, Molecular Biology and Molecular Cell Biology. Moreover, driven by my interest in microbiology, I studied Molecular Basis of Bacterial Infection as one of my final year modules, which gave me an understanding of some of the fundamental principles of infectious diseases and molecular mechanisms used by specific bacteria during infection. Based on this, as well as my intrinsic interest for this research area, I believe that I possess the inherent tools required to build on and enhance my comprehension of the role of Virologists during the taught MSc course, tools prerequisite for working in the pharmaceutical industry. I have always held a keen interest in infectious agents and have directed my studies so far towards achieving success within this important area of study. My final year literature research project was based on the prevalent human pathogen Chlamydia.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Reply to Sor Filotea de la Cruz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reply to Sor Filotea de la Cruz - Essay Example The letter highlights the efforts this lady has taken to gain knowledge in order to alleviate ignorance. It campaigns for equality in opportunities to both men and women by women rising to their feet and grabbing chances of obtaining erudition. Women lack competence because of deficient of education. In the most important parts of the letter, the nun talks about stereotyping. How she fought odds and wished to be treated like a man with respect and being given equal opportunities like them. She however was respectful to orders and instructions so that her religious values cannot be eroded. It was also mandatory for a woman to be reverential and submissive to men and any one of older age. She yearned for education and dreamt of even going to the university as boys did. She abstained from certain foods for fear of being dumb as they claim they made one. She wanted an equal place as the other gender but it clearly was not possible at that time. She had a thirst for knowledge and did what she could in her capacity to learn of the most important things she felt she wanted to know about. In this letter she has claimed that the people in her relation criticized her inclination to knowledge citing that it would make her lose her religious strength and make her weak (Stephanie 45) . Th is was the most difficult time for her because obviously support in any person’s Endeavour is always helpful. She loved their companionship and sometimes thought it deprived her of the chance to study. Jealousy, she learned was bound to happen towards an intelligent person especially if the person is a woman. Women are despised and their place regarded as the home only and it would be struggle if they ventured in territories where they are supposedly not to be. One particular example she has used is that of Peter who gained knowledge and was executed. The crown of thorns she has cited, after it witnessed Christ’s persecution declare that aptitude is scorned.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 26
Marketing - Essay Example Market players are postponing the inevitable change for as long as possible. The services provided by the traditional dry cleaners do not bear up to levels of expectation. Clothes although clean are returned in a malodorous condition, materials damaged in the long term, and with the added ‘bonus’ that Perchloroethylene (perc) is a skin irritant for some people. The chemical has been banned in some areas of the country and it has also been documented as ‘environmentally unfriendly’ and is very harmful and carcinogenic to the employees. The customers and the paying public have been conditioned to this offering and it is in my view that a positive, strong public awareness campaign will help forefront the market, giving SUN Dry Cleaners the first mover advantage. The competitive advantage of Sun Dry Cleaners is that the operations will be set up from scratch which will not involve any switching costs or transaction costs. Also, the market players currently are very afraid of increasing the public awareness solely due to the costs that are involved. This gives SUN Dry Cleaners the advantage, as the company intends to offer substantial benefits in service quality; raising the bar by bringing the industry into the present economic climate. Hence the size of the operations is the benefit for the company. The small size allows SUN to be more responsive and informed along with being better educated and environmentally aware clientele. This business is aimed to be opened in Miami, Florida. The city offers fantastic growth potential and of location is also deliberate off the basis of procuring industry inside knowledge as to customer preference, that is, the need to be able to look and feel the cleaning establishment on a one to one level with the view that confidence will be instilled as to the level of professionalism being employed therein. The current market condition includes several dry cleaners
Thursday, July 25, 2019
John Maynard Keynes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
John Maynard Keynes - Essay Example If the existing aggregate expenditure level is not adequate to acquire the whole supplied real GDP, output will be reduced until real GDP level is equivalent to the aggregate expenditure level (Morton 2003). Thus, according to Tucker (2008), if the existing aggregate expenditure level is not adequate to acquire real GDP’s normal level, then the real GDP’s equilibrium level will fall at some point below the normal level. If the falling of prices is prevented, then to prevent too much inventory accumulations supplies should cut back the supplied quantity, even though they would be eager to provide bigger volumes at the existing market prices (Morton 2003). This scenario is a case of equilibrium merely in the quite narrow logic that the ‘quantity actually supplied of final goods and services is equal to the quantity demanded’ (Truett & Truett 1998, 71). The multiplier theory determines an exact correlation between the rate of investment and aggregate income, g iven the slight tendency to consume (Morton 2003). Keynes coined the term ‘investment multiplier’ to refer to that internal factor innate in the economic system which transmits, incorporates, and absorbs an outside ‘shock’ (Truett & Truett 1998, 72).
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
FedEX company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
FedEX company - Essay Example The Company also aims to achieve a 10% increase in its operating margin. In order to attain to this long term objective, the Company has set out certain business goals, as laid out below ( Additionally, the Company also plans to improve its reputation as an environmentally friendly organization, by reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 20 percent by the year 2020. ( The central focus of the Company’s plans and goals revolves around its people, i.e., â€Å"people are the wind beneath our wings.†(Frock, 2006:201). In the achievement of its goals, FEDEX has capitalized the vision of its founder, Smith who believed the success of the Company lay in IT(Lappin, 1996) and has implemented IT systems that are geared towards strengthening its e-commerce operations. The realization that information systems could play a vital role in ensuring the success of business has enabled the Company to survive and gain a head start in package delivery ( The Company has made large investments in technology, using tracking software in order to ensure that the current delivery status of a package is always available, through the use of its proprietary network called Cosmos. The Company also sets up computer terminals at its customers’ offices and allows them access to the tracking software as well, so that they are able to generate their own pick-ups and deliveries ( Customer tracking of packages is facilitated through the use of the Powership software and terminals ( The Company has been using wireless applications for a long time, but the efficiency of its current operations has been achieved by integrating SAP into its tracking system in managing its supply chain. The significant aspect of its technology development is the use of SAP R/3 systems to integrate its tracking systems with its supply chain logistics.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Poverty in the United States Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Poverty in the United States - Research Paper Example Individuals born in the United States usually have better prospects and access to resources than people born in poor societies (Chappell 2010, 45). Thus, they benefit from a better quality of life and bigger earnings. Similarly, impoverished children who reside and go to school in communities with more affluent families will likely have greater opportunities than children who reside in communities where they intermingle only with other impoverished children (Aliprantis & Zenker 2011, 1). This essay tries to discuss the current condition of poverty in the United States by taking into account several factors, particularly the impact of welfare programs on poverty. The American Dilemma The Census Bureau in the United States specifies a group of income thresholds that rely on household composition and size, and members of a household are regarded poor if the overall income of their household is below the correct threshold (Iceland 2003, 20). However, it is important to point out that thi s description computes income before transfers and taxes, and thus there is much disagreement about whether it might be more useful for future assessments to classify poverty as regards to consumption (p. 20). Rates of poverty have fluctuated between 11% and 15% of the population over the recent decades (Aliprantis & Zenker 2011, 1). Statistics from 2010 exhibit a noticeable increase in the rate of poverty during the most recent economic depression (Bishaw 2011, 2-3). Even though the rise was distributed across racial groups, the eventual patterns in poverty differ when divided by race. Figure 1. Percentage of the People Living in Poverty Areas by State: 2006-2010 *graph taken from Bishaw (2011, 3) Prevalence of poverty among the white population have somewhat remained the same over the recent decades. Prevalence of poverty among the Asian population dropped in the latter part of the 1990s and has been the same as that of whites over the recent decades. For instance, the rate of pov erty for the Asian population in 2010 was 12% (U.S. Census Bureau 2010, 694). Poverty rates for the Hispanic and Black populations have differed; although the prevalence of poverty for these populations dropped significantly all over the 1990s, they are situated at a noticeably higher point than other populations (U.S. Census Bureau 2010, 694). As revealing as figures of individual-level poverty are for identifying the earnings accessible to individual members of a household, they fail to generate data about the resources accessible to individuals through their community. This is significant since it is not difficult to think of numerous explanations that the poverty in a specific community might be similarly significant to the poverty of an individual’s household (Aliprantis & Zenker 2011, 2). An impoverished household residing in an affluent community could have greater opportunities for it might have access to more quality education, more accurate and updated information a bout employment availability, or better access to public services than an impoverished family residing in a poor community. Figure 2. Distribution of People by Race and Ethnicity and by Poverty Level of Tracts: 2010 *taken from Bishaw (2011, 7) The United States put into effect in the 1960s one of the most aggressive social policy programs of the 20th century by declaring an all-out ‘
