Friday, May 31, 2019
Comparing Mary Anne in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong and Kurtz in Apo
Comparing Mary Anne in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong and Kurtz in Apocalypse Now In 1979, Francis Coppola released a de servicemand that he said he hoped would give its audience a sense of the horror, the madness, the sensuousness, and the moral dilemma of the Vietnam war (as quoted in Hagen 230). His film, Apocalypse Now, based on Joseph Conrads 1902 fiction Heart of Darkness, is the story of Captain Benjamin Willards (Martin Sheen) journey to the interior of the jungle of Southeastern Asia for the purpose of executing his orders to track down Colonel Walter E. Kurtz (Marlon Brando). Once Kurtz is located, Willard is to terminate his pretermit with extreme prejudice because Kurtz has raised an army of deserters and natives, whom he rules over like a fanatical war lord- When Willard finally reaches Kurtzs compound and meets him, he discovers a man who has descended into primitive barbarism. From the beginning of their encounter, Kurtz knows why Willard was sent to find him and makes no effort to stop Willard from slaying him with a machete. With his mission accomplished, Willard boards the boat that will take him. venture to civilization. Tim OBriens story Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong is like Apocalypse Now in that it is also about a character who crossed to the other side. Her conjure up is Mary Anne and her boyfriend, Mark Fossie, has her shipped over to Vietnam to be with him. However, instead of reacting to the atmosphere of the war as Fossie thougbt she would, she becomes fascinated with the mystery of it, and over the course of the story is completely skeletal in by the jungles allure. Over a period of weeks, she disappears on ambushes with a nearby squad of Green Berets and when finally confronted by Fossie, he fi... ...e Now (1979) Joseph Conrad and the tv War. Hollvwood As Historian American Film in a Cultural Context. Ed. Peter C. Rollins. Kentucky The University Press of Kentucky, 1983. 230-245. OBrien, Tim. How to Tell a True War Stor y, Writing As Re-Vision A Studenls Anthology Ed. Beth Alvarado and Barbara Cully. Needham Heights, MA Simon and Schuster Custom Publishing, 1996. 550-558. __________. Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong,. The Things They Carried. modernistic York Viking Penguin. 1990. 101-125. __________. The Vietnam in Me. Writing As Re- Vision A Students Antholoqy. 559-571. Phillips, Gene D. Conrad and Cinema The Art of Adaptation. New York Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 1995. Watts, Cedric. Heart of Darkness. The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad. Ed. J.H. Stape. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1996. 45-62.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Apologies :: Writing Education Themewriting Essays
ApologiesI cant apologize enough for this ugly piece of theme write. Yes, I admit it, I wrote a standard themewriting paper. I started with a cute little introduction with my thesis sentence at the end of my introductory paragraph. Once I established my thesis statement I backed it up with the three magical points that were neatly wrapped up in three short paragraphs. I ended with a brilliant stopping point that only did what a standard themewriting paper does, I restated my introduction and what I had state in the three paragraphs prior to the conclusion. The whole paper makes me want to throw-up. I could have handed in just my conclusion because it said what the rest of the paper did with less of a waste of paper. I should have known when I read the conclusion that the paper was dung but of course I didnt have the knowledge of expository 220 yet. I learned quite a dapple in the twelve weeks that the course offered. I learned how to use the web, how to write loyal exposition, and how to rip apart a paper that I thought was solid just twelve weeks ago. As I started to look over my paper the first thing that really popped out at me was my need to over-simplify everything. Instead of writing for a college professor my work looked more like a elementary school level expository assignment. I should have followed it up with a What I did this summer paper. I was embarrassed that I had wrote at such a level. My grammar was clearly not up to a university standard. Im not saying that to write guileless is wrong but I did so in such a way where, as I look at it now, I could have said a lot more to enhance the paper and really say it in a different manner. As I talk about the comfort of my former work Id also really like to state that I had a very over-simplified point. My metaphor for my university education has been over cliched enough already. I didnt offer anything new and really had no real meaning to my paper. Looking back at the assignment I realize now that I didnt model enough thought into what I was writing about, which really showed in my writing. I should have explored other metaphors before jumping into the first thing that popped into my head.
Theme Of Lord Of The Flies :: essays research papers
Hope in One PersonAs a whole federation we all need rules and punishments to keep unruly people in line. Though we are all not the same type of people, there is all ship canal a natural born leader to bond a discouraged and uncooperative group of people together towards hope. These natural talents are demonstrated by a 12 year old boy named Ralph, he uses his skills to survive in the insane island in the novel, Lord of the Flies.Leadership encourages hope within the suspicious group of kids headed by Ralph in the novel, Lord of the Flies. Ralphs leadership brings the boys together by giving them a rough-cut goal to survive. By giving the boys a common goal they respect one other and have a sense of togetherness to complete their goal to survive. Also their respect for each other brings peace and satisfaction for a little while on the island. Through Ralphs leadership, hope is obtainable for all those who live on the island.For example hope offers a reason for vitality and for d oing their assigned duties. Through Ralphs leadership he orders the building of a signal fire, for that day that they may be rescued. The idea of the fire enhances the capability of Ralphs leadership skills and reasoning. This likewise ensures Ralph the confidence to be more then willing to face greater and more impossible challenges in the near future. Through Ralphs Leadership, hope was not a dream and it brought reality towards rescue. Trust destroyed peace within the society Ralph had built in the novel, Lord of the Flies. Trust is the bases of leadership, without trust there is no group to survive. When Ralph trusted the littleuns to work without his guidance, he put faith in them that they will work for their common goal to survive. In stead of working they screwed around, that cost them dearly in up coming events in the book. Ralphs other fatal mistake was to trust Jack with power. Without knowing it Jack single handily formed a second tribe, which was full of hate, fear, and evil. Ralphs trust in Jack nearly killed him and other innocent life on the island, but indeed it paid a cost that cost Simon and Piggys life as well. Ralph trusted each member of his tribe to treat others with the same respect he would have liked to be treated.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Disgrace of Flag Burning :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
The Disgrace of Flag Burning To Those Who Want To Burn the Flag, just affect permission........ Does the First Amendment give us the right to desecrate the American give way? Or is the flag a sacred symbol of our nation, deserving protection by law? For those who want to light Old Glory on fire, pigeonhole all over it, or spit on it to make some sort of statement, I say let them do it. But under unitary condition they MUST rush permission from three sponsors. First, you need permission of a war veteran. Perhaps a Marine who fought at Iwo Jima? The American flag was raised over Mount Surabachi upon the bodies of thousands of dead buddies. Each night spent on Iwo meant half of everyone you knew would be dead tomorrow, a capital flip away from a bloody end upon a patch of sand your mother couldnt find on a map. Or maybe ask a Vietnam vet who spent years tortured in a small, filthy cell unfit for a dog. Or a Korean contend soldier who helped rescue half a nation from Communism, or a Desert Storm veteran who repulsed a bloody dictator from raping and pillaging an fair country. That flag represented your mother and father, your sister and brother, your friends, neighbors, and everyone at home. I wonder what they would say if someone asked them permission to burn the American flag? Next, you need a signature from an immigrant. Their brothers and sisters may still languish in their native land, often under tyranny, poverty and misery. Or maybe they died on the way here, never to opinion our shores. Some have seen friends and family get tortured and murdered by their own government for daring to do things we take for granted every day. For those who risked everything simply for the stake to become an American....what kind of feelings do they have for the flag when they Pledge Allegiance the first time? Go to a naturalization ceremony and see for yourself, the divide of pride, the thanks, the love and respect of this nation, as they finally embrace the American flag as their own. Ask one of them if it would be OK to tear up the flag. Last, you should get the signature of a mother.
