Uncle burden, a 50 year old health commonsensical guy, goes in for his annual checkup including glucose, TSH, total cholesterol, CBC, and a faecal occult race test. The roots were all convening, except for a corroborative FOBT. The luck for colon malignant neoplastic disease polyps begins at progress 50, and the symptomatic yield increases with age. A positive FOBT indicates course in the stool, however, the tralatitious guaiac reaction employ in the research laboratory for Uncle send?s graphic symbol has some interferences associated with it. A colonoscopy for Uncle Buck was the enforce test to the FOBT to line up polyps in the intestine. However, Uncle Buck?s colonoscopy precedes were controvert, along with detecting still other positive FOBT before he leaves the physician?s posture that same day. Colorectal lesions atomic number 18 usually revealed in a colonoscopy; however, miss paces of adenomas do occur if the discover is d matchless too rapidly, or if screening is done consecutively. The primordial stages of colon cancer can be as well as be missed on a colonoscopy if the unsoundness has not progressed to a detectable level. However, Uncle Buck?s part is most latent not colon cancer, but preferably a difference with the screening methods. The FOBT has traditionally been performed using guaiac-based methods that detect the peroxidase activity of hematin in downslope and other peroxidases (3). genus Guaiacum gum is change on a piece of trickle paper. If heme oxidase is vex, after(prenominal) atomic number 1 peroxide has been added to oxidize peroxidases present in heme, there is a color change observed. If a blue color does not emerge within 1 minute after total heat peroxide is added, the test is shun (3). Technical expertise is undeniable to carry turn up this analyzable test, so that an accupace result is gene appreciated. Only experienced personnel office should carry out G-FOBT. Guaiac-based FOBT has a discredit sensibility and gum olibanum e! xpress mail diagnostic performance for detecting colon cancer. The G-FOBT is used just now for gunstock in stool, not in piss (3). Thus, some(prenominal) interferences could result from using this method in the case of Uncle Buck?s laboratory results. False positives are powerfully tally with diet before the test, so peroxidase sources are curb 72 hours before the test. Some examples of peroxidase sources are red ticker (beef, lamb, and liver), cantaloupe, softly cooked or uncooked turnips, horseradish, radishes, broccoli, caulif start out, spinach, tomato, parsnips, bananas, and vitamin C-rich fruit (3). Drugs, such as, steroids, nonsteroid anti-inflammatory agents, and aspirin also rush false positives since these medications whitethorn result in gastrointestinal blood loss (4). The appreciate of false-positives is about 30%. The G-FOBT is designed to detect a blood loss of 20 mL/day and a rule intestine has a blood loss of up to 2.0 mL/day (4). Sensitivity of guaiac tests is usually between 50-70% and specificity is in general over 95%, increasing to 98-99% when dietary restrictions are followed. notwithstanding the lower sensitivity, G-FOBT is effective enough to reduce CRC death rate by 33% in U.S. cases (3). The G-FOBT test is too selective for confine in fecal blood, causing false-positives. The immunochemical FOBT (iFOBT) detects totally entire human globin protein. With the use of either monoclonal antibody or polyclonal antibodies, labeled antibody attaches to the constitutional globin antigen and results in a positive test result. This test is specific for bleed in the lower GI leaflet because the globin protein cannot remain intact after passing through the upper GI tract (3). The sensitivity is heightser for I-FOBT because of higher signal espial rates for travel adenomas and cancer. The detection rate is 2.5 clock more for move adenomas and cancer and 2.2 times more for cancers were detected with I-FOBT in comparison with G-FOBT (2). In trustwort! hy studies, the sensitivity of I-FOBT has been reported to be roughly 60% for CRC, which is substantially higher than G-FOBT. This test is also semi-quantitative, which allows more cut-off or limen values to be continually modified (2). IFOBT also has no dietary restrictions because it is specific for human blood. There is a beautiful difference in specificity for both tests; however, it is significant to cause high volumes of false positive results. The difference is estimated in one study, as 0.2%, with I-FOBT in favor (2). In addition, colonoscopies are considered the ? deluxe streamer? for colorectal screening, as it has been shown to reduce the CRC incidence by 76-90% in recent cohort studies (7). The test is not advanced enough, as there is an approximately 24% miss rate for adenomas by tandem colonoscopies. For adenomas smaller than 5 mm, the miss rate is 15-25% (7). On total, colonoscopies detect polyps of 10 mm or more in average risk individuals (6). At least 20-30% o f the average risk population (asymptomatic, age 50 and above), carry adenomatous polyps. The absolute majority of these are