Harriet Jacob’s “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†Essay Example for Free
Harriet Jacob’s â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†Essay In this paper I argue that slavery is an essential part of life and, as such, should be cared for to ensure the continuation of the lives of the slaves so that they serve their purpose. Slavery is referred to as an â€Å"unhappy condition†, one that should be relieved and which can only be relieved by the enslaved. Harriet Jacob’s â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†reveals the story of a slave girl and her misfortunes through out her life. The writing is among the feminist literature narrating the humiliations and sufferings of black slave females. Slave Black women didn’t have any such protection to voice their rights against their white masters. They were considered as â€Å"property†of their masters. And those masters have full authority over their female slaves to rape them at any time for the gain of sexual desire, for having stock of more slave children and for keeping such slaves below standards and disdain them. Therefore, there wasn’t any law that would apply to Linda’s case. In that era, woman, in general, were subject to man’s superiority and specifically slave woman were the victim of their masters, even in the enactment of law she had no right to voice her opinions, likes, dislikes or to live her life according to her own wishes. She was subject to any type of violent and abusive behavior by her masters. Lack of protection to their rights by law enforcement gave much bravery and authority to white males over their female slaves. Such deficiencies in law at that time surrounded the female slaves with fetters and disabilities, her very basic and natural rights were unguarded, and her liberty was unacknowledged. She was not allowed to process her separate interest. Not realizing the existence of these slave women as an individual or their own, the law gave her no independent possession. Law being supportive for the supremacy of white masters, and black female slaves were the victim of sexual assault, abusive, violent and unjust attitude. It was the law of the strongest. Though, abusing slaves were not considered as good and there was a universal disdain regarding this issue, no one was willing to help those helpless females against their sexual assault. There was wide spread use of female slaves as sex without any prohibition. Everyone was afraid of helping such women because no one wanted to go against slaveholders who were very rich and held much authority at that time. Most of the blacks were dependent on these slaveholders, and majority of them were proprietors and nurturing most of the Black slaves’ family for labor. Other poor whites were dependent on agriculture and feared to loose their property if they would be of any help to Black female slaves. Therefore, no one dared to voice against such slave owners, even including the family members of the female slave would remain quiet. However, there was general opinion among white females that the abuse of Black slaves was acceptable and that males and white masters are the dominant gender. Most white women were also quiet because not only that they thought slavery was an acceptable thing but they were receiving a lot benefits like money, food and free labor. Daughters or wives were solely dependent on their fathers and husbands. To voice against them meant to deprive themselves of all those benefits they were receiving. To help slave women for their sexual and autonomic identity was to worsen the situation prevailing at that time. The story is essentially a moral code for the slave owners as to how to properly care for the slaves and their overseers. Initially the slaves are spoken of as though they are children who need to be watched over for their own safety and discipline. Slave’s behavior is seen as something unchangeably infantile, no amount of education on morals will change their behavior and they will always succumb to the temptations of thievery and malice toward their masters. It is not a function of the desire to be free, rather it is a function of their immature nature in the eyes of the masters and something to be controlled. These masters viewed themselves as benevolent, as though they were doing a service to the slaves in their charge by taking charge of their lives and keeping their souls out of the trouble to which they would be tempted. The care taken of the slaves is only so that they will be comfortable enough to continue to work and reproduce, not out of care for them as humans. To care for them as humans would require thinking of them as such, doing so would bring up the idea that as humans they deserve the freedom that the masters enjoyed. Masters of the slaves expect obedience and respect from their slaves. However, in return masters must also show their good attitude towards their slaves. They must be honest and truthful with their slaves. Slaves are after all humans who need to be cared off. The way masters will treat their slaves, the same they will get in return. Masters should show firmness and kindness towards their slaves to get their trust. And they must control their temper when dealing with them. In addition, slaves should be given their complete food and diet to keep them healthy and fulfill their needs of the daily work. It is clear, however, that the masters view their slaves as nothing higher than any farm animal. Something to be taken care of for its usefulness, to be cared for so that it will serve its purpose without trouble in the same category as a horse or a cow. Slavery is understood by the slaves to be an oppressive system inflicted by one group of humans upon another, and oppression of any type should not be tolerated. Freedom is a God-given right to all humans and to voluntarily submit to having that freedom taken away is an abomination against God, an enormous sin. Garnet, freed men and slaves believed that slavery set all the laws given by God aside and caused the slaves to make reverence to their masters before God and to submit themselves other than to Him, which is against the first commandment of their Christian belief. This made it necessary to revolt against slavery and endeavor for freedom in any way, even if it meant death because death itself was preferable to oppression. They were willing to sacrifice their lives rather than live as slaves, treated no better than animals rather than with the respect of men. What is most interesting about the story is that it is not an incitement to violence, rather it is an order for those enslaved to demand their freedom. If they were to recognize that their numbers made such a demand possible without violence there could be some resolution to slavery without bloodshed. There is clearly the awareness that a peaceful end to slavery would not be possible, but at least the idea was put forth that it should be considered first. Works Cited Jacobs, Harriet. Incidents in the life of a slave girl.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Principles of Providing Administrative Services Essay Example for Free
Principles of Providing Administrative Services Essay Understand how to make and receive calls When working in a business environment, anyone who deals with administration is most likely going to have to use office equipment, systems and procedures. These will range from telephones to photocopiers, computers to coffee making facilities for guests. Knowing how to operate these and understand what they are for is an essential skill in the business administration department. Presenting the right image therefore is important and understanding how to make and receive telephone calls appropriately is a part of this image as you will have to speak to colleagues, managers, customers and other people each day. Telephone systems have many different features other than the handset and dials/buttons which are used to handle calls professionally. Call holding features are those which are used to place a caller on hold whilst you complete another task. This could be to locate paperwork, look up the caller’s details and information before speaking to them or contact another colleague whom the caller wishes to speak to Call waiting features let you know when there is a caller on the line who wishes to speak to you when you are already using the telephone. These are usually lights which flash or tones which beep to let you know there is a caller waiting Re-directing calls are available on telephone systems where you may be required to forward a call to another colleague. Usually they are features on the telephone which state ‘redirect’ or ‘transfer’ Answer phone features record messages from callers when you or other colleagues are unavailable Teleconferencing features enable others (more than two people) to hold a ‘conference’ style conversation over the telephone. These are now often enhanced with video imaging equipment via a computer TEXT MESSAGE features enable you to send and receive text style messages (as on a mobile phone). ON HOLD 0 This allows you to put the caller on hold while you locate the person who the call is for or perhaps you need to ask a colleague for help/advice without the calling hearing what you are saying. CALL FORWARDING This function allows you redirect a call to another telephone. This can also be used if you will be away from your desk and wish to divert your extension to a colleague. CALL BACK When you are calling a number that is engaged this function will let you know when the line is free, this will save you time by attempting to call back manually. INTERRUPT When your phone is in use it will ‘bleep’ as a signal that another caller is trying to get through. LAST NUMBER REDIAL This function is normally one button that you press to redial the last used number. DO NOT DISTURB This allows you to stop calls coming through to your phone while you are unavailable, for example when a meeting is taking place. HUNT GROUP This is when an office has a group of telephones all linked to one telephone number; so that calls can be passed around the team until someone answers it. Your organisation will have procedures that need to be followed when using the telephone. Some larger organisations will have written guidelines that they expect to be followed, whereas smaller companies may ask you to observe a more experienced member of staff to learn how to receiving/making calls. It is important to remember that when using the telephone you are representing your workplace; your caller cannot see you so the way you communicate will give the caller an immediate impression, hopefully a good one. Rules to follow when answering calls: * Answer promptly and identify yourself to the caller following your organisations guidelines, â€Å"Good morning/good afternoon, name of company, your name if applies, how may I help you?