Writing a Police Report Narrative :: Writing Police Reports
Report composition is a form of makeup that gives it reader information a type of writing that explain what is taking place or what has taking it a recounting of events . Most newspapers use this type of descriptive recreation of events within their say writing they explain the circumstances of case, court proceeding, type of crime that occurred, etc. (Police reports and there pop the question (n.d). Newspaper writer try to explain to the readers what took place and why it is or should be topics of concern police report writing follow the same guidelines. Having the ability to write reports is of extreme importance in police and correctional range daily. Report writing is one of the primary forms of communication within the field of law enforcement agency. Police reports are read by supervisors, police headsprings, fellow officers as well as other criminal justice professionals. Furthermore these schedules are written to display the result of an investigation, crimes scene , incidents, and more so it is imperative that there is no grammar errors or misspellings with in the document. Police report writers paint the picture of the events that took place from the time they were called until, the time of their arrival to a crime scene or incident. Its important that all reports submitted by correctional workers and police officer be well-written with factual information giving step by step details of everything that transpired in chronological order also being very specific about every detail. The reason this is of high important is because this report stinker assist public prosecutor in obtaining a valid conviction of the proper suspect accused (Police reports and there purpose (n.d). Whereas if the police report is poorly written the defense can argue against the finding and may use the discrepancies against the prosecuting state. When poorly written reports are enter into evident for juries to deliberate on it a huge possibility that the report may cause jurors to call into to question whether the officer who wrote it is as careless in other aspects of their police work. as noted by (Police reports and there purpose (n.d). Another issue that will occur if reports are not properly written is miscommunications or misunderstanding. For example a police officer submits a document with only one misspelled words to his police chief, the chief read the report from the officer he put decrease instead of the deceased and cause the chief to send the report the wrong department.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Survey of Public Opinion Regarding Immigrants and Immigration Essay
Survey of Public Opinion Regarding Immigrants and Immigration My perspective on the issue of US immigration is disparate than most Ameri sesss because I came to the United States as an immigrant. Firsthand, I know what its analogous to stand in long lines at the immigration office, hoping to have my number called to blab out with a screening officer. I know how hard it is to survive the jobless 6-month parole period while waiting for an immigration interview. And I know what its like to have my immigration application denied due to technicality. I sympathize with people coming to the US because I know the system is not easy to navigate. For these reasons, I contacted 30 people and asked the following question Should the relatives of immigrants in the USA be allowed to move to this country? I selected a group of 15 men and 15 women from family and friends as I thought this group would be easy to reach and would agree participating in a survey. Age ranged from approximately 24 to 83 and included 10 direct immigrants or children of immigrants from Australia, England, India and Italy. I personally interviewed, telephoned or e-mailed each person the survey question and had a follow up converse asking for reasons supporting their opinion. In an attempt to identify trends, participants were also asked to provide the following demographic information Age Ethnic Group Marital status Sex Education Level Religion Occupation Birthplace Citizenship I anticipated three outcomes from this survey. First, I predicted a majority of respondents would agree that relatives of immigrants should be allowed into the US with the following conditions first, they immigrate legally second, they are sponsore... ...e was that people were curious to discover what the popular opinions were. Immediately after completing the survey, several participants were curious and asked about separate peoples responses. I suspect this is because people need a sense of belonging to a group and like their beliefs to be in line with popular opinion. I believe the results of this survey to be accurate as the survey was conducted in a fair and professional manner. However, I also discovered how easy it can be to manipulate the data and the opinions of participants to favor a single viewpoint. Surveys are an important method of gathering, summarizing and presenting large amounts of data. However, when relying on polls to form opinions or prevail decisions, people should consider the source, look for any conflicts of interest, contemplate other avenues of information and draw their own conclusions.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Article Case Law Search Paper Essay
Obama c are, what is it? Does it mean that people here in the United States will entirely have health care indemnification at one time and in the future? Will the people of the United States be able to kick in this health care insurance? This paper will answer all these questions ab let on Obama care and what the people of the United States can expect and what is coming for 2013. I will tell the interview the nature of this law, why it was created and what the functions of this law are.Obama dispenseObama care is a health care regenerate bill that was signed into law on March 23, 2010. Why was this law created? This law was created to help reform the American health care system, (Obama care facts, 2013). It was also created to help Americans get the health insurance that is needed by expanding Medicaid and Medicare and by offering assistance to those Americans who cannot afford healthcare, (Obama care facts, 2013). The Obama care law was created as a result of the constitution because in the constitution it states that the constitutions commerce clause authorizes Congress to regulate health care, which accounts for 18% of Americas GDP, therefore the law seeks to expand the insurance coverage and lower the cost of care for Americans, (C. H., 2012). An example of this law is this Obama Care will charter all Americans have health insurance through health insurance or assisted programs. The problem with this is that if any American does not have this insurance then people have to pay a tax that is equal to one percent of their income in 2014 and 2.5% in 2016 (Obama care facts, 2013).A lot of Americans do not agree with this logic, and I also do not think that it is fair that people who cannot afford to pay for this insurance pay a penalty. As for this law resolving disputes, keeping the peace, shaping moral standards, or promoting social justice, I do not believe that Obama Care does any of that. Too galore(postnominal) Americans see this law as a problem when it comes to paying for this type of health care insurance. The way the economy is today, a lot of Americans are out of work and on unemployment, so how in the world are the American people supposed to afford this health care insurance or any other health care insurance.Yes, employers are supposed to carry health insurance for their employees but even at that it would still come out of the employees checks and a lot of employees are having a hard time paying their bills and keeping food on the table. Maybe Obama Care will help some of the Americans who are on disability or social security, but for the ones that do not have any income coming in and who are living in shelters, it is the flavor of this student that they will not be able to pay for Obama Care health insurance, so they will pay a penalty. The Obama Care law is knowing to help the American people to obtain better health care or to boost the Medicaid and Medicare programs.The question is, will people that are on Medi caid/Medicare be able to obtain this health insurance at a lower cost or will the people have to pay more? In conclusion of this paper, although Obama Care is a law that is there to help all Americans have the health insurance they need and get better health care, I just do not think that it will go over as good as everyone hopes. The information in this paper has given the audience something to think about when it comes time to pay for the Obama Care health insurance, and if there is impress with this law now, and with the American people, then there is going to be trouble with this law in the future.ReferencesWhat is ObamaCare/What is ObamaCare? (2013). Obama Care Facts Retrieved from http// C. H. (2012, March). Obama care and the Supreme Court A guide to the health care case. The Economist, Retrieved from http//
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Thinking about the issue of penalization gives rise to a number of questions, the most fundamental of which is, why should offenders be punished? And what are the objectives for the punishment. Some of the objectives are deterrence, retribution, restitution, rehabilitation, and the reason for such punishment. Deterrence is most effective at stopping plague that is planned or premeditated. Sometimes the goal is to deter the individual from repeating the appearance other times it is to deter others from engaging in a similar behavior.An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth punishment applied with the belief that offenders should suffer similarly to their victims this is the retribution punishment. Restitution is applied with the belief that offenders should repay their victims loss in property or services. The offenders should pay back to the victim for crimes that he has made to change a someone life. He has to see that he cannot get away with committing crimes. replenishment is u sed more frequently with juveniles it is applied with the hopes of helping the person resolve his disorder or disease that may contribute to crime.The punishment is their so that the person can choose more of a better life in which he decides to live, or he may choose a better path. The conception of punishment has been theorized by moral philosophers, social theorists, and criminologists, When a court imposes a punishment on an offender, it often tries to balance the sorts of reasons for punishment noted earlier, but sometimes certain purposes of punishment dominate other purposes The third perspective on punishment is offered by criminologists and policy makers, who focus on penalties for offenses and policy concerns relevant to the punishment of offenders.There are differences in the defer and federal punishments laws of punishment such as with the federal laws the penalties and range from long or short prison sentences in federal prison to include fines. Federal laws are enfor ced by the United States Government Agencies and also passed by the United States Government Agencies. There are criminal laws involved, usually dealing with crimes against the government and laws that just provide fines. State laws are those that are passed and enforced by the state. They cannot contradict the Federal laws and apply wholly to the specific state.The state enforcement agencies also have a duty to insure that Federal laws are not being broken. Most criminal laws are state created and penalties include fines and short or long prison sentences. Probation is a sentence with certain conditions that must be followed. If any of the conditions, such as no medicine use, are violated, your probation officer will notify the court or prosecutor. The size and cost of Americas prison system has skyrocketed during the last few decades, more often than not as a result of laws and policies that put more offenders behind bars and keep them there longer.Yet recidivism rates remain s tubbornly high, and crime silence is a major everyday concern. State policy makers across the nation are asking whether soaring prison budgets are the best path to public safety. The federal prison population has reached record levels, that a high proportion of prisoners are non-violent drug offenders, and that racial disparities in sentencing and the proportion of lower-level drug offenders are increasing. Sentencing disparities is sentencing offenders in which those committing the same crime receive different sentences.Sentencing disparities are usually based on race, gender, region, or socioeconomic status and there are some debate with this problem that must be solve. Many of the studies concluded that race had a direct effect on the in-out decision (in other words, the decision concerning whether the offender should be punished in a penal institution or out in the community) and that this effect remained even after the inclusion of controls for prior record and crime serious ness.Benefits of sentence-reduction programs, such as good-time laws and early parole release, include promotion of discipline within prisons (because inmates are motivated to engage in good behavior in order to earn or avoid losing good time) and the reduction of prison overcrowding. It is said that most offenders are released from prison before serving their panoptic sentences and that indeterminate sentences produce gross sentencing disparities because they allow judges too much discretion.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Crime and Punishment Dreams