†* Even if you are busy when you have answered the phone does not let the caller know this, as this will give a bad impression of you and the company. * Do not ignore your colleagues’ phone if it is ringing, answer it and offer to take a message. * Speak with a smile in your voice; this actually helps people to sound more helpful and pleasant. * It is good practice to have a pen and paper ready to take messages. * Do not answer the phone while you are drinking or eating, even if the call is internal. * Answer the caller’s questions with accurate and up to date information, if you cannot answer their questions find someone who can or offer to call them back. * Remember how important confidentiality is when providing information to callers, never give out customer or staff personal details, for example information such as home address, date or birth etc. * If the caller wants to speak to a specific person/department, take these details and transfer the call, remember to introduce the caller to the next person. * Rules to follow when making calls: * Prepare first, you need to know why you are calling in the first place so that you can explain to the person who will answer the phone. * If information is lengthy write yourself a bullet point list of the main notes. * Keep your notepad nearby in case you need to take notes. * Always tell the person who answers the phone who you are and why you are calling. * Make sure you can hear and understand the information you are being told, do not be embarrassed to ask someone to repeat themselves if it is not clear. * If the person answering your call has been helpful, thank them for their time. Taking Messages * When answering a call if the person the caller wishes to speak to is not available, offer to take a message. Rules to follow when taking messages: * Make sure you include all the key facts; this includes the caller’s name, company name, telephone number, any other relevant information the caller wishes you to pass on. * Check all the details with the caller before ending the call. * Write the message clearly to make sure the other person will understand what you are communicating. * Write the time, date of the call on your written message and your own name so the other person can speak to you if they have any questions. Understand how to handle mail Some large organisations have a post room that deals with all incoming and outgoing mail, some have responsible person/persons, and in small organisations everyone is responsible for the post. It is important to follow the correct procedures for receiving, checking and sorting incoming and outgoing mail or packages. If a mistake is made then someone may be waiting on the arrival of an important document and it may go to the wrong person, or even go missing completely. Within most office environments there will be a system and set of procedures for handling incoming and outgoing mail. Staff responsible for receiving and posting mail will have to ensure that: incoming mail has been checked that it has been addressed to the correct organisation and sorted by department or person incoming mail is correctly received and given to the correct recipient outgoing mail is sorted and is correctly labelled with the right postage charge out-going mail is appropriate and relevant to the business (not personal mail). Mail will be in the forms of parcels, letters, recorded deliveries, packages and other mail (including promotional materials/junk mail etc.). Within an organisation there will be different internal and external mail systems. Internal mail systems will involve: Inter-departmental collection points such as pigeon holes or boxes where staff can collect mail relevant to those working within their department. There may also be outgoing postal trays for mail which comes from a department which then needs to be sent from a central office or location site transfer systems – collection and redistribution systems when mail is received into one location but needs to be taken to another (for example, this system would be used when offices are spread out over an industrial park or office block) internal envelopes used for mail which is not being externally posted but sent to staff within an organisation. External mail systems will involve: External mail post boxes (centrally located or collected by administrative staff from departments before being posted externally) recorded delivery postage special delivery postage courier services. Understand how to use different types of office equipment When working within an office environment you will use various types of equipment in order to carry out your role. It is important you know how to use this equipment in order to remain safe and keep risk to a minimum. You may be provided with training at your workplace or you may be asked to refer to the manufacturer’s guide for the equipment you use. Either way it is your responsibility to use all equipment in the correct way and to report any faulty equipment to the relevant person immediately. Manufactures’ guidelines are there for a reason. If you follow the basic guidance then you will not do anything that may harm you or others and the equipment will last longer. The main equipment you will come across in an office is as follows: FAX MACHINES Need to be placed in an area where everyone has access to it and you are able to clearly see when a fax has arrived. Faults could include paper jams, being offline, engaged tone, out of paper, wiring faults, some of these may require expert help so should be reported. PHOTOCOPIERS Should be placed in an open area so there is sufficient air around them, sometimes in a separate room. Faults include paper jams, out of toner etc. Only trained staff should remove paper jams and replace toner. SHREDDERS Used to destroy confidential documents, paper can be recycled, must be over 18 years old to use. Faults include: overloading can cause paper jams, this should be resolved by trained person to avoid harm. GUILLOTINES Used to cut paper, must be over 18 years old to use. BINDING MACHINES Used to bind documents together, do not overload as these can cause the machine to break and ruin documents resulting in wasted resources. FILING CABINETS Used to store documents, drawers must be closed after use to avoid tripping hazards, also must not be overloaded. Never attempt to move a cabinet. COMPUTERS VDU must be at correct height for eye level, also adjust your chair to accommodate posture requirements. Any computer faults should be reported to a Computer Technician. PRINTERS/ SCANNERS It is good practice to proofread all documents before printing to keep waste to a minimum. To be kept where all users can access. Any faults should be reported to a trained Technician. AUDIO MACHINES Used to listen and play back tapes that need to be typed up into the relevant format e.g. letter, memo, report. Each user normally has their own set of earphones for hygiene reasons. Once you have completed a document you can erase the tape and use it again. When using equipment in the workplace it is important to keep it clean and well maintained, especially if you are sharing equipment or desks. You can do this by working in an organised tidy manner, storing equipment safely and cleaning it with the appropriate products. For example using screen wipes for your computer monitor (VDU). You can minimise the number of germs on your keyboard by not eating or drinking at your desk. If you are sharing workspace with others it is good practice to leave the area in a clean and organised manner for the next person in order to give a good impression of the type of person you are. In some organisations you may be required to have a clear desk policy, which means you must leave your desk clear and tidy at the end of the day or when you are away from your desk. Understand how to keep waste to a minimum in a business environment Waste has a huge impact on our carbon footprint and to the cost of running a business. There are many causes of waste in a business environment and many things you can do to prevent it: Paper Proof read before printing, ask yourself do you need to print, email instead of printing, double side when printing or photocopying and use any scrap paper to make note pads. Envelopes, plastic wallets folders – Re use them if you can. Electricity – Turn off computers, monitors and other electrical equipment, do not leave equipment charging over night or for longer periods than necessary and turn lights and heating off when not needed. Many businesses have recycling policies and have put into place measures to make it easy to recycle. You may have an external company that takes away the shredding, toner cartridges or even batteries. There are sometimes allocated bins for paper, cardboard, tins, plastic and glass. Know how to make arrangements for meetings As an administrator you may be called upon to organise and support business meetings. Meetings form a major part of communications within the modern business world. The clear advantage of calling a meeting is that they enable face-to face contact with a number of people at one time, whereas if the communication were done by written communication, it would be difficult to gain a full overview of decisions, involvement etc. It is an opportunity for gaining a wide cross section of opinion where two-way dialogue is encouraged via the asking/answering of questions. What is important for an effective meeting to take place is that the right people are invited and that they are sufficiently briefed in advance so that they can make a worthwhile contribution.  The disadvantage of a meeting is that they can become too numerous, resulting in a great deal of frustration and boredom, owing to a lot of lengthy and often irrelevant discussion, and achieving little or nothing. Also it can be difficult to arrange dates and times convenient for all those who ought to attend, especially when sufficient notice is not given and the people attending have prior commitments. Most people do not like attending meetings – especially if they are not sure what the purpose of the meeting is, or if it goes on too long and achieves too little. Meetings must not be too frequent or held just for the sake of it. There must be a need for a meeting. There should be decisions about the different types of meetings needed. For example, some meetings could be to discuss policy and others to discuss organisation (practical work). Wherever possible the members must know what type of meeting they are going to and what the meeting is for – in other words, the PURPOSE of the meeting. Sometimes an organisation might call a special or extraordinary meeting. There are different types of meetings and planning and it should take account of this. Different types of meetings Most organisations will hold the following types of meetings: The general members meeting This is the most common meeting, which usually happens once a month or once every two weeks. The general members meeting should be the place where members are informed of developments, involved in decisions and given education and information that will help them to become more active in the organisation. General meetings are usually the places where decisions are made and where the executive reports on work they and other sub-committees have done. Special meetings These can be called to discuss specific issues, for example preparing for a national conference or work on planning activities for the year. Any members who are interested should be invited to attend special meetings. They should not be run like general members meetings (with minutes, reports etc) but should only focus on the issues they’ve been called to discuss. Executive meetings The executive should meet more regularly than the general members, and executive meetings should have a more business-like focus. The executive has to plan implementation for the organisation, monitor the work that has been done, deal with problems, and often (if you’re part of a larger organisation) relate to other levels of the organisation. They should discuss correspondence in detail and address problems as they come up. The executive should also keep an eye on the finances of the organisation and monitor income and expenditure. Every executive meeting should have an item on the agenda that plans for the next general members meeting. They should provide both leadership and administration to the organisation. Annual General Meeting Most organisations have an Annual General Meeting laid down in their constitution. The AGM is the place where the executive accounts to all members about the activities of the year as well as the finances of the organisation. The AGM is also the place where new leaders are elected and are given a mandate to run the organisation for another year. Most AGM’s need at least the following two detailed reports to the members: The secretary’s report that lists plans of the organisation, the actual activities that took place that year, the achievements of the year, and the problems experienced. The treasurer’s report: a detailed financial report that lists all income from subscriptions, grants, donations, fundraising; and all expenditure. This report should also clearly state what the balance is and where that balance is held. It is important to have a written financial report at your AGM but very often members find financial reports difficult to understand and you should try and make it simpler by putting the main headings on news-prints and explaining it to people in less financial language. Planning a meeting Planning should improve participation by ensuring that discussion is on a single topic and that the members are well prepared for the meeting. This is the responsibility of the Chairperson, Secretary and Executive, depending on the type of organisation. Planning does not mean controlling and directing the meeting in such a way that it restricts participation Planning should include the following: Notification- It is the executive’s responsibility to ensure that everyone has been notified of the date, time and venue of the meeting, as well as the main issues to be discussed. For many organisations it is a useful practice to always have their meetings on the same day at the same time in the same place – for example on the first Saturday of every month at the local church hall. If you do not money to always inform your members of meetings then over time this will help you to cut costs, and to make sure that everyone knows where they can find the meeting. Preparing the agenda The agenda is a list of the most important issues for the members to discuss, it is drawn from the Matters Arising from the previous meeting and from the discussions of the Executive or Secretariat. The agenda is the responsibility of the Chairperson and the Secretary. The chairperson should read the minutes of the previous meeting to familiarise him/herself with the issues. This will form the basis of a list of matter arising from these minutes. Matters arising include: Tasks a report back must be given Matters for which further information was required for discussion Matters that were deferred to this meeting There are standard items for any agenda. These items should be arranged in order of priority and time should be allocated for each discussion. Where possible, try to familiarise yourself with each area of discussion. An agenda should include a last item known as General or Any Other Business to allow individuals to raise short items not included on the agenda. Understand procedures for organising travel and accommodation arrangements. If you are involved in arranging events for your company then this may involve many different aspects of planning. Before doing any of the planning you will need to establish what your budget is, it would not be sensible to book guests into a five star hotel at  £100 per night when only  £40 has been budgeted for, or booking first class flights when you should have booked economy. Consideration needs to be taken whether the event is local, national or international, as this will have an effect on the type of transport used to get to the venue. Will you need to book flights, car hire, taxis, trains or perhaps a coach? If people are travelling by car then is there parking close by, does the accommodation have parking? There are different types of overnight accommodation available from bed and breakfasts to hotels. How many nights will people need to stay? Will an evening meal be required? You must check that there are no disabilities that need special preparation for. Someone may need access to a wheelchair, lift, ramp or hearing loop. An interpreter may be needed if English is a second language. You must know you own limits of authority, when to seek guidance and the budget you have to work within. Resources may be needed, for example: †¢ Stationery – Pens, paper  †¢ Equipment – Flip charts, laptops (possible Internet access), overhead projectors, chairs †¢ Refreshments – Tea, coffee, water, main meals – taking into consideration any dietary needs that people may have If arranging this type of event it is usual practice for your company then you may already have regular suppliers, if not then you may need to shop around to find a suitable supplier within your given budget. There are many different sources of information available to help you to make your arrangements. You can look on the Internet, use regular suppliers, use internal information from colleagues, or paper based information from previous events, or you could use an agent but be aware that an agent will charge a fee for doing a job that you can do. When you have finalised all the details your end the next thing to do is to give this information to all persons attending the event. Information such as: Time and date of event, travel and accommodation details, map of area, places to park and prices, who to contact for further details or if they have any special needs, agenda and list of anything that needs to be brought Understand diary management procedures. Diaries are an essential planning aid that all organisations will use at some point; some use them more than others depending on the nature of the business. It is important to use a diary to help teams and individuals to plan tasks/activities, some of which will involve very strict deadlines. You can log information such as date, timings and locations of the people who are involved. Diaries can also help staff to know the whereabouts of their colleagues and when they are available to speak to. For example if you answer a call for a colleague but are not sure where they are, you could refer to the staff diary to locate this information (as long as this is accurate and up to date). There are various types of manual diaries that are available; these vary from a large, page-a day type to a smaller version with up to a week on view on each two pages. You need the size that will enable you to write clear information on the tasks you need to do and/or the appointments under each date. Manual diaries are often used for personal appointments and are individual to each person. Other people that may use these are secretaries or PAs. Nowadays electronic or computerised diaries are used much more in companies, especially those that book a large amount of appointments, e.g. hospitals, dentists, garages, electrical and gas companies etc. One of the most frequently used electronic diary programs in business is Microsoft Outlook, because it is compatible with other Microsoft Office software, such as Word. Outlook can be used to maintain your diary, organise and manage lists of tasks you have to do, and keep an address book of your contacts. You can use it as an e-mail software program and also use it to check the schedules of other people in your team; this is useful to book team meetings. Some companies also purchase PDAs for their staff, these offer many usable features including functions such as a â€Å"to do†list, address book, a calculator, a reminder option and a memo pad. They are compatible with the PC so that information can be downloaded easily. Understand the purpose of delivering effective customer service and how to do so. Customers expect good customer service. They expect the service provider to have: * A thorough knowledge of what the organisation has to offer in regards to services and products. * The ability to project a positive image to all customers and meet their needs within the organisations’ limitations. * Good communications skills regardless of form or mode. * Staff that can help customers with any questions or queries they may have promptly. * An excellent understanding of the organisation’s procedures that specify how customers can be dealt with. * The product/service that is being advertised readily available and to be sold at the stated price. It is important to be efficient as you may be first point of contact for the whole organisation and this can create a lasting impression. You do not want to seem unprofessional, as this will not give customers any confidence in their dealings with your organisation. It is essential that you gain your customers’ trust. It is also important to meet or exceed your customers’ expectations to lead to repeat and new business.  We all hear, but how many of us actually listen? Actively listening to your customers will enable you to identify exactly what it is they want and give you the opportunity to recognise if there are any additional products or services that may be of interest to them. There are many different types of customers and it is important to identify them so that you evaluate the type of requirement they may have and what you have to do to meet them.  