Sometimes a dream is much more than simply a dream. Sigmund Freud explains a dreams possible content is heavily derived from the manifest dream-thoughts. The manifest being what is evident in the dream, and the potential being the underlying meaning of the dream. In Raskolnikovs dream, the manifest is that he is a seven year old boy who is fond of horses. He sees a horse being tortured and beat, bringing amusement to the townspeople, as he walks with his father. As the horse dies, he goes to hug the beast and kisses it.When Raskolnikov awakens, he renounces that accursed dream of his and wonders if he can actually take an axe and split her skull open, referring to the pawnbroker, Alyona Ivanovna. The latent content to Raskolnikovs dream highlights his dual personality. Similar to the instance of the drunken girl, Raskolnikov evinces his emotional and compassionate side by showing his love for horses as he runs to it when it is killed. At the same time, his rational and abstract vie ws are also described as he thinks about committing the crime and believes he has every right to do so.It is not evident who Raskolnikov clearly is in the dream. He is a representation of the horse, the boy himself, or even the gruesome murderer of the horse, Mikolka. He represents the horse because he thinks of himself as a victim in a terrible life, the boy because he can be lovingand have emotions and Mikolka because of his thoughts and plans to kill Alyona. Even though his dream is very blatant in its story, the overall meaning of it signifies something much more than just a flashback.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Commentary on Macbeth soliloquy Essay
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,To the last syllable of recorded timeAnd all our yesterdays have lighted foolsThe way to dusty death. Out, out, shortened candleLifes but a walking shadow a poor player,That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,And then is heard no more it is a taleTold by an idiot, full of sound and fury,Signifying nothing. Soliloquy is a speech made by a character alone on the stage or thinks she/he is alone. Through soliloquy, the au come apartnce gains an honest and direct experience of that characters mind. In this particular soliloquy, Macbeth expresses overwhelming hopelessness. This soliloquy encompasses the entire experience of Macbeths kingship, short to the entire play. Imagery, time, dictions and repetition each have its constituency in shaping this important soliloquy.The passage reveals to the reader the despair and desolation of Macbeth just before the decision making battle with Macduff and Malco lm. Just before the soliloquy, Macbeth has been informed that Lady Macbeth is dead. The sudden departure of Lady Macbeth marks the lost of Macbeths only love and trusty as tumesce as the ties to the world. By now, Macbeth is all alone, as around of the previously mentioned Thanes have taken side with Malcolm. After this soliloquy, Macbeth is informed that the Birnam wood is moving towards Dunsinae. This unexpected action by the English army confirms the witches prophecies and Macbeths fear. Macbeth realizes that perhaps the witches tricked him and reveals his sense of regret as he wishes to undone the world. Nevertheless, at the end of the scene Macbeth chooses to die as a solider.This soliloquy takes a sharp and abrupt change in atmosphere from the falsely over-confidence to despair and futility. In the previous dialogues, Macbeths mocks the incoming siege as a siege to scorn. Lady Macbeths sharp death cry fails even to disturb Macbeth in any way. Macbeths failure to do to Lady Macbeths cry shows to the reader that Macbeths sense and emotion have become numb, as Macbeth says himself he no longer feels the taste of fear. The most probable cause that triggered the sudden outpour of grief and desolation by Macbeth can be attributed to the sudden departure of Lady Macbeth, as Macbeth finds himself all alone in this world.The vocabularies used in this soliloquy express deep depression and desperation creeps, to the last, fools, and dusty death. Words like shadow, no more, nothing conveys the pointless Macbeth feels his calling as a king and perhaps even his entire existence. Much of the dictions used in this soliloquy atomic number 18 extremely depressing. Every single rip is reeked with Macbeths depression as Macbeth said life is but a pointless tale told by an idiot, referring to himself.Imagery is crucial to all Shakespearian plays. This extraction of Macbeth is no exception. Shakespearean imagery mainly uses comparison, which includes metaphor and simil e. The purpose of imagery is to create vivid pictures that deepen the dramatic effects as well as give the audience the pleasure to imagine the particulars of the play. Darkness is an important imagery in Macbeth. As most of the scenes happen at night. But when pickings into account that the murder of Duncan also happens at night, darkness seems to be the archetype of evil. However, in this particular passage, darkness represented by life is but a walking shadow, coupled with brief candle imply the briefness and insignificance of Macbeths life. Macbeth dismisses the light and desires for darkness in out out, brief candle The image of a dead kings dusty body presents the audience a vivid visual of how hopeless and abandoned Macbeth feels. clip is also important to this passage. Time as a whole in the play seems to play against Macbeth and this point is illustrated in this passage as well. In this extract, time and repetition goes hand in hand to create an emotional force to show how time goes against Macbeth. Tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow, followed by day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time.Literarily, these featureless repetitions of time to the audience are boring. To Macbeth, these featureless repetitions are but a mere advance from a moment to another, utterly pointless and even torturous to the audience it shows the extremities of Macbeths despair and desolation. By literal repetition of time, Shakespeare deepens the dramatic effect of the sense of despair and futility. Macbeths thought moves from tomorrow to yesterday to everything he has done is merely egg laying the passage to his dusty death. By the end of this passage, it can be said Macbeth actually welcomes and embraces death in order to liberate himself from this multitude of disastrous feelings.In the previous acts, the reader sees the struggles between Macbeths dark desires and conscience. However, in this extract the reader sees almost a liner development towards despair and futility .A spectacular part of Macbeths tragedy is that Macbeth himself realizes and recognizes the emptiness of his life. In the latter half of the soliloquy, Macbeth juxtaposes his life to a brief candle and a poor actor on stage that frets and struts his brief hours upon the stage until he is heard no more. Clearly, Macbeth bears sardonic remarks about his brief career as the king and power. Macbeths sarcastic remarks go to a point where he loses self-respect and self-identity for a moment when he calls himself an idiot and his life signifying nothing.Many critics, including Mr. Taylor feel that this is the plays most important soliloquy and certainly one of the most famous soliloquy from all Shakespeares plays. Although the purpose of every line in this extract is to create a sense of futility and despair, nevertheless, the extracts strength lies with the successful accomplishment of drawing sympathy from the audience by engaging them in a direct get in touch with Macbeth as he expres ses the futility of human endeavors, thus, making the Shakespearean play, Macbeth a successful tragedy.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Community of Cars
In Community of Cars by Ryan Brown, the author uses sarcasm to Inform us that we ar a lazy, self-destroying community. He relays every negative thing about our environment and health to our Increased dependence on cars. Brown seems to cry out to the world that we need to potpourri our ways before Its too late. He wants people to be more mindful, and to non Just throw out the environment. Brown begins his argument with a promenade down the authors childhood.He refers to the numerous afternoons spent strolling with his grandmother to the local grocery store. Many people disregard refer to this as an emotional appeal. Brown than appeals to our values by saying the friendly conversations we used to keep back when passing an acquaintance while walking possess been replaced with honks of a car horn (Brown 1). He points out that Americans are in a mind state of driving over walking. He also says that if we drove less, our environment, communities, and personal health would all show positive effects. That automobiles are environmentally harmful is unarguable (Brown 1).Brown uses the argument of automobile emissions polluting the air and then resulting in acid rain. He says with the combination of cheap bollix prices and high gas mileage cars, there is no wonder the drivers society has continued to thrive. He points out that just because people drive fuel efficient cars, it does not retrieve there doing anything positive to the community. Because of their fuel efficient vehicles they drive more because its cheaper. Using a fuel-efficient car to drive miles to the superstore instead of walking to the corner store is not helping.Brown points out the ultimately it is our choice whether our communities are great places to raise our children, or if they are just mere pit stops on the highway. He poses that Americans have disregarded the isolating effect of convenience, and thus we are blindly setting ourselves up to destruction. Such is a consequence that many have not plan of, and Brown makes a convincing appeal. New Urbanism and other social reform movements promise to bring back the geezerhood of centralized, walk able communities, Incorporating features such as wide sidewalks and narrow streets (Brown 3).Brown believes that with a better community comes a better strength of life. Brown states that roadways tear up countryside destroy wildlife habitats and routes. Browns Interpretation of the rise In gas prices Is the government telling us to watch our spending. The government has gas prices low enough to keep the consumers happy, but high enough to pay for our environmental struggles. The decline of public health due to lack of exercise Is another argument Brown uses to his advantage.Brown uses an example from Amanda Speak In saying Living In the suburbs Is linked to dating more higher-calorie fast food (Brown 2). Obesity In children has more than doubled In the last three decades. This Is not surprising because 1 of every 3 meals that a child eats is from a fast food restaurant. Brown states that us Americans think Witt our wallets. According to nil, ten only measure Americans take a stand on an issue is if its convenient and affordable. It seems like the cause and effect of everyday life prompted Brown to write this argument. He claims that as our driving rates go up our health goes down.He claims we are lazy and then states almost anything we need on a daily basis we can get through a Drive-Thru window. Now we no longer have to exert ALL the energy it takes to walk across the parking lot and to give away around. You can now do almost every daily chore without leaving the comforts of your front seat. Paul Higgins from University of California believes that walking would no dubiety fix two of Earths biggest problems global warming and obesity. Brown believes that the new tight relationship between a man and his Beauty is a reversible trend.He believes that the return to days gone by is an achievable and desirab le goal. All in all, Brown uses a variety of strategies to argue his thesis that too much reliance on automobiles is costing America its health and heritage. The vast amount of consequences of when we drive instead of when we walk has had far- reaching effects that many people may not have considered. Brown assembles a triple threat by appealing to our logic, emotion and values. To Brown, cars are an incredible thing, but not worth losing the environment, our communities, our personal health, and lives.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Communication Barrier Essay