You may have to deal with a regular customer who you are familiar with, don’t forget to treat everyone with the same respect, just because you know this person it does not mean you can stop portraying a professional image. You may also have to deal with service suppliers or maintenance persons who need directing to different parts of the building, or need you to stay with them whilst they are in parts of the building where they should not have access unless accompanied. You may have to deal with internal or external customers, just remember whoever they are to be polite, as you are portraying the professional image of your company. Understand the purpose of reception services and how to follow reception producer. Many administrators undertake receptionist duties. Some companies may have a specialist reception desk and some smaller firms are likely to expect a receptionist to undertake a variety of administration or telephone duties at the same time. There are many skills required to work on a reception: †¢ A thorough knowledge of your organisation, its structure and the names and job roles of people who work there †¢ The ability to project a positive image to all visitors and help them with their needs and problems †¢ An excellent understanding of your company’s procedures that specify how visitors must be dealt with All visitors should be greeted with a smile and a welcome, no matter whether they are expected or not, or important or not. Don’t assume that the best-dressed visitors are the most important many receptionists have made this mistake and, in some cases, annoyed very key people. Treat everyone with the same courtesy, and make them feel that you have time for them. It is important to be efficient as in some cases the receptionist is the first point of contact with the whole organisation and this can create a lasting impression. You do not want to seem unprofessional, as this will not give visitors any confidence in their dealings with your organisation. The receptionist has many roles to perform. As they are seen as the first point of contact then they are often required to give directions or escort visitors to different parts of the building, they are often asked for general information or to solve problems. Communication is a major role and the receptionist should know how to use their communication skills to get the most out of the way they communicate with visitors. An appropriate tone and level of voice are required. Some organisations have a signing in procedure for visitors, in which case it is the role of the receptionist to ensure that this is done and that any identification badges are given out. In large organisations when a visitor goes into the building they are issued with basic health and safety details, for example, what to do in the event of a fire. Security procedures must be complied with; therefore it is essential that the receptionist is familiar with what these are. If these procedures are not complied with then there will be a breach of the security regulations. If you see someone who you think should not be in particular part of the building then err on the side of caution and report them to your line manager. Security in an organisation may: †¢ Allow for unrestricted visitor access †¢ Restrict visitor access to certain areas †¢ Allow restricted access to certain areas only if accompanied, and then only after visitors have complied with certain screening procedures Dealing with hostile visitors can be difficult, stay calm, listen, look sympathetic, apologise if necessary, and if any of this does not work then make sure you know what to do. You may have a security guard you can call or an alarm you can press for assistance.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Side Effects of Computer Addiction
Side Effects of Computer Addiction Computer Addiction: Side Effects and Possible Solutions Since 1979 when the first microcomputer started coming to the United States and Great Britain there has been a very extensive growth in the areas of computers and drugs. The simultaneity of these two occurrences and the scales of peoples involvement with computers gave way to emergence of the term ‘computer addiction in the early 1980s. The word ‘addiction stands to emphasize the seriousness of the problem and implies the possibility of drastic consequences that computer mania might have. In the current paper we will explore the problem of computer addiction with the emphasis made on its bad effects and possible solutions that might be offered to reduce them to minimum or, if possible, to get rid of computer addiction at all. Our claim is that computer addiction exists, humanity needs to be extremely cautious of its bad effects and it has to work out appropriate treatment to help computer dependent people to solve their problems. The reality of modern life is such that personal computers and Internet access have been proliferating across the world. Everyday activities at home, work, and school are increasingly dependent upon computers. Computers are used to organize data, word process documents, send e-mails, and search for new information via the Internet. Between 9 and 15 million people use the Internet daily, and it is estimated that every 3 months the rate of use increases by 25% (Cooper 181). Through Internet computer becomes a useful tool for communication. No one would deny the importance of computer in modern life and the importance of Internet, in particular, but their properties that promote addictive behaviors and in case of Internet pseudo-intimate interpersonal relationships should not be neglected. Cyberspace that computers and Internet create may result in cyber disorders such as virtual relationships that evolve into online marital infidelity or online sexually compulsive behaviors. An increa sing mental health concern, cyber disorders such as Internet addiction disorder (IAD), also known as pathologic Internet use (PIU) have been identified to diagnose serious issues related to Internet use (Young Rogers 25). The side effects of Internet addiction will be discussed below, whereas at the beginning the general considerations as for the term ‘computer addiction are offered. In the doctoral research concerned with computer dependency Margaret Shotton suggests that the term ‘computer addiction should not be used merely concerning the relatively small proportion of computer users who become intensive computer devotees, but, instead, it should stand to denote ‘the state of being given to a habit or pursuit (Shotton 7). The researcher defines a computer dependent person as a hobbyist, ‘a person devoted to a hobby (sometimes used with a connotation of crankiness), where hobby denotes ‘a favorite occupation pursued merely for amusement or an individual pursuit to which a person is devoted out of proportion to its real importance (Shotton 7). One of the values of Shottons research is that the author conducts investigation that proves existence of computer dependency through obtaining the facts of this existence from a number of sources, namely, existing literature on the problem, the authors of the literature and other psychologists, computer studies teachers, and professional care agencies. Personal contact was made with people who worked with computers and average computer users. They all showed belief in the occurrence of the syndrome of computer dependency. Though the respondents did not consider the syndrome to be a widespread problem believing that it affected only a few individuals among the vast number of computer users but the research still confirmed the existence of the syndrome of computer dependency (Shotton 20). Dr. Maressa Hecht Orzack, the founder and coordinator of the Computer Addiction Service, singles out psychological and physical symptoms of computer addiction. Psychological symptoms are: Having a sense of well-being or euphoria while at the computer; Inability to stop the activity; Craving more and more time at the computer; Neglect of family and friends; Feeling empty, depressed, and irritable when not at the computer; Lying to employers and family about activities; Problems with family and friends (Orzack 2003). Physical symptoms are: Carpal tunnel syndrome; Dry eyes; Migraine headaches; Backaches; Eating irregularities like skipping meals; Failure to attend to personal hygiene; Sleep disturbances, change in sleep pattern (Orzack 2003). Coming back to Shottons experiment with studying the side effects of computer addiction we should say that all these symptoms were observed with the interviewees. Though most of the dependents did not want to admit their addiction some did admit that they experienced negative effects from their activities. Some interviewees spoke of the negative effects that their computer addiction had on their employment. One person admitted that in the past he had spent time playing with the computer while he was at work. But the addiction disappeared when he bought his own home microcomputer upon which he had unrestricted access to program as he wished. Another interviewee admitted that it was difficult for him to concentrate at work, instead of handling the problems that appeared he found himself puzzling over computer problems which he could explore only while at home. This turned out to be especially problematic when he was cycling home from work as not once he had nearly ridden into parked ve hicles. The third interviewee spoke of the problems that occurred because of a poor match between his skills and those demanded by his bosses. He was responsible for management activity and could not perform it well because he spent a lot of his working time directly with the computer instead of working with people. What is important is that a lot of interviewees appeared to be reluctant to change their job positions just to remain in the posts that presupposed the frequent use of computers. If, on the contrary, promotion implied more time at computing interviewees spent more hours at work that caused in their intercourse with friends and families. Students of different age admitted that their academic performance suffered because of their devotion to computing. ‘My school work suffers, ‘It was an impediment to my degree, I should have been reading books, ‘It detracts from my schoolwork, ‘I did very poorly at university in the first two years it was detrimental to my coursework and I nearly got thrown out for hacking into the universitys Prime system were the most common answers of those who realized that they were achieving lower standards academically (Shotton 212). But along with these statements the students showed their certainty about the fact that they were more likely to find jobs related to computing than to the spheres they were prepared for at their educational establishments, due to constant work at computer they felt confident in this sphere. As it was mentioned above social lives of computer addicts are also affected. Computers take much of the dependents free time and, as a result, less time is spent communicating with others. Moreover, different misunderstanding appears on the basis of absence of the common interest to computing in case friends and members of the family do not share the interest in computers. Many respondents from Shottons research admitted that they found computing an escape from social interaction: they found it stressful in the past and computer enabled them to get rid of the undesired communication. Working on computer was a common excuse in case the dependants did not want to attend various social activities. Computer mania affected most of all those addicts who were married as they spent less time with their spouses and children. Domestic disharmony, problems in sexual relationships these were the commonest negative effects of computer addiction on a family scale (Shotton 213). Other side effects include those that computers have on the personalities of the dependents. People addicted to computers tend to be more intolerant and impatient with others. Computer becomes a sort of refuge from the real life for them and they become more reserved and restrained. Sometimes a computer dependent person loses interest in the world around and does not even care of ones personal happiness, this person sees computer as the only ‘creature in the world that can understand him or her. The negative physical effects that computer addiction can cause include restlessness, sleeplessness, tension, headache and backache. If computer dependents suffer from some disease the disease worsens while constant working on computer. As far as the problem of computer addiction is concerned Internet addiction deserves especial consideration. Different terms are used to denote this kind of computer addiction: pathological Internet use or problematic Internet use. An Internet addicted person loses the ability to control ones use of the Internet. This lack of control causes marked distress and/or functional impairment (Shapira et al. 270). The addiction may go along with depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder or alcohol and drug addiction. The most obvious symptoms of Internet addiction include social isolation, family discord, divorce, academic failure, job loss, and debt (Young et al. 475). Other symptoms are: neglecting responsibilities, feelings of depression, tension, anger when Internet is not accessible, a need for better computer programs, etc. There are five Internet-related issues that Internet addiction is composed of: cybersexual addiction, cyber relationship addiction, net compulsions, information overload, and addiction to interactive computer games (Young et al. 476). Side effects of Internet addiction of any type are the same as the ones of computer addiction in general. It influences negatively relationship within families, the members of which believe that they mean nothing to their relative as he or she spends hours sitting in front of the computer. Internet addiction might bring serious financial problems as the habit does not only require some financial provision but it leads to neglecting responsibilities by the dependent that, in turn, may lead to loose of job due to poor performance. Treatment options to computer addiction include: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. It is based on Becks (1976) theory that thoughts determine feelings. The theory encourages the dependent to recognize thoughts and feelings causing him/her to inappropriately use the computer to meet personal needs (Orzack, 1999 15). This is achieved through the following stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, maintenance, and termination. In the first stage the dependent does not recognize the problem that he or she has and, therefore, does not want to change anything. Thus, the therapists task at this stage is to help the patient understand that the problem exists and help him/her realize the necessity of solving it. In the second stage the individual recognizes the need for change but still does not have a substantial desire to change something. In the preparation stage, the individual is ready to establish a plan to address the problem. The dependent person realizes that he or she needs to establish control over computer use by setting time limits. The person seeks for other activities that can be done when the urge to use the computer exists. The maintenance stage begins when the dependent learns to control ones computer use. The goal of this phase is to prevent relapse. The final stage, termination, occurs when the individual has no more desire to overuse the computer. During the treatment the therapists task is to support the dependent in every stage encouraging his or her entering another stage (Wieland 153). Psychopharmacology. It is aimed at treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other anxiety disorders that computer addiction goes along with. Addictions Treatment and Self-Help Groups. The treatment is organized by special addiction services like the Center for Online Addiction, the Institute for Addiction Recovery at Proctor Hospital in Peoria, the Computer Addiction Services at McLean Hospital in Belmont, The National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, etc. Solutions to computer addition may include keeping oneself busy by involvement into work irrelevant to the work of computer. Hobbies become of much importance when there is a desire to get rid or computer dependency. Psychotherapy, marital counseling, addition counseling, parent counseling, social skills training are among the solutions available. Though they are applicable depending on this or that particular case, the use of them in complex is also rather beneficial for the dependent if appropriately organized and controlled. Thus, the paper defined computer and Internet addiction, showed their side effects and offered the most effective ways of solving the problem. Though the solutions proposed are rather helpful, it is a computer users responsibility not to become a computer addict. Personal control over the use of control is required not to become a compute/Internet addict. Works Cited Cooper, A. 1999, ‘Sexuality and the Internet: Surfing into the new millennium, CyberPsychology and Behavior, no. 1, pp. 181-187. Lamberg, L. 1999, ‘Computers enter mainstream psychiatry, Journal of the American Medical Association, no. 278, pp. 799-801. Orzack, M. 1999, ‘How to recognize and treat computer addictions, Directions, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 13-20. Orzack, M. H. 2003, ‘Computer addiction services, Available at: Shapira, N. et al. 2000, ‘Psychiatric features of individuals with problematic Internet use, Journal of Affective Disorders, no. 57, pp. 267-272. Shotton, M. A. 1989, Computer Addiction? A Study of Computer Dependency, London, Taylor Francis. Wieland, D. M. 2005, ‘Computer addiction: Implications for nursing psychotherapy practice, Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, vol. 41, no. 4, p. 153. Young, K. 1998, Caught in the Net, New York, Wiley. Young, K. et al. 1999, ‘Cyber disorders: The mental health concern for the new millennium, CyberPsychology and Behavior, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 475-479. Young, K., Rogers, R. 1998, ‘The relationship between depression and Internet addiction, CyberPsychology and Behavior, vol.1, no. 1, pp. 25-28.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Aryan Invasion Theory :: essays papers
Aryan Invasion Theory The major theory that has been repeated throughout time, to interrupt the evolution of India and migration of man, has been the Aryan Invasion Theory. According to this account, India was invaded and conquered by a nomadic tribe of Indo-European tribes from Central Asia around 1500-100 BC. It was said that these light skinned nomads fought a major battle with the darker skinned "Dravidian Civilization, from which they took most of what later, became the Hindu culture." The Aryan Invasion Theory is based upon ruins that were discovered in the Indus valley. The Aryan people also cite how the Aryan Vedic scriptures explain a war between the powers of light and darkness. This was therefore interpreted throughout time, to mean that the war occurred between a lighter skinned civilization (Aryans) and more dark skinned civilization. Scholars believed that the Aryans came into India around the time of 1500 BC, since the Indus Valley culture was earlier than this, they concluded that it had to be preAryan. It was also assumed by these same scholars, much of them who were of Christian origin, and unsympathetic to the Vedic culture, that the Vedic culture originated from primitive nomads from Central Asia. Thus, the Vedic culture could not have found any "urban culture like that of the Indus Valley." The Vedic culture was thus said to be warriors of Central Asian decent who came into India with horse drawn chariots and iron weapons. However, there was never any chariots or iron discovered in Indus Valley sites. The whole idea of nomads with chariots has been challenged. How could these nomads travel through rough mountain valleys (in tough weather ) with these chariots? Horse drawn chariots, were vehicles that were most likely used in lands that were mostly flat. Therefore, it can be said that the metals and wheel fragments that were discovered could come from the Vedic culture. Opponents of the Aryan Invasion theory, point to many different flaws in the theory. First off, some scholars now believe that it may have been just a pure biased opinion that has been passed on throughout time. The Aryan Invasion Theory served to divide India into a northern Aryan and southern Dravidian culture, which were hostile to each other. This theory also gave the British an excuse in their conquest of India. They could claim to only be doing what their Aryan ancestors had previously done. Lastly, by implementing the Aryan Invasion Theory, the history and science of India was given a mostly Greek Aryan Invasion Theory :: essays papers Aryan Invasion Theory The major theory that has been repeated throughout time, to interrupt the evolution of India and migration of man, has been the Aryan Invasion Theory. According to this account, India was invaded and conquered by a nomadic tribe of Indo-European tribes from Central Asia around 1500-100 BC. It was said that these light skinned nomads fought a major battle with the darker skinned "Dravidian Civilization, from which they took most of what later, became the Hindu culture." The Aryan Invasion Theory is based upon ruins that were discovered in the Indus valley. The Aryan people also cite how the Aryan Vedic scriptures explain a war between the powers of light and darkness. This was therefore interpreted throughout time, to mean that the war occurred between a lighter skinned civilization (Aryans) and more dark skinned civilization. Scholars believed that the Aryans came into India around the time of 1500 BC, since the Indus Valley culture was earlier than this, they concluded that it had to be preAryan. It was also assumed by these same scholars, much of them who were of Christian origin, and unsympathetic to the Vedic culture, that the Vedic culture originated from primitive nomads from Central Asia. Thus, the Vedic culture could not have found any "urban culture like that of the Indus Valley." The Vedic culture was thus said to be warriors of Central Asian decent who came into India with horse drawn chariots and iron weapons. However, there was never any chariots or iron discovered in Indus Valley sites. The whole idea of nomads with chariots has been challenged. How could these nomads travel through rough mountain valleys (in tough weather ) with these chariots? Horse drawn chariots, were vehicles that were most likely used in lands that were mostly flat. Therefore, it can be said that the metals and wheel fragments that were discovered could come from the Vedic culture. Opponents of the Aryan Invasion theory, point to many different flaws in the theory. First off, some scholars now believe that it may have been just a pure biased opinion that has been passed on throughout time. The Aryan Invasion Theory served to divide India into a northern Aryan and southern Dravidian culture, which were hostile to each other. This theory also gave the British an excuse in their conquest of India. They could claim to only be doing what their Aryan ancestors had previously done. Lastly, by implementing the Aryan Invasion Theory, the history and science of India was given a mostly Greek
The Pros and Cons of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Essays