Introduction Effective converse is an important facet and skills atomic number 18 immanent in all spheres oflife. intercourse is effective when the stimulus as initiated and guessed by the sender, or source, corresponds closely to the stimulus as it is perceived and responded to by the receiver (Tubbs and Moss, 2006), state . In nursing, every day we have to face to face with patient, we communicate with different people and different patients, so we must enterprisingness to give effective communication and also an important to counsel them from the usage of words, speed delivery of words, pitch modulation and body language.Effective communication is an essential component for organisation success, whether it is the interpersonal intra group organisation or external levels. Effective communication leads an increases patients and health outcomes of potentiality (Barlett, Grayson et al. , 1984), Reduces the risk of complaint and litigation of authority (Beckmam, 1994). Communic ation barrier is when person sends and receives messages that are distorted by noise , ccur within context,have some effect,and providesome opportunity for feedback. (Joseph Devito (2009). Communication is a conversional process of sending message.Communication is important in our life,personal relationship and anywhere. Identifying the barrier to communication is the first step to improving effective communication. if it is unable to communicate his deep are certain obstacles, label to use body languages to convey an effective communication. Discuss in the appropriate place. There are many ways to makesure memorable communication. Communication barrier is what makes communication complexs,difficult,frustrated are the barriers we put in the way. When we talk, we tend to erect barriers that hinder our ability to communicate.There are five of these types of barriers to effective communication. Physical barriers are easy to make love doors that are closed, walls that are erected, a nd distance between people all work against the goal of effective communication. Physical communication takes place such as in office, ward, hospital, cafeteria and a public place. Second communication barrier is emotional barrier can be tough to overcome. By believing in yourself and what you have to say, you will be able to communicate clearly without becoming overly involved in your emotions.In the third barriers are cultural, different cultures, whether they be a social culture of a race and religions which can hinder developed communication if different cultures clash. In these are common cases, in work situations, identifying a business and coming up with a highly efficient way to solve it can quickly topple any cultural or institutional barriers. another(prenominal) barriers are Interpersonal barriers, which what ultimately keep us from reaching out to each other, and opening ourselves up, not just to be try ond, but also to hear others, this can be the most difficult area to change.They are unable to form genuine connections with people because they have too many false perceptions block the way. Luckily, the cure for this is more communication. By engaging with others, we learn what our actual strengths and weaknesses are. This allows us to put forth our ideas in a clear, straightforward manner. And the last barriers are grammatical gender have become less of an issue in recent years, but there is still the possibility for a man to misconstrue the words of a woman.Different gender had tended to form thoughts differently and this must be taken into barrier of both genders when communicating. (Christopher Smith II, 2010). Way of Overcoming these barrier When you send a messages,you intend to communicate meaning,but the message itself doesnt contain meaning. The meaning exists in your mind and in the mind of your receiver. To understand one another,you and your receiver must share same meanings for words,gestures, tone of voice and other symbols.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Globalization in Canada
Globalization in Canada Canada is considered to be one of the biggest countries worldwide, yet as far as it gets from other countries, globalization seems to bring forth a self-colored impact on the people regardless of what it offers from products and/or services from abroad, it may seem to have interpreted some of Canada away to the rest of the world too.Globalization is affecting most of the aspects that control life in Canada, from genial aspects, to economical aspects, also r severallying to as far as to political aspects, and that may have pushed us ten steps ahead, yet it has blinded us through a few. This has resulted in separating people from all(prenominal) other, where as the immigration of people to Canada is immediately separating the people of Canada from each other (Gerges, 2006), for example, poor immigrants live in poor communities while other Canadians with more resources (money, land, investments tc. ) ar moving to better and newer suburbs by themselves. (Ge rges, 2006) One other issue adding to the peoples fears is that they are afraid that foreigners are going to take credit for what Canadians did, just like what happened with black lovage Graham Bell, where he conducted most of research and work on the telephone in Canada, and now the fall in States of America is taking credit that the telephone has been made there. Gerges, 2006) As David Kilgour, (2000), says in his website that globalization aims for a borderless world, this has genuinely resulted in providing ease in laws affecting foreign imports and international trade, which in return provided more plectrum for Canadians as consumers, leading to higher satisfaction. (Daniels, 1996) it has led to forming a world government to normalize the existing interaction among countries, (EconomyWatch), strengthening the rights of countries in addition to the bonds between each.According to a discussion paper by Ronald Daniels, (1996), investors are now free from abiding by Canadian l aws regarding manufacturing, and certain issues, and are now free to move their factories and/or companies to other locations, which negatively affects Canadian exports and international sales. Globalization, however, has decreased unemployment in Canada since most foreign companies open aloof of? ces and showrooms in Canada, resulting in employment of the people, eventually helping the economical aspects of the people, and ? nally the country itself.To some people, globalization seems to have a tightening effect on the people of Canada (Gerges, 2006), tho in my point of view, I swear that due to globalization, all the countries, including Canada, are now in rapport with each other, in addition to telephone circuit being connected and intertwined, Canada is now dependent on other countries, likewise all the countries on each other and Canada, yet it has helped in making Canada more independent, and it has strengthened relations between people, where Canada and its people are kno wn for their hospitality, and their welcoming to different cultures, different people, and different mentalities from all over the world. This has resulted in strengthening the ethical motive of people, and the principle of equity in between people. Globalization has not only helped in doing all this, but it made Canada what is it now a place for and with everything, and everyone.REFERENCES Gerges, Andrew. (2006) Effects of Globalization on Canada. Docstoc. phratry 18, 2011, from http//www. docstoc. com/docs/21489192/Effects-of-Globalization-on-Canada Daniels, Ronald. (1996) Canadian somatic Governance Policy Options. Industry Canada. September 18, 2011, from http//www. ic. gc. ca/eic/site/eas-aes. nsf/eng/ra01011. html Kilgour, David. (2000) Canada and Globalization. David Kilgour. September 18, 2011, from http//www. david-kilgour. com/secstate/globali3. htm Stanley St. Labs. Effects of Globalization. EconomyWatch. September 18, 2011, from http// www. economywatch. com/economics- theory/globalization/effects. html
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Outline the concepts of just war and pacifism Essay
Outline the key concepts of on the nose fight and Pacifism. A01 21 The Just fight theory maintains that state of strugglefare may be confirm if fought moreover in certain circum locations, and only if certain restrictions argon applied to the way in which war is fought. The theory that was world-class propounded by St Augustine of Hippo and St Ambrose of Milan ( 4th and 5th centuries AD) attempts to clarify two fundamental questions when is it right to fight? and How should war be fought?.Whereas Pacifists be bulk mainly Christians who reject the put on of fierceness and the deliberate killing of civilians only when claims that peace is intrinsic eithery intelligent and ought to be upheld either as a debt instrument and that war gouge never be justifiable. nevertheless, Realists agree that, cod to the nature of humans, jam is a necessary action to be used to maintain a just and ordered society.Therefore, since the Second serviceman War, slew piss move their at tention to Just War again establishing rules that rout out allot as guidelines to a just war- the Hague and geneva conventions. Mevery Christians had taken the view that war may be justifiable on a lower floor certain circumstances, and only if fought observing certain rules of conduct. Wars against the Muslim control of Jerusalem in the 11th-13th centuries were sometimes seen as holy wars which were popularly regarded as Crusades. Some philosophers based their justifications on the stories in the Bible.For example, St Paul in Romans 134 wrote that rulers are servants of God for he is the minister of God, a r change surfaceger to execute wrath upon him that doeth condemnable. In the 13th century, doubting Thomas Aquinas gave an outline (the first ternion criteria of a just war) on the Justification of war and the kinds of acts that are allowed in a war in Summa Theologica. His ideas became the model of later scholars such(prenominal) as Franciso Suarez and Francisco de Vitoria. The first three conditions necessary for a just war were listed by Aquinas which included right allowance, just realise and just intention.These and the three additional conditions that were later included, were referred to as Jus ad Bellum-rules about when it is right and just to go to war. Aquinas asserted that just delegacy meant that war could only be started by legitimate authority the authority of the sovereign by whose command the war is to be waged. He wrote that sovereign authority which has been elect legitimately has the sole authority to declare war.This meant that, thither suffer be no private armies of individuals who can start a war and, equally, an incompetent government or sovereign does non have the authorityto initiate war. Just cause, is considered to be one of the most important conditions of jus ad bellum. Aquinas once state that, those who are attacked, should be attacked because they deserve it on account of some fault. It was considered that self def ence against corporal aggression was the only sufficient reason for just cause.Finally, Aquinas wrote that the war fought with just intention, was to be for the betterment of good, or the avoidance of evil. Kant once said that sovereigns could not fight wars for immoral intentions only for good motives. During a state of conflict, right intention should mean for peace and reconciliation. Therefore, soldiers cannot use or encourage a hatred of a minority in war.Their intentions must always be virtuous. In the 16th and seventeenth century, Suarez and de Vitoria added three additional conditions proportionality in the conduct of war, only entering war as a last resort, and only fighting when at that place is a reasonable chance of success. Hence when dealing with proportionality, a state should never wage war that causes relatively more suffering and terminal than the actual defective done by the enemy.Therefore, in any case, excessive violence, death and disability should be avo ided. For example, it was not proportionable for the atomic bombings of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan that were conducted by the United States during the final stages of World War II in 1945. Additionally, all undisturbed attempts at resolution must have been exhausted before violence is used. War cannot be chosen as a first response but as the last resort.Also, there should a reasonable chance of success during a war. Its immoral to enter into a dim war, thus magnifying the suffering and loss for no constructive reason. There have always been rules of conduct in war, although such rules have often been ignored. In Christian tradition, there are conditions of conduct that limit the point in time of destruction and who may or should not be killed. These conditions were referred to as Jus in Bello- rules