An increasing number of universities and private companies are now offering free online college classes, many of which focus on computer science education. Technological advancements have enabled millions of students worldwide to participate in these free classes. This research paper will briefly describe the history of the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), investigate the pros and cons of MOOCs as they relate to computer education and examine the potential ethical issues surrounding MOOCs. Free technical training and coursework, specifically MOOCs, provides the opportunity to bridge the higher educational divide and increase the technology skilled labor force but raise serious ethical concerns regarding intellectual property ownership and the privacy of personal information. The cost of a college education in the United States has increased 538% since 1985 (Jamrisko & Kolet, 2013). In the wake of the most recent recession, universities have seen their endowments shrink, public funding for state universities has decreased, the job market has diminshed and consequently, graduates are having a difficult time repaying their student loans (Yardi, 2012). As a result, there is a demand for more affordable higher education pathways. The creation of free, online college courses has provided a possible solution in the quest for an alternative to the traditional, expensive higher education path. The goal of free higher education for all is a lofty but admirable one. As the number of MOOC providers and course options increase, it is important to examine and critique the methods used to achieve this goal. Review of the Literature History of MOOCs Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are online, tuition free courses that ... ...s? Retrieved from doors/pmjHbLCghsH0lEbulWC9VL/story.html Number of Students. (2014, January 17). Retrieved from Robbins, J. (2013, March 25). The ethics of MOOCs. Retrieved from Schmidt, P. (2013, June 12). AAUP sees MOOCs as spawning new threats to professors’ intellectual property. Retrieved from Spawning/139743/ Weigel, M. (2014, January 2). MOOCs and online learning: Research roundup. Retrieved from roundup Yardi, Moshe. (2012). Will MOOCs destroy academia? Communications of the ACM, 55(11), 5.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Overview of the Monarchs of the Tudor Dynasty Essay examples -- the tu
In 817 Alfred the Great became England’s first ruler, he was the first of many to come. The many King and Queens of England are divided into different eras by families. One of the families was the Tudor family, which is a well-known English monarchy. The Tudors were a family that ruled England from 1485 to 1603 whom ranged from Henry VII to Elizabeth I these rulers were well known because of different attributes they gave England. I will be providing information about all six rulers that reigned England in this distinctive dynasty. Each King or Queen will have information about them in a paragraph, following these paragraphs will be a conclusion summarizing the Tudor family. My work cited page will indicate the ending of my paper. Henry VII Henry VII was the first of the Tudor family, which makes him the founder of the Tudor dynasty. Henrys father was Edmund Tudor a Welshman and his mother was Margaret Beaufort, a descendant of Edward III. The fact that Henry even became King was astonishing because Edward III children were before his marriage and it took some time before the courts approved of his children to be in the royal lineage. Nevertheless he was of royal heritage and became King of England. What solidified his throne though were his marriage and his battle against Richard III.†By 1485 the Wars of the Roses had been raging in England for many years between the Houses of York and Lancaster. The Lancastrian Henry later took for his bride Elizabeth of York thereby uniting the houses.†â€Å"The real matter was decided on the battlefield, at the Battle of Bosworth field. It was here that Henry and his forces met with Richard III and Henry won the crown.†(tudorhistoryHenryVIIpg2)By the end of his reign Henry II ac... ... take her place once she dies. Queen Elizabeth I was the last of the Tudor Dynasty. Although some of the Kings and Queens from the Tudor dynasty did not rule for an extended period of time each of the six rulers were of great importance in order to write history. Works Cited Greaves, Richard L. â€Å"The Tudors†The World book Encyclopedia. A Scott Fetzer Company. Volume 19. Chicago IL: World Book, Inc.2003.Print. Page 481 Crofton, Ian. Kings and Queens of England. Quercus Publishing PLC. London.2008. Print. Pages 134,135,138,140,142,145 Weir, Alison. The six wives of Henry VIII.Gove Press. New York.1991.Page 3 http:/ 2012. Henry VII King of England pages 2-3 Henry VIII King of England page 2 Lady Jane Grey Queen of Nine Days page 2 Mary I Queen of England pages 3-4 Elizabeth I Queen of England page 2
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Virgil and Petroneous
Essay 1 How much can a civilization change in under a year? The Roman Civilization changed drastically in roughly one hundred years in the way they view many aspects of their life, including the role of women and the role of the gods in their life. In Virgil’s The Aeneid, he has presented Rome as superior to Greece, being written at the time of Augustus; The Aeneid was used as propaganda for the Romans to make them feel superior after the Trojan War.Petronius wrote about Rome during the reign of Nero, in his novel, it is apparent that by the time Epicureanism had gotten to Rome, they had taken it and formed a twisted version of just how extreme they took Hedonism; as exemplified in Dinner With Trimalchio from the novel The Satyricon. The two authors Virgil and Petronius have described Roman civilization under their perspective through their novels and have not only made contrasts, but comparisons as well in commonly seen themes such as the role of the gods in their everyday li fe and the role of women. T) Although they are roughly a hundred years apart, Virgil's novel, The Aeneid, has presented a very different approach to Rome and its civilization compared to Petronius’ novel, The Satyricon. I think this civilization experienced the drastic shift that it did because of the ruler they had at the moment. The Aeneid was written under the reign of Augustus, who was interested in bettering Rome and its people as seen with his Pax Romana and the construction of roads.The people during the reign of Augustus were very rational and were not fearful of the gods but rather believed that they were in charge of their own fate, thus making them â€Å"better†than the Greeks. The Satyricon was written under the reign of Nero, who had very twisted morals due to the lack of philosophy when he was younger. Nero was very cruel and hedonistic, he did not just live for simple pleasure, he lived for extreme pleasure as seen when he literally built himself a plea sure palace while the entire city was dying of hunger and were homeless.The story Dinner With Trimalchio exemplifies how hedonism and Nero’s â€Å"morals†have affected the rich as well. In Dinner With Trimalchio, not only are they living very hedonistic, but the gods are practically nonexistent, while in the story of The Aeneid, they’re there, they’re just portrayed as cruel and not very helpful or necessary, thus leaving them to their own fate. Virgil portrayed Rome as very rational and nondependent of the gods, while Petronius portrayed Rome as hedonistic with a lack of morals and a loss of the gods.A commonly seen theme in both The Aeneid and The Satyricon is the role of the gods. In the Aeneid, as previously mentioned, the gods are perceived as cruel and violent. One instant of this can be seen in Book 2 of the Aeneid when Minerva sent serpents to kill Laoco? n because he not only disobeyed her but he also disrespected her. Minerva sent two serpents to kill him and his sons. She had the serpents kill his sons before his eyes then kill him slowly and painfully. This portrays the gods as cruel and violent.The gods are portrayed as much more violent when compared to The Iliad by Homer in book 22 when Athena is sent down to fasten things up between Achilles and Hector and talk to both of them to ultimately have Hector killed by Achilles. Virgil is making a point that the gods are cruel. Minerva made Laoco? n a cautionary tale to not mess with her or she will not only kill you, but your bloodline as well. Another instance can be seen when Hector appears to Aeneas in a dream and his body is completely disheveled and destroyed. His body is shown the way it would have been should he not have been taken care of Apollo; â€Å"†¦How he looked, how different from that Hector Who returned to Troy wearing Achilles’ armor†¦ †The Aeneid Book 2 line 325-326. This makes the Greeks look bad because not only did Apollo not keep his promise that he would watch over his body, but the Greeks do not have any battle chivalry and dragged his body from his ankles. Virgil has depicted the gods in the Aeneid as cruel and violent. The role of the gods can also be seen in Dinner With Trimalchio, however, they’re not shown as cruel, but instead they are basically nonexistent.One instance can be seen in the poem that Trimalchio recites, â€Å"Nothing but bones, that’s what we are, Death hustles us humans away, Today we’re here and tomorrow we’re not, so live and drink while you may! †page 45. This portrayed the cultural mindset of the people. They believed they were atomic and when they died, they merely fell apart and did not have an afterlife, therefor, they lived life with no regrets and lived for pleasure, the gods were nonextixtant therefore they would not get punished for whatever â€Å"sin†they committed.Another instance can be seen on page 52, â€Å"Oh no, weâ €™re big lions are home, but scared foxes in public†. This meaning that the people and the government and how corrupt it is because of their lack of the gods. If the people had gods, they would not be so corrupt and would obey them and have a better government not ruled solely by Nero, the reckless emperor. The people were still somewhat fearful of the gods and the government, but more because they knew they were lacking their fate. Another theme that is commonly seen in both The Satyricon and The Aeneid is the role of women.A specific instance of the role of women can be seen in Dinner With Trimalchio when Trimalchio, being half drunk, tells his guests that they should ask his wife, Fortunata to dance on the table for everyone to entertain them, but when he does so, she leans over to him and whispers something in his ear and he immediately shuts up, â€Å"He was just about to get up on the table when Fortunata went and whispered something in his ear, probably a warning t hat theses drunken capers were undignified.Never was a man so changeable; sometimes he would bow down to Fortunata in anything she asked at other times, as now, he went his war. †Page 59-60. This shows that Fortunata has power over Trimalchio and he will do whatever she orders him to do. Another instance can be seen when Enculpias is asking about Fortunata and someone describes her. â€Å"If she told him at noon it was night, he’d crawl into bed. †Fortunata obviously has a lot of power over Trimalchio and can convince him about anything. She has power over him, even though she is only wealthy though him, she holds power over him.The role of women can also be seen in Virgil’s The Aeneid when Aeneus tries to kill Helen because he believes that Helen was the reason why the Trojan War begun, â€Å"My soul flared with a burning desire To avenge Try and make her pay for her sins. †Line 673-674 pages 46. Although Aeneus wants to kill her, his mother, Ve nus has come down to stop him from killing her because it is not the right thing to do. She mentions his father and everything he did and told him that it is not the fault of Helen, but of the gods.This shows how much of an impact his mother can make on Aeneus because should she not have intervened he would have killed Helen. Another example of the role of women in The Aeneid can be seen in Book 2 when Minerva has Laoco? n killed because he was being disrespectful. â€Å"For if you lay violent hands Upon this offering to Minerva, Destruction will fall†¦ †lines 226-228. Minerva was a goddess to be feared of rather than only the male gods. She was obviously very powerful and very influential to the people. The women portrayed in The Aeneid and The Satyricon are both very influential and very powerful.The parallels between Contemporary American Society and Imperial Rome can be seen in the constant flux of the mindsets of the people in America. Similar to that of Rome, in a couple hundred of years, religion has changed a lot from being present, to being vaguely there. For example, Christianity was the biggest and most widespread religion 19th century while now, although it is still very widespread and very popular, there are many more religions such as Buddhism and Judaism. However, there was never a time where God was simply not there in American society such as in the time of Nero.Similar to the Romans, women have great influences and power now such as Fortunata had on Trimalchio and Minerva over not only Laoco? n, but the people of Rome as well. Women such as Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton have grand power in American society. Michelle has help many fundraisers and is in charge of many charities and organizations and Hillary Clinton, being the Secretary of State can one day even become the first female president. This tells us that we have adopted and adapted the Roman’s views on many things that have ultimately become very influential i n our society.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Library Assignment