governing how war should be fought.The principles include only legitimate targets should be attacked, proportionality and that, agents of war should be responsible for their actions. An act of war aimed indiscriminately using chemical/biological weapons at the entire cities or of extensive areas along with their populations, is not only a crime against God but one against humanity and should be condemned.Also, it is unfair and below the belt of attack non-combatants (civilians, or innocents) because it is against their rightand therefore they cannot be justly attacked. However, the Just war theory comes under criticism from those who advocate pacifism. They maintain that war is always injure. Pacifism is described to be the opposition of all forms of violence as a means of settling disputes, either between individuals or between countries.The Christian argument for pacifism is based on Jesus teaching in the Sermon on the tantalize where he rejected the option to use physical force even in defence of himself against dirty aggressors. An example includes the misfortune at Gethsemane where Jesus ordered Peter to drop his sword and not to s tretch out the authorities (Matthew 2652).Mennonites and Quakers are two groups that emphasise pacifism. Members of this group conscientiously object to violence and have been often persecuted as a result. They believe that Just war theory ignores the essential pacifist stance taken by Jesus. An absolute pacifist claims that it is never right to take part in war, even in self-defence.They believe that peace is intrinsically good and should be upheld whether as a duty or on that it is better for humans to live at peace than war. They think that the lever of human aliveness is so high that nothing can justify killing a person deliberately. These pacifists claim that they would choose to die rather than raise their fists to protect themselves. This is because killing in self-defence is an evil that makes the moral value of the victims life less important than our own.They rely on the fact that there can be no justification for killing which stems from the scriptures of the bible thou shalt not kill (Exodus 2013). Absolute pacifists usually hold this view as a basic moral or spectral principle, without regard to the results of war or violence, however they could logically advocate that violence always leads to worse results than non-violence in other words, there can never be any good that comes out of war or violence.On the other hand, conditional Pacifists offer a more flexible approach which allows the use of violence under certain circumstances. Pacifism is a word defined by Martin Caedel to describe those who prefer peaceful conditions to war but accept that some wars may be necessary if they advance the cause of peace.Conditional pacifists usually base their moral code on Utilitarian principles its the bad consequences that make it wrong to resort to war or violence. These pacifists accept that sometimes our duties to uphold peace and non-violence may conflict with the duty to save or defend lives against aggression.Utilitarian pacifists claim that wars generally do not produce favorable results but in certain circumstances, they can be acceptable.Such examples may include wars to protect people from genocide. To conclude, the Just war theory accepts that human nature is evil and most often use force to maintain a just and ordered society. Therefore, past philosophers and the present generation have offered moral guidelines that serve as justifications for the act of war. Whereas, pacifism which firstly originated from Christians believe that war and the act of violence is intrinsically evil and that peace should be the resolution of all conflicts in the society.Comment on the views that a pacifist can never accept the principles of Just war A02 9 Pacifism can never accept the principles of Just war due to their firm belief that, all violence or force should be forbidden. Additionally, some pacifists would surround that the advantages of the just war theory does outweigh the disadvantages simply on the ground that there is no f aith towards violence and that there is no place for ethics in war.Firstly, the criteria for a just war is considered to be unrealistic and pointless because, once the combatants have gone into battle the results of the war are unpredictable and such soldiers are unpotential to adhere to any conditions of a just war making the moral guidelines irrelevant. Pacifists argue that the results of war will always be bad since there can never be any positive outcome in war because it leaves more damage on peoples lives.For example, the holocaust that occurred during the Second World War left more harm on the victims rather than the justice the so-called Nazis were supposed to achieve. A pacifist would argue that it will be inhumane to the point of cruelty to suggest such an incident like the Holocaust was just to serve for the greater good. Therefore a pacifist would argue that war is a waste of resources given by God, a cause of immense suffering, including suffering of innocent people and they believe that war encourages greed, hatred and prejudice. Secondly, Pacifists believe that life has an absolute value.They argue that the indiscriminate mass destruction brought about by the use of nuclear and biological weapons violates the sacredness of human life. It is though that the social and moral damage caused by war is too great, and that it should be abandoned. They maintain that non-violence and non-resistance will change the minds of, or disarm those who use violence.Hence, Pacifists encourage non-violenceresistance will goes against the principles of a just war. However, the deontological objection to a just war is favoured by absolute pacifists. Similar to Reihnold Neibuhrs (1932) claim it is inevitable that humans are prone to violence or the act of violence simply because , human nature is evil(imperfect). This means that most Pacifists are most likely to have a consequential approach towards the matter.Jeff McMahan once pointed out that Pacifism is difficult t o maintain as it places extraordinary limitations on individual rights and self-defence which, in an era of weapons of mass destruction and the practice of genocide, may ultimately appear unacceptable. For this reason, Pacifists may claim that wars generally do not produce more booming results, in specific examples. They can be acceptable. Additionally, most Pacifists accept that if someone is threatened by a dangerous person then the use of violence can be permitted since it would be considered to be self-defence.Therefore, due to the inconsistencies evident in Pacifism, most Christians still accept that the use of violence can be justified in the society. To conclude, Pacifists do believe that the weaknesses of a just war theory does outweighs its strengths simply because, it lacks purpose and morality. However , others do have different views which means that they actually accept the principles of the just war theory.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Family Traditions Essay
How does The Keeping Quilt swear out you understand traditions and what they mean to families? The Keeping Quilt by Patricia Polacco shows how immigrants came to a new-fashioned country and passed d profess traditions to their family overtime. It similarly shows how traditions are integrated with other cultures to create a new culture. The Keeping Quilt demonstrates how historical and cultural traditions, teaching children social themes through children literature in the schoolroom can effectively increase cultural set in childrens social skills in reality.In schooling the news report The Keeping Quilt the motive Patricia Polacco reflects on when her great gran Anna came to America from Russia were grandma came to with only her old dress a babushka and old surface. Grandma later decides to use the old coat and pieces of other family members clothing to make a comfort. We will make a quilt to help us ceaselessly remember home Annas mother said. It will be like having the family in stand home Russia dance around us at night. (4).Here, the quilt was a significant symbol to the family to always remember their native land. It was used for the birth of family members to the family and used as huppa in weddings. Later the quilt was dismantle used as a tablecloth and covering for caskets at funerals. The quilt became a symbol of the love and family values. The story The Keeping Quilt demonstrates to readers how some traditions and customs from our ancestors are embedded within individuals. These traditions help shape and warp our ideas values and beliefs.However in reading the story The Keeping Quilt it emphasizes some characterics of the historical values in the black African American cultures as to the movie or novel Roots by Alex Haley whereas the family kept their traditional heritage alive with jumping the broom as a typic due north in marriage during their struggles through slavery. Another example is Escaping slavery Sweet Clara and the freedo m quilt by Sue Ann Miller, were a slave girl, Clara goes on her journey to freedom using the quilt as her symbolic inspiration from slavery.These stories and The Keeping Quilt shows readers how tradition customs individuals inherit from their ancestors used to remind them of their heritage such(prenominal) as the quilt was significant because it served as a piece of history passed down through propagation to generation. Although Grandma Anna migrated from Russia she did not abandon her homeland once arriving in America, instead she tried to capture the memories by creating a quilt from different family members clothing each scrap of a family member clothing told a story.In creating the quilt grandma Anna kept her family history alive because it represented every significant result in the familys life. The Keeping Quilt also shows how cultures when migrating to a new country bring their own traditions and values. Carle was given a gift funds, flower, flavor, and bread to welcome her into the world each having a symbolic meaning. Whereas the gold represented she will never know poverty, a flower so she would always know love, salt so life would give her flavor, and bread so that she would never know hunger.However the story also shows how cultures bring their own traditions from their homeland they also create new traditions. Patricia Polacco stated at my wedding men and women danced together, whereas in the pass they were not allowed to dance together (10). Although some traditions had changed in The Keeping Quilt overtime, the quilt remained an classical tool used to connect the families one-time(prenominal) to the present. It also served as something used to preserve traditions the author Patricia Polacco states I too will be a grandmother, and tell the story of The Keeping Quilt to my grandbabies. 32)In addition, The Keeping Quilt is great example to express it is important to pass the torch of family traditions, this imparts a sentiency of continui ty, bonding and more importantly love. It is incumbent on each generation of parents to keep the family tradition up and running. Family traditions are valuable instruments for child rearing because they install social values and contribute to creating close family ties.Whereas calibre family time can help to build and maintain strong family ties sharing is the key ingredient for creating note moments. On the other hand traditions make sharing easy for offering a common farming of knowledge and experiences. Teaching the new generation to honor the old family traditions through the years can help preserve encouraged interaction through shared activities. Many of most meaningful traditional activities roll out around food, with families gatherings eat and celebrate different events or holidays.In telling her story Patricia Polacco says that she come from past of storytellers, quoting My fondest memories are sitting around a stove or open fire, eating apples and popping corn, objet dart listening to the old ones tell glorious stories about their homeland and past. In celebrating, traditions are highly important to welfare of many diverse families were Jews celebrate Passover and Hanukah, African Americans enjoy Kwanzaa, christens honor the birth of Jesus christ at Christmas, but all giving thanks on Thanksgivings and etc.Traditions help people flavour a sense of identity and belonging from a generational perspective, family traditions are practices or belief, they also pave the way for the good times and good memories. They create a connectedness with the past and hope for the future. This intelligence is well integrated into History and Social Studies the study of families ethic religious, occupational and so forth. In reading this book illustration The Keeping Quilt emphasizes the family value and encourages children that valuable tools of family traditions ensure them with warmth and closeness family handcuffs now.
Barbie Doll:Represent What A perfect American Woman Is
Jennifer Perez ENC 1102 Research Paper Marge Piercy ever herd this name before? come up if you view, did you know she was the founder of Leap track Press? Marge Piercy is actually well known as an American poet, novelist and social activist. Many of he founded break away has been graded as outdo-selling. Piercy has a goal to have her feminist voice be herd by society. She shares her opinions threw the characters she makes in her writing and poetry. Piercy wrote the numbers Barbie Doll, and in this poem she states woman do not need to fit into societys point of view of what a woman should look and act like.Piercy has a fascinating history and high valued a state of wards, but what was Piercys message to her audience when Barbie Doll was published in 1973. Piercy was born on March 31, 1936 in Detroit, wampum into a family that was greatly affected by the great depression. As a child Piercy lived in a segregated neighborhood. Piercy has a half-brother from her mothers side who is fourteen years older than her. She was raised(a) in the Jewish religion by her grandmother and her mother. Till this day Piercy still remains a Jew.Piercy opthalmiciseed a public enlighten in Detroit and half way through grade school she became sick with the German measles and rheumatic fever. When she got ill Piercy was disabled from doing what on the whole of the other kids were doing as a result she built an unconditional love towards the world of literature. Piercy attended the University of Michigan and was the first-year in her family to attend college. At seventeen, Piercy won a Hopwood award for poetry and fiction. The scholarship money that she had won because of the award enabled her to application college.She enjoyed the college style of life but found it very difficult to find her comfort zone because of all of the political decisions government had made for woman. Her schooling finished with an M. A from Northwestern University. After her first nuptials Piercy l ived in Chicago. She proceeded in writing and tried her best to develop poetry and fiction she was not notwithstanding able to produce. As a woman society had a horrible out-look on her. Piercy was a twenty three divorce woman living pay check to pay check on aggregate part judgment of conviction jobs. She became and activist for the civil rights movement. She wanted woman to be valued not minimized.Piercys early work was omitted because of her feminist viewpoints. In 1982 Piercy married Ira Wood. As soon as her pairing was finalized the couple moved to Cape Cod. Wood and Piercy are both a part of the same work field. Wood is an author, teacher, a former publisher, and the host of a weekly radio talk show called The Lowdown. The overdue wrote a play titled The Last White Class and a novel called Storm Tide. In 1997 they founded a small literary publishing company called Leapfrog Press. Piercy and Wood have a very intimate and loving relationship, till this day the couple is still living in Cape Cod.Piercy never considered herself to fit into the image of what a woman was supposed to be like in the 1950s. Piercy published her first novel called Going Down Fast in 1969. It was very difficult for Piercy to publish her first guard because many did not agree with her feminist viewpoints. Piercy is the author of seventeen novels including four of New York Times best sellers and eighteen volumes of poetry. Piercy has played major roles in progressive political battles of our time. She was in activist in the anti-Vietnam war and the womans movement, and most recently an active participant in the resistance to the War in Iraq.Her novels Woman on the Edge of Time and He, She and It have great political commitment and imaginative power. With the foul up Boom era in play woman were becoming wives and mothers rapidly. During the Mid fiftys pace 35 part of all woman were working and a quarter of them married. Piercy was divorced, unsuccessful, and had multiple p art time jobs at a early age. She worked as a secretary, a switchboard operator, a clerk in a department store, an artist model, and a faculty instructor.Consequently society looked down upon her and fell into the 35 percent of working woman. Piercys poem Barbie Doll go forths in her collection, To Be of Us, published in 1973. Piercy fundamentally states how manhood classifies woman for their stereotypical demeanor. Piercy uses a Barbie Doll to represent what a perfect American woman should appear as. The Poem begins with a normal young girlchild who plays with dolls, miniature kitchen items and pretend make-up. The poem takes an unsuspicious turn when the young girl was criticized by an outsider.He or she claimed she had to exercise, diet, smile and wheedle (page 647 line 14). The poem continues and there is a visual moment of her lying in a casket without her honker and legs So she cut off her nose and her legs and offered them up(page 647 line 17-18). Piercy uses the young chi lds image as a representation of a Barbie Doll. The young child shows description that challenges were being faced by women of all ages who do not purport as if they do not fit society standards of being a woman. Despite of how sorrowful she entangle the truth is she was healthy, happy, intelligent, and beautiful.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Adaptation Mcdonalds
McDonalds Going Inter matter International Marketing Mag. K. Roth group 2 Florian Antos Vladimir Slon Christoph Gluszko 1 Christian Schromm ALL YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT McDonalds 2 History McDonalds mass is the worlds largest chain of fastfood eating places, primarily copeing hamburgers, chicken, French fries, milkshakes and soft drinks. More recently, it also offers salads, fruit and carrot sticks. The line began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by Dick and Mac McDonald in San Bernardino, California.Their introduction of the Speedee supporter System in 1948 established the principles of the modern fast-food restaurant. The present corporation dates its founding to the opening of a franchised restaurant by Ray Kroc, in Illinois on April 15, 1955, the ninth McDonalds restaurant overall. Kroc later purchased the McDonald brothers equity in the companion and led its worldwide expansion. 3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of accommodation strategy used by McDonald s? 4 1.Advantages and Disadvantages of adaptation strategy Advantages Diffe carry cultures consider different consumer needs and tastes Political and legal environment of the internationalist foodstuff that they plan to enter Differences among nations in terms of cultures, religious believes, political and legal systems, customer set and lifestyles, and stages of economic and market development Differences in the advancement of technology Competition plays a major use of goods and improvements in determining if a company will adopt a product adaptation turning away 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of adaptation strategy Disadvantages The costs associated with adaptation can also play a major government agency in determining whether or not a firm chooses to standardize their product 6 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of adaptation strategy Cross any boarder and you will find multiple variations from price to product, starting with the presentation. Misconception that M cDonalds is the kindred everywhere.Country teams have considerable autonomy to develop and market new product lines. Menu differences Netherlands and Austria Beer Germany Chinese workweek Canada Mc Pizza India Goat and lamb burgers half of menu vegetarian Japan ingredients such as pilfer and Teriyaki USA Barbecue bacon Burgers, sausage breakfast burritos 7 Are there examples of truly global notes that never customized? 8 Are there examples of truly global brands that never customized?Truly global Brands In habitual we can say that straight extension (=standardization) has been implemented and already been successful with cameras, consumer electronics, and many machine tools. Stihl ( machinery and chainsaw producer) Nikon Olympus, Canon ( camera producers) Kitchen Aid (consumer electronics ) Caterpillar (trucks, bulldozers) 9 What have been the key factors that have led to McDonalds global success? 10 2. What have been the key factors that have led McDonalds to globa l success? firm service enabled by a limited menu, focus on cleanliness, family friendly facilities, good value for property Emergence of cash-rich, time-poor lifestyle Societal acceptance of a to a greater extent casual approach to eating on the run underscored the emergence of McDonalds Innovations in food preparation technology and service language providing a fast- service format that customers appreciate as well as a cost base that competitors found effortful to match Waiter labor cost savings passed on directly to the consumers by lower prices McDonalds was the leader to introduce franchising in the global marketplace, augmenting the organic restaurant growth by harnessing the management, cultural and entrepreneurial capabilities and expectant of local anaesthetic businesspeople around the world.Expanding across the globe Increasing restaurant penetration in already existing markets 11 2. What have been the key factors that have led McDonalds to global success? K ey Faktors Economies of collection plate in production and distribution Power and scope Brand image was country suited capability to leverage ideas quickly and efficiently Uniformity of marketing practices Pervasiveness of McDonalds brand 12 2. What have been the key factors that have led McDonalds to global success? McDonalds is seen as the number one representative of the all American lifestyle, which at the time when the expansion began was very popular. In some countries it is still a status symbol to go and have a meal at McDonalds.Generally the cooperation is at pains to offer a selection of regulate core products ( Big Mac, Soft drinks, French Fries) in addition to locally accepted alternatives. Giving the multinational cooperation a local Face (thinking of Salzburgs restaurant) In order to use synergies on the one hand and hack national competences on the other a supranational administrative department had been set up in Europe. McDonalds. has always been su pported by US foreign policy Sources http//de. wikipedia. org/wiki/McDonalds Kotler/Keller Marketing focus 13 What are the risks and benefits of choosing the franchising system for franchisor? 14 3. Risks and Benefits of franchise system Benefits for franchisor The franchisor profits from the strongly motivated franchisee as a self-dependent entrepreneur The franchising as a way to overcome the resource scarcity through the direct market access The ability to overcome the high costs of arranging the new distribution network through using the well tailored network of franchisor Low capital givements for the product placement and region marketing through the franchisee The benefits from using a recognized brand name and trade marks through the story of the franchisor Extended expansion possibility through franchising 15 3. Risks and Benefits of franchise system Risks for franchisor The existence of multiple, geographically scatter owner-managers makes the control difficult Possible high costs of training development, promotional and support activities of franchisee Service delivery may be inconsistent because of geographically dispersed franchisees 16 What are the key issues by oscilloscope up a McDonalds Franchisee? 17 4. Risks and Benefits of franchise system Benefits for the franchisee Your business is based on a proven idea.You can check how successful other franchises are before committing yourself. You can use a recognized brand name and trade marks. You benefit from any advertising or promotion by the owner of the franchise the franchisor. The franchisor gives you support usually including training, help setting up the business, a manual heavy you how to run the business and ongoing advice. finance the business may be easier. Banks are sometimes more likely to lend money to buy a franchise with a good reputation. Risk is lessen and is shared by the franchisor. If you have an existing customer base you will not have to invest time looking to set one up. Relationships with suppliers have already been established. The ability to overcome the resource constrains. 18 4. Risks and Benefits of franchise system Risks for franchisee Costs may be higher than you expect. As well as the initial costs of buying the franchise, you pay continuing royalties and you may have to agree to buy products from the franchisor. The franchise cartel usually includes restrictions on how you run the business. You might not be able to make changes to suit your local market. The franchisor might go out of business, or change the way they do things. Other franchisees could give the brand a bad reputation. You may find it difficult to sell your franchise you can only sell it to someone approved by the franchisor. 19 4. Costs and Restrictions Costs Financial Requirements/Down Payment sign down payment for opening (40% of the total cost) or an existing restaurant (25% of the total cost) about 200. 000 $ nonborrowed resources Financi ng McDonalds does not offer financing McDonalds Owner/Operators enjoy the benefits of our established relationships with many national lending institutions 20 4. Costs and Restrictions Restrictions During the term of the franchise, you pay McDonalds the following stipends Service fee a monthly fee based upon the restaurants sales performance (currently a service fee of 4. 0% of monthly sales). Rent a monthly based rent or percentage rent that is a percentage of monthly sales. Application Personal, non-borrowed resources to be invested in a McDonalds restaurant business. Business get down in the market where they are seeking a franchise 21 What strategy would you adopt to batten down a great exposure for McDonalds to a growing trend towards healthier eating? 22 5. Healthier eating at McDonalds Currently Low fat products in UK outlet Canadian light choices of Menu with a Soya bean McVeggie Burger, salads with a fat free dressing and a granola topped fruit yoghurt On packaging calorie and fat content information for the primary time as it tries to counter the obesity lobby 23 5.Healthier eating at McDonalds upcoming perspectives Using biologically grown resources Fat reduced meals Healthier ways of processing the food (eg. entert fry chips but bake them, less white bread burgers, regular vegetarian dishes,) Healthy, freshly squeezed Mc Shakes etc. Healthier Drinks not only Sodas To ensure high-quality, fresh ingredients, farms are set up in order to supply restaurants 24 Sources www. McDonalds. com www. freeforessays. com/show_essay/55461. html D. Jobber Principles and Practice of Marketing Sources http//de. wikipedia. org/wiki/McDonalds Kotler/Keller Marketing Management 25 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION 26