ENGL 111 slope Composition Statewide Online Course program program depository library Assignment ivyTilt Activity 1 acquiring Started HINT Instead of printing go forth this document, view it online. That way you can cross on the embedded joins to go to the various contact lenss and tutorials. Before jump these activities, be sure your computer has Macromedia flash Player and Adobe Shockwave installed. Most ivy Tech regions have access to the primary(prenominal) Virtual program library screens, but if in that respect is a problem accessing your local library, you may be able to access textile discussed and assigned below through the ex form Indiana subr come onine library page to a greater extent reliably.Also readModules 9 & 10That hollo is http//wwwcc. ivytech. edu/library/central-indiana/index. html ivyTilt Activity 1Tutorials 1, 2, and 6 For this first library assignment, you go away complete three common ivyTilt modules. Go to the IvyTilt website at http//facu lty. ivytech. edu/smclaugh/ivytilt/choice. html and select the three modules you be going to do for Activity 1.1. scratch time Smart (Module 1)This tutorial is an introduction to victimisation the Virtual program library. Review it c arfully so you belowstand the terms that go away be dod in later modules.2.Choosing a Topic (Module 2)This tutorial will military service you create workable topics for searches and later writing. considera good topic is not found it is developed.3. Citing Sources (Module 6)Never mind modules 3, 4, and 5 for now. Jump to Module 6 and recrudesce some insight into how to credit entry a borrowed idea in the body of your topic and how to list the source of that idea at the end of your opus. At the end of apiece module is a brief quiz. The quizzes argon self-assessments to chat how well you have know the tuition in the tutorial.You should take the quizzes for Modules 1, 2, and 6 and copy and paste the results page for individually quiz int o a accommodate on your computer once you have bump offd at to the lowest degree 90% on to to to apiece angiotensin-converting enzyme cardinal one quiz. Please note that the library waiter does NOT keep copies of your quiz results and the library quiz does NOT link now to Blackboard. You must COPY & PASTE for each one results page into a show on your computer in order to break the completed quizzes to your teacher. If you soft touch less than 90% on any of the three quizzes, surveil the tutorial and retake the quiz for that module.Do not pick out a quiz if your bump off is below 90%, but check out the clobber until you better on a lower floorstand the literal and can stigmatise at least 90%. Quizzes with scores of less than 90% will not receive credit. How to aim the quizzes to your instructor Collect the results of the three quizzes development COPY & PASTE. Collect your results in one file and name your file something manage IvyTilt_1_Mynamehere. Be su re your name is in the file name. Do not lend oneself symbols same in the file name. reach the file via the depository library AssignmentIvy Tilt Activity 1 link for this assignment in Session 3.For small instructions on how to supply your file victimisation this link hold the disciple sentinel to Blackboard by pokeying on the Start Here tab on the left, and hence clicking on Step 3 Help with Blackboard & Technology link, and because clicking on the Blackboard pupil describe attachment. Once your file is submitted, you will see a green exclamation arrest for library Activity 1 under My Grades. This exclamation take down will budge to a score after your instructor grades your assignment. All quizzes ar due no later than the end of Session 3. win 3 quizzes with scores 90% or higher10 points quizzes with scores 90% or higher7 points 1 quiz with score 90% or higher4 points 0 quizzes with score 90% or higher0 points Additional Library Information and coiffure Revie w the following websites for further tuition about citation in MLA and/or APA style. Bookmark pages that ar useful to you http//library. albany. edu/usered/ remark/index. html This site provides general culture on APA and MLA style and instructions on how to use Citation Generators effectively. http//owl. english. purdue. edu/ The Purdue University Online Writing research lab (OWL) offers a searchable index that can assistant with MLA and APA manuscript styles.The links for manuscript styles are in the upper right order of that page. http//wwwcc. ivytech. edu/shared/shared_hlibrarycc/Images/VL_Live/clip1_fin. html View the captured-screen pic that introduces the Virtual Library sign-in and opening page. You should political platform to sign into and use the Virtual Library as a regular severaliseing of your work for this class. http//library. acadiau. ca/tutorials/ plagiarisation/ This interactional and fun tutorial from the Vaughan Memorial Library at Acadia University walks you through specific examples of documenting sources and avoiding buccaneering with your student companions Dylan, Emma, Tyler, and Maiko.Library AssignmentENGL 111 incline Composition Statewide Online Course Library Assignment IvyTilt Activity 1 acquire Started HINT Instead of printing out this document, view it online. That way you can click on the embedded links to go to the various links and tutorials. Before starting these activities, be sure your computer has Macromedia specious Player and Adobe Shockwave installed. Most Ivy Tech regions have access to the chief(prenominal) Virtual Library screens, but if thither is a problem accessing your local library, you may be able to access framework discussed and assigned below through the telephone exchange Indiana Library page much reliably.Also readModules 9 & 10That book of facts is http//wwwcc. ivytech. edu/library/central-indiana/index. html IvyTilt Activity 1Tutorials 1, 2, and 6 For this first library assignment, you will complete three IvyTilt modules. Go to the IvyTilt website at http//faculty. ivytech. edu/smclaugh/ivytilt/choice. html and select the three modules you are going to do for Activity 1.1. kickoff Smart (Module 1)This tutorial is an introduction to using the Virtual Library. Review it carefully so you understand the terms that will be used in later modules.2.Choosing a Topic (Module 2)This tutorial will service you create workable topics for searches and later writing. reputea good topic is not found it is developed.3. Citing Sources (Module 6)Never mind modules 3, 4, and 5 for now. Jump to Module 6 and stool some insight into how to cite a borrowed idea in the body of your paper and how to list the source of that idea at the end of your paper. At the end of each module is a brief quiz. The quizzes are self-assessments to see how well you have know the schooling in the tutorial.You should take the quizzes for Modules 1, 2, and 6 and copy and paste the results page for e ach quiz into a file on your computer once you have scored at least 90% on each quiz. Please note that the library server does NOT keep copies of your quiz results and the library quiz does NOT link straightaway to Blackboard. You must COPY & PASTE each results page into a file on your computer in order to submit the completed quizzes to your instructor. If you score less than 90% on any of the three quizzes, palingenesis the tutorial and retake the quiz for that module.Do not submit a quiz if your score is below 90%, but reappraisal the material until you better understand the material and can score at least 90%. Quizzes with scores of less than 90% will not receive credit. How to submit the quizzes to your instructor Collect the results of the three quizzes using COPY & PASTE. Collect your results in one file and name your file something like IvyTilt_1_Mynamehere. Be sure your name is in the file name. Do not use symbols like in the file name. lay in the file via the Library AssignmentIvy Tilt Activity 1 link for this assignment in Session 3.For elaborated instructions on how to submit your file using this link see the Student Guide to Blackboard by clicking on the Start Here tab on the left, and then clicking on Step 3 Help with Blackboard & Technology link, and then clicking on the Blackboard Student Guide attachment. Once your file is submitted, you will see a green exclamation mark for Library Activity 1 under My Grades. This exclamation mark will change to a score after your instructor grades your assignment. All quizzes are due no later than the end of Session 3. scoring 3 quizzes with scores 90% or higher10 points quizzes with scores 90% or higher7 points 1 quiz with score 90% or higher4 points 0 quizzes with score 90% or higher0 points Additional Library Information and use Review the following websites for further information about citation in MLA and/or APA style. Bookmark pages that are useful to you http//library. albany. edu/usered/cit e/index. html This site provides general information on APA and MLA style and instructions on how to use Citation Generators effectively. http//owl. english. purdue. edu/ The Purdue University Online Writing research laboratory (OWL) offers a searchable index that can assistance with MLA and APA manuscript styles.The links for manuscript styles are in the upper right partition of that page. http//wwwcc. ivytech. edu/shared/shared_hlibrarycc/Images/VL_Live/clip1_fin. html View the captured-screen photo that introduces the Virtual Library sign-in and opening page. You should devise to sign into and use the Virtual Library as a regular part of your work for this class. http//library. acadiau. ca/tutorials/plagiarism/ This synergistic and fun tutorial from the Vaughan Memorial Library at Acadia University walks you through specific examples of documenting sources and avoiding plagiarism with your student companions Dylan, Emma, Tyler, and Maiko.
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