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Job Sharing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
melody sacramental manduction - Essay ExampleIn this cutthroat competition, job sharing is playing an important role in almost all sorts of businesses. In job sharing, each partner receives the full duration benefits. In contrary, in that respect ar people who say that job sharing reduces the efficiency of the company as well of its employees. In this paper, we will examine why job sharing is dear and what type of benefits the employees can get from itJob sharing permits business to recruit skilled, experienced workers who may non be available for or impetuous to do full-time work. Job sharing is a good field for both males and females but to a greater extent precisely for women having kids. They can work as well as verbal expression for their family.Job sharing tolerates iodine position to be filled by two people different but harmonizing knowledge. With bulge out the knowledge it is not possible to go further with the work. There should be the knowledge of related work an d the companys objectives.Where job sharers dumbfound administrative responsibilities staff may find it demanding or confusing to work for two people. There is a problem that the manager can experience is that there are two people to look for. In addition, some job sharers may feel that they are attaining proportional more than a full-time employee and that they are being insufficiently paid.TheDefinitionDeal in which the responsibilities and hours of one job position are accepted out by two people.The deal contains the agreement about working with the other employee and sharing the benefits and pays. The company essential organize workshops in order to provide total knowledge about the job for both the sharers and must(prenominal) provide the total tools required to cover the job. If one of employee wants to leave the job the company must look for another(prenominal) person to follow the job with the one who is working. The work should be done on time with effectiveness and eff iciency by both the workers and must take companys objectives as their own.The women can get more benefits in job sharing and can get the required benefits. Even males can get good results with job sharing they can work at two places at a time for let out allowance. There must be better allowance for the workers and they should be given more benefits like revel facilities, hospital facilities etc. Chapter No. 2 - Literature Review IntroductionJob Sharing is an adaptable work arrangement in which two employees share the responsibility and benefits of one permanent position with another employee. Some employees work few hours in
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Social and Ethical Dimensions of Information and communication Research Paper
Social and Ethical Dimensions of Information and communication Technology - inquiry Paper ExampleThis in turn has lead to job displacements in huge numbers. The use of data communication technology requires less deployment of man power which in turn has forced some companies to narrow their workforce, while others giving their employees more roles than required with fewer benefits which lead to increase work pressure.In a business environment, security is a serious provide of consideration as a result of increased cases of theft and related vices. In effort to curbing the challenge of insecurity, surveillance cameras developed with proper databases are installed to monitor and survey the environment and activities through this technology. In some nations, Closed Camera boob tubes are unremarkably used in crimes department to deal with crime cases. Besides having high security benefits, introduction of CCTV has nonetheless resulted to infringement of privacy and freedoms of v arious individuals within the area under surveillance. This is because privacy is an important aspect and a fundamental human right. The dilemma in this case here is that, the introduction of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) has enhanced security and the expense of individuals freedom and privacy. Consequently, the installation of CCTV in public places has deteriorated human privacy and freedom.Reviewing J.S. mill arounds perspective of utilitarianism, the importance of the introduction and use of CCTV is judged by its effects2. The numerous positive consequences that have manage along with the introduction of CCTV in the society, it is well seen that CCTV has highly assisted in curbing crimes hence many private companies view the use of CCTV surveillance as a good idea judged by the position of its practical benefits. As a result, it is arguable that CCTV is helping should remain in place for its benefits. Secondly, comparing the issue of high security to deteriorated privacy, C CTVs advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The challenge is whether CCTV should remain in position
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The effects of the titanic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The effects of the titanic - Essay ExampleThe titanic had enough lifeboats for first and second degree passengers, but not for steerage. So the poor passengers almost all drowned, while the rich passengers mostly survived.Titanic carried 20 lifeboats, enough for 1178 people. The existing Board of Trade required a passenger ship to appropriate lifeboat capacity for 1060 people. Titanics lifeboats were situated on the top deck. The boat was designed to carry 32 lifeboats but this get along was reduced to 20 because it was felt that the deck would be too cluttered and thus pose an rile to the first class passengers whom enjoyed strolling the deck.On a luxury ship, lifeboats for everyone would mean less room for games and sports on the swiftness decks. Passengers would have had to give up play areas for lifeboats (Lord, Lives On 85). duster Star line tragically sacrificed sentry duty for luxury. The question remains whether or not first and second class passengers received prefere nce on the lifeboats. The White Star line claims there was no distinction between the three classes of passengers, however, only 25 percent of third class passengers were saved compared to 53 percent of first and second class passengers. The White Star line explained that third class passengers were more reluctant to leave the ship and they did not lack to part from their belongings.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Forecasting Crude Oil (Spot Price) Volatility Dissertation
Forecasting Crude Oil (Spot Price) Volatility - Dissertation ExampleDaily prices for sodding(a) crude colours argon effective in volatility forecasting. 17 It was also imperative to use the two cluster epitome in the paper. 17 In the case of GARCH to obtain the unknowns the formula was applied where the initial value Xk was interpreted to be 25.56 where a= 0.001 (fixed) 17 b= 0.00 18 c= 0.00 18 In using the akin formula the values for a, b and c were P-GARCH established to be 18 a= 0.001(fixed) 18 b= 0.394 18 c= 0.050 18 Xk= 25.56 18 For GARCH GJR, the values were found to be 18 a=0.001 (fixed) 18 b= 0.488 18 c= 0.110 18 Xk= 25.56 18 for E GARCH a=0.001 (fixed) 18 b= 0.488 18 c= 0.11 18 From the findings captured in the spread sheet, we can derive various important circumstanceors about the GARCH family models and settle important questions arising from the same. These are 19 The data should be within range in order to own rid of outlier values.The data is reliable since the p rojection/ forecasted values are within limit. There are no outlier values as a result of projection. 19 The null hypothesis Garch models predict uniformly 19 Alternative hypothesis- GARCH models predictions differ. Based on the results, it is clear that there exists variations among the four models. Thus it is rational to conclude that the pick hypothesis holds. 19 The best model should be as closer to the baseline as possible. GARCH is a replica of the baseline and and so cannot be taken to be the best.Of the four GJR GARCH varies the least from the baseline hence is the best. 19 EGARCH has the largest variation from the baseline hence is the worst. 19 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY 20 APPENDICES.20 METHODOLOGY AND DATA knowledgeableness Volatility is a concept that refers to the spread of all possible outcomes within an uncertain variable. Finance rail has various uncertain variables such as prices of products, returns on assets, and share prices amongst others (Olowe, 2010). Modeling and forecasting of volatility bring in been attributed to increasing uncertainty in financial aspects and components (Day & Lewis, 1993). Oil price fluctuations in the global arena finger significant uncertainties thereby invoking interests amongst financial and market participants (Kang, Kang, & Yoon, 2009). The main reasons explaining such significant interest include the fact that oil price fluctuations affect decision making process for both producers and consumers in addition to investors decisions. Whereas oil price fluctuations affect strategic planning and appraisal of projects for producers and consumers, investors continue to face challenges in investment, allocation of portfolios, and worry of risks decisions (Campbell, Lo, & MacKinlay, 1997). Policy and decision making within the oil markets require accurate forecasting of the crude oil prices (Olowe, 2010). Attaining accurate and adequate forecasting require adequate and accurate data. In most cases, daily prices of cru de oil are used to predict or forecast volatility (uncertainty) for purposes of developing effective policies and decision making processes (Campbell, Lo, & MacKinlay, 1997). Forecasting volatility of crude oil prices have been done for a
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Industrial Structure of Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Industrial Structure of Banking - Essay ExampleFourth, the relationships in the midst of the banks and the financial markets have also be important determinants of the financial stability of the prudence. Financial markets refer to the entity where stocks and former(a) securities argon traded(Anon., 2010). Banks are custodians of the investors funds. The financial markets come prices whenever securities are bought and/or sold. When these banks want to make loans to the investors, they value these financial assets whereby the valuation and pricing of these financial assets are the main determinants of the financial stability of the economy. When prices are high, the banks are willing to lend more in the economy and this leads to the financial crisis in the economy since there is more money chasing few assets in the economy. On the other hand, when the prices are determined to be low in the financial markets, there will be a little amount borrowed hence high financial stability in the economy. Therefore, this links the relationship between the banks and the behavior of securities in the financial markets and how the relationship affects the financial stability. The other market structure is a cross-border listing, which refers to the swear out where banks stocks are listed in the securities market of other countries where it was not incorporated. These banks which are listed in other countries enhance the dandy inflow to the economy. Too much inflow of these funds into the economy can lead to financial unbalance if not well monitored.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
How does modaifnil work in the brain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
How does modaifnil work in the brain - Essay ExampleSide make that argon common in CNS stimulants but are not observed in Modafinil users let in arterial hypertension and tachycardia. The absence of these moments has been widely attributed to the drugs implement of action, though the ingest principles of this yet to be established. The paper result focus on the positive effects of the drug and its pharmacokinetics on neural activity. There have been several theories formulated on the mechanism of neurostimuation by Modafinil. Among these include the histamine effect and the increment of the neurotransmitter dopamine by inhibiting its uptake therefore leaving sufficient amounts for transmission of neurosynaptic impulses. However, theories have suggested that the appointment of dopamine in this action is minimal hence the different side effects (Saletu &Saletu-Zyhlarz, 2013, 231). The drug is too assumed to increase the availability of other neurotransmitters such as norepinephr ine. These mechanisms will be explained in enlarge in the following section. Among the numerous theories that have been formulated, one that is most indicative from the authors query findings is the theory suggesting interaction and activity of Reticular Activating System neurons in the rhombencephalon with Modanifil (Rasetti et al., 2010, 2101-2109). These neurons have been put up to be responsible for sustaining arousal take aims in humans. The drug has a different impact on the reticular activating system than other neurostimulators such as amphetamine and methylphenitade. Researchers have stated that effects of this drug on the in a higher place mentioned structures involve glutamate, hypocretin, ?-aminobutyric acid, norepinephrine, epinephrine, histamine and dopamine (Rasetti et al., 2010, 2101-2109). Modafinil has been prepare to increase the synthesis and release of norepinephrin by altering activity in the locus coeruleus to low tonic and high phasic (Volkow et al., 20 09, 1148-1154). The drug possesses an agonistic effect on alpha 1 adrenergic receptors hence it has a direct stimulatory effect resolvinging in the inhibition of norepinephrine uptake (Saletu &Saletu-Zyhlarz, 2013, 231). Therefore, this neurotransmitter is change magnitude and has positive impacts on several centers of the brain promoting wakefulness. Some of the effects that occur as a result of increased norepinephrine include increased memory, cerebral plasticity and learning and attention. It also stimulates the Autonomic neuronic system, particularly the sympathetic, and increases heart rate and blood pressure leading to enhanced levels of energy (Saletu &Saletu-Zyhlarz, 2013, 231). Another mechanism that has been suggested involves the elevation in histamine levels. This is due to the effect of Modafinil on receptors of neurons containing peptides which are known as orexins. Specifically these receptors are known as orexin 1 and 2 (Rasetti et al., 2010, 2101-2109). These ne urons radiate to different parts of the cerebral cortex, and have been found to also influence centers of involved in sustaining arousal levels and wakefulness. These neurons have also been found to increase the level of neurotransmitters such as noradrenalin and dopamine in the above mentioned areas (Volkow et al., 2009, 1148-1154). The involvement of dopamine in the effects of Modafinil will be explained further in the paper. The above mentioned orexin neurons activated by Modafinil also affect and
Friday, May 10, 2019
Crowdscourcing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Crowdscourcing - Term Paper Example like a shot done crowd sourcing, the company can use a huge number of less proficient people to carry out complex and highly ingenious tasks at very low cost. As a result, the basic idea behind crowdsourcing is to increase productivity while at the same epoch trim involved costs in the production process (Mau, 2004). This involves the use of internet where the company solicits feedback from a community of many active and passionate people, which will help the company in significantly reducing the time that it would take to collect selective information about the same information in the field through a research or other formal focus groups. Therefore, by having customers involved in the branding activities, marketing and the product design and development processes, the organization can greatly save on the staffing costs required and cater for the numerous risks and uncertainties in the market place (Mau, 2004). History The process of requiring customers to have an excitant in developing products is not new. However, open-source packet has changed the approach by making it viable for many people to be involved in such a process. In todays technology, it is possible to have numerous people undertake tasks that would seem too complex for their level of technical knowledge, generally driven by factors such as the development of blogs social networks such as Facebook, twitter, MySpace and YouTube. This has made the handed-down differences producers and consumers to vanish and leave a thin line that be arranges hard to isolate, leading to a market that has a collective intelligence (Brabham, 2008). In other words, in the market today, it is possible to access peoples passion, knowledge, their creative ideas and insightful thinking. This translates to improved production and increased innovations numerous minds are brought together in an economic system driven by intellectuals. Open source code, the invention of Stallman an MIT graduate that dates back to 1983 has made crowdsourcing in the IT a great success and has helped companies to reap big from crowdsourcing. This led to development of Unix operate system by 1991 where the developer Linus Torvalds, a computer scientists based in Finland requested ideas from people on how to develop a free operating system, which led to the current Linus operating system, which is the globally largest and world most successful open code software today (Howe, 2008). In interface design, users create socially adaptable interfaces that address interface complexity where users come up with customizations linked to specific tasks, which are then made available to an online community through an online repository. formerly the users have created a collection of test sets, the users then customize the interfaces created with a keyword search in determination and installing specific task sets, resulting to a situation where users can issue direct commands to the inter face. Therefore, crowdsourcing has its origin from pedantic researchers who designed digital resources that supported research and data interpretation methods, which involved visualization of data, computational analysis, data mining and simulations (Oomen & Aroyio, 2011). Consequently, in interface design, the result was that users were henceforth able to automate difficult tasks to compute,
Thursday, May 9, 2019
The Shakespearean Theatre Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Shakespearean Theatre - Term melodic theme ExampleThese theatre companies had their own permanent cast of actors. These actors apply to perform different plays on in a weekly cycle. Those theatrical companies were dependent on their audiences to gather funds for the continued existence of the theatres and plays. Shakespeare associated himself with the citys close known theatrical company known as The Lord Chamberlains part in London. He remained associated with the place from 1594 till rest of his life. By 1594, the theater had played six of the most famous plays by him. He was an official playwright and an actor for the theatre.During Shakespeares cartridge clip, there were two monarchs who command over the land of England King Henry (VIII) and Queen Elizabeth (I). Both of the monarchs keenly appreciated the plays produced by Shakespeare. Their personal affiliation with Shakespeare helped him gain new heights of popularity among the masses. During mid-sixteenth century, E nglish theater was faced by grave situation. Those theatres were just organized and contributed very little towards the professional growth of an artist. It is unfair to recognize those theaters as artistic institutions. Usually, the artists used to perform in groups anywhere sometimes in courtyards or sometimes in the grand halls of solemn houses. The plays they performed merely had any theme. They were either bawdy interludes, unsophisticated tragedies or sometimes lacked the refined humor (Janette Dillon). However, time changed by the beginning of seventeenth century when theater became the life of London city. Lord Chamberlains work force was one the most reputable commercial theatrical company which boasted the career of William Shakespeare not only as an actor but also as a prominent playwright and a shareholder.Shakespeare earned a huge name from the platform of The Chamberlains manpower which was later changed as the Kings Men in 1603 during the rule of James I. The actors including Shakespeare used to present most of their
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Comparison of Scripting Languages Research Paper
Comparison of Scripting Languages - inquiry Paper ExampleThey are categorized into scientific concerned and general purpose scripting languages. Examples of scientific establish one are Matlab and Octave while those of general purpose are python and Perl. However, we are going to equal and contrast Matlab, Python, and Octave scripting languages by analyzing. According to Chapman, Matlab is a computer course enhanced to perform scientific and engineering calculations (2008). It started as a program to calculate matrix mathematics but with time, it improved to a malleable calculating program capable of resolvingbasically any technical difficult. Python is a dynamically, securely, and powerfully typed language. Python offers the clean and tripping word pasture of the prevalent scientific calculating purlieus, grounded on your preferredhigh-performance FORTRAN, C, and C++ codes (Langtangen, 2008). While Octave is software, same(p) as Matlab that has a well-matched scripting interfa ce. However, Octave image processing purposes are not as broad as those provided by Matlab. Python, Matlab, and Octave scripting languages have many things in common. They have no affirmation of variables, and simple and competent word order that make them easy to use ad to learn. In addition, they easily go together with GUIs, simulation, and visualization. However, Matlab and Octave are more independent languages, while Python requires coupling with several other packages in order to make an environment of reasonable functionality. Federico argues that, dynamic typing is easily found in scripting languages much(prenominal) as Python, while in Matlab and Octave both dynamic and static typing is found (2010). In addition, Python is some(prenominal) stronger programming language compared to Matlab and Octave making it the most convenient to use in computing scientific calculations. However, this python feature makes it to be preferred to by scientists fucking perform weighty ope rations compared to Matlab and Octave. The time requisite to load and change input files folder of the Matlab, Octave, and Python differ considerably. Python is the fastest followed by Matlab and Octave respectively. These show that Python shag load fastest compared to the other two, however, it is the best in loading. In terms of the power structure examination, Python has the best performance compared to Matlab and Octave. This makes it efficient in the calculation and extremely fast compared to Matlab, though, Octave is the slowest of all. These clearly exposit that Python programming language is stronger compared to Matlab and Octave. The Python, Matlab, and Octave environments differ considerably. The Python environment is incredibly open and is made in such a way that external tool quite a little be integrated with it. For example, calling a program like FORTRAN from the Python is extremely easier, and the Python borders can take benefit of object- concerned scheme and ea sy gluing to GUIs, and visualization. However, calculating with FORTRAN from these boarders can be done in either short scripts or interacting full over a Python shell. Therefore, Python interfaces can be used to existing libraries like a way of making your own custom-made environment for resolving predicaments. Conversely, Matlab and Octave environments are not open, therefore, they cannot be easily be integrated with external tools. The typical of the toolbox of the Python, Matlab, and Octave also differ according to how can be contained. In Matlab and Octave, the toolbox is for the most part characterized by a
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Human Resource Managment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Human imaginativeness Managment - Term Paper ExampleA distinctive capability that creates high up value and differentiates an system from its argument is a core competency. Human imagination Management policies help to define the approaches that are adopted in the organization both in developing employment practices and in implementing them and constitute specific guidelines for managers, facilitating empowerment, devolution and foreign mission (Armstrong, 2006, p.147). Human resource or employment policies help to establish somatic values, shape corporate cultivation and provide frameworks to promote consistent and equitable decisions on the management of employees. To increase an organizations private-enterprise(a) advantage, one of the important goals of human resource management in an organization is to promote employees motivation towards achieving increase productivity. Similarly, changing the organizations culture to one that is more empowering for employees, helps to attain organizational objectives. Thesis instruction The purpose of this paper is to investigate the importance of Human Resource Management in helping an organization to achieve agonistic advantage. HRM Strategies for Achieving Organizational Competitive Advantage Human Resource Management strategies are approaches that are adopted in the organization for both developing and implementing employment practices they are based on policies or specific guidelines for managers facilitating empowerment, devolution and delegation (Armstrong 2006, p.147). Human resource strategies aim to establish corporate values, shape corporate culture and provide frameworks to promote consistent and equitable decisions on the management of employees. According to Burke and barrel ratr (2005), traditional views on competitive advantage focused on barriers to entry as economies of scale, patent protection, feeler to capital, and regulated competition (p.3). More recent perspectives have emphasized a d ifferent source of competitive advantage, a companys human resources and human capital. Organizations are confronted with new demands arising from increased competition, globalization, and technological advances. These phenomena make creativity, innovation, speed and flexibility vital for organizational efficiency. These assets are abstract, do not appear on a balance sheet, but exist in people and management systems. The role of human resource dodging to optimize organizational performance is being reconsidered. Rather than seeing the HR function as a cost, it should instead be seen as an investment, a strategic lever for the organization in creating value (Burke & Cooper, 2005, p.3). Thus, on that point is an increasing trend for human resources to be considered as the main differentiating factors contributing to a companys competitive advantage. This underscores the belief that the knowledge and skills of employees is much more difficult to imitate, as compared to other resourc es. Thus, Human Resource Management believes employees to be valued assets, with the potential to ensure competitive advantage based on their commitment, adaptability and high quality skills. A study
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